It is pointed out that the Taiwan Foundation can now be said to have heavily mobilized in Taichung. In addition to Chen Baiwei's brother and mother who moved to Taichung a few months ago to handle local affairs and provide voter services for him, including the chairman of the Kao

According to Taiwanese media reports, as the dark-green "legislator" Chen Baiwei of the Taiwan Foundation will face the recall case, important cadres from various places in the Taiwan Foundation have recently gathered in Taichung to launch the "Remain Operation" to prevent the successful recall. To retain the only "legislator" seat in the party, relevant situation assessment and discussions are in full swing. In addition to the Taiwan Foundation's all-party rally, the three young generation congressmen from the north and the south will also shoot advertisements in the near future to support Chen Baiwei and want to keep him in the "legislative body."

It is pointed out that Taiwan’s foundation can now be said to have heavily mobilized in Taichung. In addition to Chen Baiwei’s brother and mother who moved to Taichung a few months ago, they are fully engaged in handling local affairs and providing voter services for him, including the head of the Kaohsiung City Party Headquarters. More than ten important party officials, including Li Xinhan, Tainan City Party Committee Chairman Li Zonglin, and Finance Chief Zhang Tingting, have all arrived in Taichung to provide assistance in issue development, constituency management, etc., and use all the party's efforts to make the local people "positive" Chen Baiwei's "feeling" allowed him to survive the recall case and continue to serve voters.

As for the content of the video that will be released soon, it is expected that Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Jie was splashed with water in uniform, Social Democratic Party Taipei City Councilor Miao Boya was beaten, and Taipei City Councilor "Guaji" Qiu Weijie was bullied online. and other content, and will also add the subtitle "Do you really want to allow this kind of bullying to continue?" It is reported that the main content is that Chen Baiwei serves voters seriously, but he has been bullied by the recall group's ruthless, false words and propaganda. He hopes that the people can make the right choice.

Taiwan's Ji Jin Cadre revealed that since Chen Baiwei was engaged in film-related industries in the past, when he made a request, directors and film crews who had won important awards were there to assist.