Seafood is always indispensable on the dining tables of people in the New District. After a 4-month fishing moratorium, it was 12:00 noon yesterday. Sea bans have been lifted in the Yellow and Bohai Sea areas, and all kinds of fresh fish, shrimps, crabs and clams are already avai

People in New District will always have seafood on their dining tables.

After a 4-month fishing moratorium,

Yesterday at 12:00 noon

the Yellow and Bohai Sea area lifted the sea ban,

All kinds of fresh fish, shrimps, crabs and clams are already on the way to us


The first wave of fresh "sea goods" has landed,

Come and take a look with Xiaoxuan

on the first day of opening to sea!

Yu Fangping/photo

On September 1, 2020,

At Jimiya Fishing Port,

fishing boats were ready to go,

The red flags on the boats were swaying in the wind.

Yu Fangping/photo

The opening of the sea is the most important day for fishermen.

Fishermen will comprehensively inspect the fishing boats,

and refuel the fishing boats, add ice and water,

to ensure safety at sea and smooth fishing.

Langya Town/Source

Yu Fangping/Photographed by

The return of the fishing boat

It is also the time to satisfy the craving

Yu Fangping/Photographed by

Many new district citizens

arrived at the pier at 5 o'clock in the morning,

bought some crabs, shrimps, hairtail fish, and pomfret,

did it at noon A table of seafood feast,

allows the whole family to try something new.

Yu Fangping/photo

Eat seafood

Are you ready?

Xiao Xuan has prepared some strategies for everyone

Where to buy, how to choose, and how to eat

Everything is available~

Where can I eat seafood

Jimiya Fishing Port

Local fishermen usually arrive back at 5-6 a.m., so if you want to buy local seafood, it is best to go there between 5-9 a.m.

★ Best seafood:

Oysters and shrimps, eel-scale fish, red-headed fish, boss fish

★ Address:

No. 12, Linggang Road, West Coast New District

★ Bus route:

You can take Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 8 to Feng Get off at Herili Station, transfer to Xinqu Bus No. 27 and get off at Jimiya Station.

Langyatai Taixi Pier

Langyatai Taixi Pier is close to 50 kilometers away from the city. Fishing boats that go out to sea mainly operate in the waters south of Lingshan Island. The journey is not far. Fishing boats usually set off in the evening and arrive at the fishing area after more than two hours. We caught it and returned home at 4am. If you want to buy local seafood, it’s best to go there between 5 and 9 a.m.

★The best seafood: hairtail, boss fish, pomfret, pen pipe, redhead fish, flounder, oysters and shrimps, etc.

★Address: Taixi Village, Langyatai Town, West Coast New District.

★Bus route: You can take the Qingxi Express Line to the West Coast Bus Terminal, transfer to West Coast Road 501 and get off at the terminal.

Zhaike Wharf
Zhaike Wharf has the famous Xiaokouzi Fish Market nearby. Fishing boats usually dock around 1 p.m. ★Best seafood: big tooth flounder, redhead fish, hairtail, octopus, all kinds of fresh shrimp, etc. ★Address: Zhaike Village is located 10 kilometers southeast of Binhai Street Office.★Bus route: Take Tunnel No. 7 and Tunnel No. 8 buses to Lingshanwei Hub Station, transfer to No. 307 bus and get off at the terminal; or take the Qingxi Express Line to the terminal West Coast Bus Terminal and transfer to No. 101 Get off at Zhaike Pier Station.
Gujiadao Fishing Village Gujiadao, one of the oldest fishing villages in Qingdao, is located on the south coast of Tangdao Bay. The fishermen go out to sea on the same day, and after harvesting, they will sell it directly at the village pier, which is of high quality and low price. ★The best seafood: oysters, shrimps, yellow croaker, walleye, saury, pomfret, pen tube, etc. ★Address: 7.5 kilometers southwest of the Xuejiadao Sub-district Office, on the south bank of Tangdao Bay. ★Bus route: Take Tunnel No. 5/6/7 and transfer to Development Zone No. 50.

How to choose seafood


The key to identify whether the fish is fresh is to look at the body surface and gills of the fish. Look at the fish's eyes. If you look at the fish's eyes, the full and protruding eye membranes are sound, transparent and clear. If you touch the fish's body, the surface should be fresh, with no scars, no deformities, and no unknown mucus. The fish scales are tight, the fish belly is not broken, and the fish eyes are not cloudy. Open the gills and take a look. The gills of fresh fish are bright red; if there is no abnormality in the belly of the fish, the protrusions are fresh; if the fish meat is squeezed, if the fish does not sink and rebounds immediately after squeezing, it means it is fresh; From the smell, fish has an inherent fishy smell, but the smell of smelly fish is different from it. Careful identification can also tell whether it is fresh or not.


See if the crab can climb the stairs. The one that climbs up is stronger; look at the hair on the legs. If the hair is thick and hard, it means it is strong and meaty, otherwise it is weak and meatless; you can turn it over and it can quickly Turning over means that you are very healthy. If you cannot turn over, it means that your vitality is not strong. Look at the softness and hardness of the abdominal shell at the top of the crab's navel and squeeze it with your thumb. If it is hard, it means the meat is thick. If you press the last joint of the crab leg, the hard meat will be fat and the soft one will be soft. There is not much meat; the last step is to weigh the weight. If there are two of the same size, weigh them with your hands. The one that is heavier has more meat.

