In response to this, former Kuomintang "legislator" Sun Daqian posted a criticism on Facebook on the 27th. He only uses this kind of idiotic rhetoric. Does the Foundation Really look down on the IQ of the Taiwanese people so much?

The first stage of the petition to recall "Taiwan Foundation Legislator" Chen Baiwei has met the standard, and 29,000 signatures need to be collected in the second stage. The party has begun to take countermeasures against the recall, and has also shouted the slogan "Save Chen Baiwei" Just to defend Taiwan." In response to this, former Kuomintang "legislator" Sun Daqian posted a criticism on Facebook on the 27th. He only uses this kind of idiotic rhetoric. Does the Foundation for Progress really look down on the IQ of the Taiwanese people so much?

Chen Yiqi, chairman of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party", said on the 26th that if the KMT's involvement in the "referendum case" at the end of August and the political crisis caused by Chen Baiwei's recall case are ignored, Taiwan will lead to the "trilogy of destroying Taiwan" and declared that "Taiwan Foundation "Progress" will establish a "Q Taiwan Protection Group".

Sun Daqian said on Facebook today that the members of the environmental group who launched the "Referendum on Protecting Algae Reefs" have long been adhering to anti-nuclear opinions. The "Force of the Times", People's Party, and "independence" groups that support the "referendum signature" are probably also firmly anti-nuclear to the end. The "Fundamental Progressive Party" insists on linking "defending algae reefs" and "restarting core 4 ". Is it out of mind? Or is your heart darkened?

Sun Daqian pointed out that Taiwan did not import pigs in the past, but it still created impressive economic results. Taiwanese businessmen span the world, and they are the pride of the Taiwanese people. Why do Taiwanese people "block Taiwan's international presence and alienate Taiwan's allies" if they don't eat Laizhu? Do the public officials of the "Basic Progressive Party" dare to live broadcast eating half a catty of pigs every day for the next year? If the "French Progressive Party" doesn't dare to eat pigs, why should Taiwanese eat pigs?

Sun Daqian mentioned that when the "Foundation Progressive Party" dismissed Han Guoyu , it shouted that the "right to recall" was the supreme power of citizens. Now when it faces the removal of its own "legislator", it actually still They have the nerve to say that this is "destroying democracy with democracy."

Sun Daqian emphasized that the reason why Chen Baiwei is facing removal is because he is uneducated and ignorant. He makes jokes in the "Legislative Yuan" and plays tricks to embarrass himself. How can such a thing be called "the number one anti-China brand"? How can something like this represent Taiwan? Is the "French Progressive Party" bullying no one in Taiwan?

Sun Daqian even more sarcastically said that the "Fundamental Progressive Party" came up with a ridiculous "Trilogy of Destroying Taiwan" just to serve as a third-rate thug for its big brother, the Democratic Progressive Party, and by the way, to keep its own "Two Guang Legislators" ". At this level, never say to others that you represent Taiwan!

Straits Herald Cheng Pei editor