Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun issued a mobilization order, asking the blue camp to mobilize all forces to support the deletion of Q’s recall case, emphasizing that this is a choice between right and wrong, not an ideological showdown.

source: China Jingwei.com

Chen Baiwei Picture source Taiwan media

[China Jingwei.com comprehensive report] The vote on the recall of Chen Baiwei, the "legislator" of Taiwan's Foundation Progressive Party, opened on the 23rd, and Taiwan's blue and green parties entered the final moment of mobilization. Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the Taiwan authorities who is also the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, once again supported Chen Baiwei and called on "not to let serious people alone"; the chairman of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun issued a mobilization order, asking the blue camp to mobilize all forces to support the deletion of the Q recall case, emphasizing that This is a choice between right and wrong, not a duel between ideology and . Why did the removal of a "legislator" from a small party start a battle between blue and green? Why did the DPP devote all its efforts to support Chen Baiwei?

Taichung mayoral election frontline battle

"For the mayor's round, let's first look at the results of Chen Baiwei's recall." Taiwan's "China Times" analyzed that the Taichung City 2nd District Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party "legislator" Chen Baiwei's recall case was blue. The two green parties mobilized to fight, and even Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen offered support. Tsai Chi-chang's rescue of Chen Baiwei was also seen as a frontline battle for next year's Taichung mayoral election.

Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Tsai Ing-wen pointed out at the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China yesterday that many comrades came to Taichung to cheer for Chen Baiwei of the friendly party. We also ask everyone to face it with a more mature attitude and make choices calmly. (Taiwan's "China Times" file photo)

The Democratic Progressive Party authorities have caused public dissatisfaction over issues such as vaccines and "Lai pig" imports, and the recall results are even regarded as an indicator of public opinion against the blue and green parties. Moreover, Taichung is known as a "swing state". In the past four years, the blue and green sectors have moved rapidly. The voting trends of the out-migration population and the median voter have become the key votes.

Politicians took the opportunity to gain popularity by being exposed.

Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation Chairman You Yinglong pointed out in the live broadcast of "House God" Zhu Xueheng that he personally believes that there are many factors. First of all, it has something to do with the epidemic, because the epidemic has restricted the politics of Taiwanese people. Economic and social activities, especially when the local epidemic broke out in May, were severely restricted until the epidemic slowed down after September. During this period, there was almost no political activity in Taiwan. Therefore, Chen Baiwei's recall case provided a stage for everyone to Seeing everyone from Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen to local councilors rushing to express their opinions shows that everyone has been bored for a long time and took this opportunity to express their opinions. Nowadays, especially politicians, they need exposure.

You Yinglong analyzed that the recall may seem deserted, but in fact it is an undercurrent. If the DPP politicians on the stage do not take the opportunity to express their stance, there will actually be consequences. He explained that the Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party to which Chen Baiwei belongs is a political party that is more Democratic Progressive Party (more "Taiwan independent") than the Democratic Progressive Party. This represents the "most independent" political force in the pan-green system. Although it is small, it has great influence on The whole pan-green color still has a bit of influence.

The political recoil of the success or failure of the recall cannot be underestimated

"Everyone cannot underestimate this recall case. The impact is far-reaching." You Yinglong said that at present, the result will not be too different, but it is not as deserted as it seems on the surface. It will change in the next few days.

Taiwan's Foundation Progressive Party "legislator" Chen Baiwei's recall will be voted on on the 23rd. Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said on the 20th that the recall was initiated by locals in Taichung, and that right and wrong should not be turned into a duel between ideology and political parties. Image source: Taiwan's "China Times"

Regarding Chen Baiwei's removal, You Yinglong believes that Chairman Tsai Ing-wen has not been actively involved in the removal case and has only verbally expressed support. In fact, it will not hurt her much, and there is a buffer zone. , for the Democratic Progressive Party, this "legislator" seat is actually just returned to the Kuomintang. For the Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party, it is also profitable to a certain extent, because there will be sympathy votes in 2022. If Chen Baiwei is lucky enough to fly at low altitude and his recall fails, the overall political recoil cannot be underestimated, because the first person to bear the brunt will be the new KMT leader Zhu Lilun, followed by local elections. [Source: China Jingwei Network]