There has never been a shortage of double-faced people in the history of Taiwan. These people have always tried their best to cover up their double-dealing methods, lest the paint they created by themselves be exposed. However, Chen Baiwei, the public opinion representative withi

There has never been a shortage of double-faced people in the history of Taiwan. These people have always tried their best to cover up their double-dealing methods, lest the picture they created by themselves be exposed. However, Chen Baiwei, the public opinion representative within Taiwan's legislative body, is an exception. After making money from the mainland film and television industry, he returned to Taiwan to work on Taiwan independence. He not only joined the "ultra-independence" Foundation Progressive Party, but also often attacked cross-strait policies. He made no secret of his experience working in mainland China, and repeatedly proposed numerous ridiculous proposals to gain attention, earning him the nickname "Idiot Legislator." On the island of Taiwan, he has become a flag and fighter among the green camp independence forces, fighting for Tsai Ing-wen and other Taiwan independence elements. The specific situation will be discussed later.

Chen Baiwei

Chen Baiwei made a lot of money from the mainland

Chen Baiwei was born in Kaohsiung City in 1985, and completed all his education in the Kaohsiung area. He studied at Kaohsiung Guanghua Middle School, Fucheng High School and later entered the Information Management Department of Kaohsiung University. In Taiwan's political arena, this educational resume is not considered pretty, but Chen Baiwei joined a film and television company after graduating from Kaohsiung University. His main responsibility was production and operations. At that time, it was the peak period of cross-strait film and television cooperation, so many Taiwanese companies were very welcomed by the mainland, and Taiwanese artists and production staff were also treated as guests. Starting from " My Fair Princess ", co-starring mainland actors and Taiwanese actors has been a very successful film and television business development model. Because the development of in Taiwan started earlier, it is technically more experienced than the mainland. Therefore, during the period of cross-strait friendship, many production units in Taiwan also entered the mainland for work and development. Chen Baiwei also went to the mainland to make money as a manager of his film company and made a lot of money.

He made money from the mainland and returned to Taiwan to pursue Taiwan independence.

Chen Baiwei was mainly responsible for the later production and creation, and he participated in the completion of many works. According to Taiwanese records and Chen Baiwei's own statement, films including "Cold War II", " Monster Hunt ", "Happy Road" and other films were once Chen Baiwei's proud works. After being screened in the three places across the Taiwan Strait, these films received very good box office and response . Chen Baiwei's status in the film and television industry also began to rise. He went from an ordinary producer to a production director, and later became the vice president of operations of his company. It can be said that he is very proud of himself. And why he returned to Taiwan from the mainland around 2016 and immediately entered the political arena, there is still no relatively reasonable explanation. Some people think that Chen Baiwei cannot survive in mainland China, but his company is still running well. I think it should be due to Chen Baiwei's personal factors, or that his purpose of making money in the mainland in the first place was to earn funds for his "Taiwan independence" concept.

Chen Baiwei made money from the mainland film and television industry

After Chen Baiwei returned to Taiwan, he quickly joined the Foundation Progressive Party. This is a Taiwan independence party that belongs to the same green camp as the Democratic Progressive Party, and its ideas are even more intense than those of the Democratic Progressive Party. The Christian Progressive Party was formally established in 2012, and its name at the time was the "Flanker of the Christian Progress." It was renamed the Christian Progressive Party in 2016, advocating "extreme independence" and "quick independence." The party was not large in scale when it was first established, but because of its "extremely independent" stance, it was very popular among the independent leaders in the Democratic Progressive Party. Therefore, many political anecdotes are related to the Christian Progressive Party. Wu Yinning, the former general manager of Taipei Agricultural Company, who was once ridiculed as "the most expensive intern in history", was completely unfamiliar with personal business during his tenure, and his behavior was absurd and rigid. But because her parents are both influential figures in the Democratic Progressive Party, and she personally has a relationship with Tsai Ing-wen, politicians from all parties are tolerant of her. It's a pity that Wu Yinning really failed to live up to his expectations. He couldn't even understand financial statements even after taking office for a long time. He was fired in November 2018 after one year and five months in office. Afterwards, Wu Yinning joined the Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party and served as a "recommender" in the 2020 general election.This shows that there is an inextricable relationship between the Basic Progressive Party and the Democratic Progressive Party, which is also very clear in Chen Baiwei.