Clams and other shellfish

Most businesses will keep them in water. If the water is turbid and has a lot of sludge, it means it is not fresh. The water is relatively clear, and they are usually fresh; the meat is generally thicker and chewier for larger ones; there are fewer impurities in the smaller ones; when picking, you must pick slowly one by one, and make sure you have your tongue sticking out of each one. If it comes out and can be retracted when touched with your hand, it means it is fresh. The instruction to shake for a long time without closing the shell is not new.


Fresh shrimp, the body surface and abdominal limbs are not black, the head and surface are not red, the head, breastplate and shrimp meat are connected together. When fishing with a net bag, the faster it swims, the stronger and fresher it is; the shrimp The ones with hard and shiny shells have more delicious meat; look at the closeness between the shell and the muscles. Fresh shrimps are very tight and difficult to peel open by hand, but if they have been stored for a long time, they are easy to use. The shrimp will be peeled off by hand; bubbles will spit out from the fresh shrimp from time to time, indicating that they are breathing normally; the shrimp has a fishy smell, the fishier it is, the fresher it is, but it is not a rotten musty smell. If the smell has already occurred, it is not fresh. .


Abalone that can be adsorbed on the wall of the glass tank is relatively fresh. Touch the abalone meat. If it is soft and movable, it means the abalone is fresh.


Choose scallops with a shell that is relatively consistent in color, shiny, and even in size. If the scallops are kept in water, the shells will open and close. If the scallop is not in the water, you can pat the shell with your hands. If the shell closes immediately, it means that the scallop is fresh.

Pipi shrimp

Pinch the Pipi shrimp head, the harder the better; look at its swimming speed and frequency in the water, the faster the speed and the higher the frequency, the more fresh it is; look at the gills on its abdomen, the whiter the gills, the fresher it is. The second thing is to look at the weight. For the same size, the bigger the weight, the better. Look at the black line on the back. The darker the black line, the more it contains paste. It is said that the middle of the tail of a female shrimp mushroom with paste is white.


Fresh squid is pink, glossy and translucent in color, while stale squid is dim in color and has a moldy red color on the back. Squeeze the membrane on the back with your hands. If the membrane is not easy to fall off, it is fresh. The easier it is to fall off, the less likely it will be. Fresh; the firmness of the head and body is similar to that of shrimp, the firmer the fresher; smell, the smell of stale squid is very obvious, just smell it.

How to make seafood?

clams: Cook them in a dry pot without adding water.

Do not add any water. Cook them in a dry pot. You will hear a popping sound after a short while. Do not open the lid. Wait for three to five minutes before doing this. The clam meat was very tender.

Sea oysters: Steam for three minutes after boiling the pot.

Place the sea oysters on the grate of the steamer and steam until cooked. After the water boils, steam for another three minutes. It is worth mentioning that the size of the oysters affects the steaming time. The steaming time of large oysters must be extended by 1 minute.

Conch: You must add water to cook conch.

You must add water to cook conch. Generally, two pounds of conch must be added to a bowl of water. After boiling the pot, add two or three drops of vinegar or sesame oil so that the snail meat will be easily picked out. When you see the head of the conch sticking out slightly, it's ready to be cooked!

shrimps and tigers: steaming takes longer than shellfish.

shrimps and tigers. The general cooking method is steaming. No matter big or small, the steaming time is seven or eight minutes after the pot is opened.

Crab: The crab’s belly must be facing up.

To prevent the crab roe from flowing out, the crab’s belly must be facing up! After boiling the pot, steam for about ten minutes. When you see the crabs completely turn from green to red, they are ready to be taken out of the pot.

Eight-banded catfish: the head and claws are cooked separately

The head and claws of the eight-banded catfish take different cooking times. If they are cooked together, it is likely that the head is just cooked and the claws are too old to bite, so it is best to cook the head and claws separately. Cut off the head first and cook it in the pot. After seven or eight minutes, put the claws in the pot and cook it for five or six minutes, so that the texture will be very crispy.

Marine fish: It is best to use high heat to steam fish.

Fish suitable for steaming include toothfish, fathead fish, etc. Before steaming, you need to cut the fish and add some pepper and salt to taste. Steaming fish requires a high heat, steam it over high heat, and continue steaming for five or six minutes after the pot is boiled. The meat will be the most tender.

How long does it take to cook seafood after boiling? Timetable

crab, goby, jellyfish, mackerel,

squid, conch, sea oyster, hairy clam,

scallop, sea rainbow...

What do you want most after the sea is opened? What kind of seafood did you eat?

Anyway, Xiao Xuan’s seafood plan has been arranged.

Let’s have some shrimps today.

Mix it up tomorrow night.

Let’s fry it the day after tomorrow. Clams

Cook a pot of crabs on the weekend


As a foodie ,

is really happiness in capital letters!

It’s time to swipe the screen in Moments!

Let’s show off various seafood feasts!

(This article was published and produced by Qingdao West Coast, source: Guanhai News Client, Qingdao News Network, Qingdao West Coast News.)