On August 20, the topic "Double Standards for Chinese and Foreign Materials Used by Menglong" once again became a hot search topic. Menglong’s double standards for Chinese and foreign materials have caused controversy. According to CCTV Finance’s report yesterday, Unilever admitt

cover news reporter Liu Xuqiang

"Why does the same ice cream feel different when eaten at home and abroad?" On August 20, the topic "Menglong uses double standards for Chinese and foreign ingredients" once again became a hot search topic.

Menglong’s double standards for Chinese and foreign ingredients have caused controversy.

According to CCTV Finance’s report yesterday, Unilever admitted that Menglong China uses reconstituted milk, which is milk powder and water; Europe uses concentrated milk and water. Regarding Menglong’s above-mentioned “double material” approach, experts said that cost may be an important consideration.

In fact, the topic of "double standards" for Menglong's materials has been hot for nearly a month, which can be traced back to the angry "counterfeiters" who appeared on Weibo at the end of July. At the same time, the incident also triggered doubts among netizens about other high-end cold drink products. Controversial topics such as "Zhong Xue's high price and low price" have once again sparked heated discussions.

Unilever admits that Magnum has double standards for Chinese and foreign ingredients:

Reconstituted milk for China and concentrated milk for Europe

Recently, Magnum ice cream, a subsidiary of Unilever , was questioned by netizens on Weibo about "double standards for Chinese and foreign ingredients." . The domestic version of the ice cream inside the chocolate layer is made from a large proportion of vegetable oil and only contains a small amount of milk powder, while the ice cream products sold in the European market are made from milk.

“Unilever admits that Maglon uses double standards for Chinese and foreign materials” has been at the forefront of the hot search

In response to this, Unilever Global Vice President Zeng Xiwen said in an interview with CCTV Finance that there are indeed differences in the materials used in different regions. China uses reconstituted milk, which is milk powder plus water; Europe uses water plus concentrated milk. The reason is that it is difficult to transport fresh milk from Europe to China, and there is a supply problem with fresh milk produced in China.

Regarding the use of concentrated milk in Europe and reconstituted milk in China, experts said that cost may be an important consideration. Song Liang, leader of the economic expert group of the China Farm Reclamation Dairy Alliance, said, “If the protein content of milk reconstituted with milk powder is consistent with that of concentrated milk, the cost of reconstituted milk is about 8,000 to 10,000 per ton, and the price of concentrated milk It is about 13,000 to 14,000 yuan per ton, and the difference is about 3,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan per ton. "

In addition to the difference in milk type, according to the ingredient list previously issued by Unilever to the media, Magroon Europe. And Chinese products also have different rankings of vegetable oils. European Magnum’s vegetable oil is ranked after dairy products, while China Magnum’s vegetable oil is ranked before milk powder . Experts say that non-dairy fat is cheaper than butter fat. He also pointed out that the Menglong incident is not an isolated case, and many foreign brands entering China have similar problems.

"double standard" He Luxue, "high price and low configuration" " Zhong Xue Gao "?

The controversial topic of high-end cold drinks continues to gain popularity in January

In fact, the topic of "double standards" for Menglong's ingredients has been lively for nearly a month. As early as the end of July, Menglong, a subsidiary of and Luxue , was questioned by netizens about the "double standards" in the use of domestic and foreign materials, triggering heated discussions on the Internet.

At the end of July, angry "anti-counterfeiting" people appeared on Weibo and pointed out that Menglong had double standards.

The incident can be traced back to July 30, 2021. The Weibo account "Game Discount Information" posted, "He Luxue (Unilever) All products are garbage, including Magnum,” pointing out that the domestic version of Magron uses a large proportion of vegetable oil, while the European version of Magron is made of milk, showing double standards.

This Weibo has aroused great public attention after it was posted. So far, it has received tens of thousands of retweets and comments, and received 228,000 likes. It has also led to "Menglong is suspected of using different materials from China and foreign countries. Is it a double standard?" and "Menglong is questioned." "Materials used in China and foreign countries are different" and other related topics have been on hot searches many times.

This Weibo also triggered a discussion among netizens on the distinction between "ice cream" and "ice cream". Some netizens believed that "ice cream is higher-end than ice cream" and "only those with a solid content of more than 30% are qualified to be called "ice cream" and are mixed with water." Most of them can only be called "ice cream"; the two concepts are distinguished by national standards and cannot be confused." From this, he believes that "Zhong Xuegao's ice cream products are 'high-priced and low-priced'" and "Zhong Xuegao sells 4 sticks for 68 yuan." Ice cream, and the Baxi sold for 54 yuan for 6 bowls is a full-milk fat ice cream with a raw milk content of more than 45%."

"Anti-counterfeiting"The most popular comment on Weibo questioned Zhong Xuegao's "high price and low distribution"

However, some netizens pointed out that ice cream and ice cream are different categories and have different indicators. There is no distinction between high and low. The reporter checked the national standard and found that the quality of ice cream There are strict requirements for ingredient content, including milk fat content, solid content, etc.; in contrast, the standards for ice cream are much looser.

Ice cream national standard

Ice cream national standard

Unilever responded:

The "Menglong double standard" incident is " The content of Chinese Dream Dragon chocolate is 11% more than that of Europe.

Regarding the doubts from the outside world, Dream Dragon Fang is also very aggrieved, saying that it has suffered an "unwarranted disaster". In order to ensure the high-end quality of Dream Dragon, the team has been working hard and meticulously.

8 1 On August 5, Menglong’s official Weibo responded: Menglong complies with national standards. According to the definition of ice cream, Menglong’s products are “combined non-fat ice cream”. Zeng Xiwen, Global Vice President of Unilever and President of China Public Affairs, responded to market doubts, "We will not ignore the so-called 'material discrimination' issue. "The reason why pure cow's milk is not used in domestic 'Menglong' products is mainly due to the stability of the milk source, the high quality of the product and the export demand." Zeng Xiwen said, "The imported milk powder we use comes from New Zealand , Europe and other countries. "

On the same day, Zeng Xiwen posted on Weibo that the "Menglong double label" incident was an "unexpected disaster", saying that he established Heluxue (China) Co., Ltd. with Unilever in Beijing in 1993. , is for the modernization of the ice cream industry and the health of the people. "In order to ensure the high-end quality of Magnum, we are conscientious and meticulous. We use the best Belgian chocolate and the best ice cream to produce it." He also asked: "In order to satisfy the taste of Chinese consumers, the chocolate used in Magnum products in the Chinese market must be 11% more than the European Dream Dragon products. We don’t feel bad about adding so much chocolate, so why would we think about other accessories?”

Zhong Xuegao, it is worth noting that Zhong Xuegao has used raw materials for many products in the past. , "false propaganda" in terms of ingredients, and was administratively punished by the regulatory authorities. Previously, Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhongxuegao, also caused users to watch the video of "66 yuan ice cream, he priced it at that price, do you like it or not?" Many consumers questioned that Zhongxuegao's high price was "collecting IQ tax" . Zhong Xuegao responded that the relevant video was maliciously edited, and the statement "love or not" was made to Lin Sheng by the raw material supplier.

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