Tsai Ing-wen and Wu Yinning

Chen Baiwei soon joined the Foundation Progressive Party and devoted himself to politics after returning to Taiwan. He first wanted to run for Kaohsiung City Council in 2017. However, in the area where he is located, the energy distribution of blue and green is evenly matched, and there is no figure like Chen Baiwei in the eyes of both sides, so it is difficult for him to make a difference under the pressure of blue and green. However, his final number of votes was only more than 1,200 votes away from winning the election. This made Chen Baiwei see that he did have political potential, so he did not withdraw from politics. Chen Baiwei’s election strategy at that time was to use the Internet, film and television resources that he was good at to canvass votes for himself through videos. He later focused more on this aspect and gradually built himself into an "Internet celebrity". And Tsai Ing-wen has vigorously cultivated and developed Taiwan's political "Internet celebrities" after 2018, so Chen Baiwei also received the attention of Green Camp. His political philosophy highly coincides with the views of the top leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party, so he has become a training target of the Democratic Progressive Party. During the 2020 "legislator" election for Taiwan's legislative body, Chen Baiwei transferred his household registration to the Taichung area and received strong support from the Democratic Progressive Party. The DPP deliberately did not field DPP candidates in Chen Baiwei's constituency, so that all voters would support Chen Baiwei to face KMT general Yan Kuanheng .

Yan Kuanheng

The Yan family is one of the most powerful families in Taichung. Politically, it is a local powerful faction within the Kuomintang. Ideologically, it also owns the most famous Mazu temple in Taiwan - Dajia Zhenlan Palace . Yan Kuanheng's father Yan Qingbiao has been the chairman of Dajia Zhenlan Palace for decades and has many followers. Moreover, since Yan Qingbiao joined the political arena, the father-son inheritance has never suffered a defeat in the decades. It can be said that the Yan family has deep roots. Yan Kuanheng himself also has rich academic experience. He has a master's degree from the United States. He has been a public opinion representative in Taiwan's legislative body since 2013 and has a very solid support force. Even in 2016, when the Kuomintang was completely defeated, Yan Kuanheng narrowly won with a very low number of votes and was successfully re-elected. This also made the Kuomintang believe that the Yan family's position in the Taichung area could not be shaken. Yan Kuanheng himself did not face up to Chen Baiwei, a political novice who became a monk from the beginning. Underestimating the enemy was the most critical reason why Yan Kuanheng was unexpectedly eliminated in the 2020 legislative body public opinion representative election.

Dajia Zhenlan Palace

After Chen Baiwei received the courtesy of the DPP, he actively traveled at the local grassroots level. He used the Internet to carry out all-round propaganda and exaggeration, and also absorbed all the supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party for his own use. In the Taichung area, the DPP has deep grassroots support. In the constituencies where Yan Kuanheng and Chen Baiwei are located, the struggle between the blue and green forces has been very stalemate. In 2013, Yan Kuanheng competed with Chen Shikai of the Democratic Progressive Party. Yan Kuanheng only defeated his opponent by more than 1,000 votes. In 2016, Chen Shikai received 87,596 votes and Yan Kuanheng received 93,495 votes. Although Yan Kuanheng's advantage has expanded, he only defeated his opponent by more than 5,000 votes. Unlike the election of city councilors, such a record can only be regarded as a small victory in the election of public opinion representatives in Taiwan's legislative body. The crisis has actually been planted around the Yan family for a long time, but they did not realize it. Chen Baiwei finally received 112,839 votes in 2020, while Yan Kuanheng only received 107,766 votes. Chen Baiwei's victory was largely due to the courtesy of the DPP. On the other hand, it was also because of Chen Baiwei's "political amateur" background, which confused many people who were not familiar with him, especially young people who had an innate affinity for Chen Baiwei. good impression. However, Chen Baiwei’s words and deeds after being elected can really be said to be shocking and ridiculous to the extreme.

Chen Baiwei won

"Idiot legislator" lowered the collective IQ of Taiwan's legislative body

After Chen Baiwei entered the legislative body, perhaps to show his loyalty to the Democratic Progressive Party's Taiwan independence forces, he has become almost crazy on the road to Taiwan independence. And what he presented was a ridiculous performance that had lost its rationality and was completely for the sake of "Taiwan independence and anti-China". For example, Chen Baiwei once said: " The health insurance fees paid by Taiwanese cannot be used by 1.4 billion people.". He even suggested that Hong Kong's delinquent youths be allowed to serve as soldiers in Taiwan, and he could even give them legitimate rights of residence. This has triggered unanimous ridicule in Taiwan. On the one hand, these ridiculous remarks are because he has no professional knowledge, and on the other hand, they are just to sensationalize and gain traffic. Chen Baiwei's main political opinion is to target the mainland, which has had an extremely bad impact on relations across the Taiwan Strait. On the island of Taiwan, he constantly exaggerates the mainland's so-called "hostility" towards Taiwan, including issues such as personal information security and the entry of cultural products into Taiwan, which can be blamed on the mainland.

Chen Baiwei in the Taiwan Legislative Body

Regarding the Kuomintang, Chen Baiwei, who is a flanker of the Green Camp, is naturally unwilling to lag behind others, and has repeatedly acted as a thug and vanguard of the Democratic Progressive Party. In November 2020, because the DPP wanted to forcibly import pork containing ractopamine from the United States, the Kuomintang, in order to express its solemn protest, resolutely occupied the podium of the legislative body and attacked the DPP's public opinion representatives with pig viscera. Chen Baiwei issued a message beforehand asking "1 to 35". The implication was that he wanted to beat up the 35 public opinion representatives of the Kuomintang alone. But as soon as there was physical contact, Chen Baiwei was subdued by Lin Weizhou, the public opinion representative of the Kuomintang legislative body. Chen Baiwei's face was red. Being subdued directly made him feel embarrassed, and it also caused heated discussions on the Internet. It is precisely because of all kinds of bad words and deeds that Taichung area established a civil society group specifically to remove Chen Baiwei, vowing to remove the "bastard legislator" Chen Baiwei. Now the recall case has successfully passed the first and second stages, and it is decided to officially start voting in late October this year. The powerful Yan family in Taichung has also confirmed that it will participate in the recall case. With the strong help of the Yan family, the recall case is likely to pass smoothly. And this public opinion representative in the legislative body who has an empty stomach and is full of "anti-China" in his mind will lose everything as soon as November if all goes well, and his political career will most likely come to an end as a result.

Chen Baiwei spoke nonsense but was knocked down

Chen Baiwei is a typical two-faced character who made money from the mainland and returned to Taiwan to pursue Taiwan independence. He is also the most rampant young politician who has committed the most crimes. Most of these people consider their own interests and go to the mainland to make money when they see it is profitable. Seeing that the Taiwanese independence forces were raging on the island, they returned to Taiwan and actively attached themselves to it. This is not only the product of decades of "Taiwan independence education" in Taiwan, but also the cause of Taiwan's extremely self-interested mentality that only looks at interests but not morality. It's hard for us to judge how many people like there are in Taiwan. But like Chen Baiwei, those who are willing to destroy their basic intelligence and conscience for the benefit of "Taiwan independence" will inevitably pay the price for their words and deeds in the future. Let us wait and see how the situation in the Taiwan Strait develops in the future.