(FMCG News) Recently, Mr. Zhang Haitao, President of Unilever Food Planning China, said at the 2021 Condiment Industry CC100 Leadership Summit that the Chinese market has become the largest sales market for Unilever food in the world, and Unilever is also continuing to From the t

(FMCG News) Recently, Mr. Zhang Haitao, President of Unilever Food Planning China, said at the 2021 Condiment Industry CC100 Leadership Summit that the Chinese market has become the largest sales market for Unilever food in the world, and Unilever has also We continue to realize the original intention and mission of "release your passion and achieve an extraordinary future" from the three dimensions of temperature, taste and empowerment.

Mr. Zhang Haitao, President of Unilever Food Planning China

Make a warm brand

Mr. Zhang Haitao said that Unilever’s food business includes To B (catering) and To C (consumer) parts, chefs and consumers Is its important target group . Through the "Chefs Day" project, Unilever Foods has continued to support the career development of Chinese chefs and improve the social status of chefs for many years. During the Spring Festival, it also sends greetings, blessings, thanks and encouragement to the chefs in the most special and heartfelt way. Respect and strengthen the emotional connection with the chef community.

In 2021, Unilever Foods made a comprehensive upgrade to the Knorr brand and put forward the brand slogan "Go all out for every flavor" . How to provide every Chinese consumer with a warm, five-star chef-quality and nutritious meal is the positioning of the Knorr brand and the mission that Unilever Foods hopes to undertake.

Focus on taste

Unilever Foods achieves focus on taste through three levels: taste prediction, innovative taste, and taste restoration.

Based on long-term research on young Chinese diners, Unilever Foods has formed its own judgment, cognition and prediction of flavor types that may become popular in the future. On the catering side, has launched trendy flavor concepts of hot-selling dishes for young diners since 2017. On the retail side, starting from 2019, Unilever Food has made a sauce-like dish with a delicious sauce .

Unilever Food has more than 100 full-time professional chefs and four R&D kitchens located in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou. These hardware facilities and teams ensure that Unilever can produce pre-judged innovative flavors.

In terms of supply chain management, whether it is the selection of materials for the entire product or the control of production processes and processes, Unilever Foods adheres to the highest standards in the world. This enables the kitchen recipes created by masters to be restored and presented to consumers.

Empowering the industry for sustainable development

Mr. Zhang Haitao revealed that Unilever Food’s empowerment of the industry mainly focuses on chefs, diners, consumers and channel operators.

Unilever Foods has been committed to building a private ecosystem since 2013. Currently, its chef community platform serves 5 million chefs, and its public account also has more than 2 million WeChat fans from more than 300 cities. 60% of the content in the private domain is original content by chefs, providing a professional platform for chefs to communicate, share, learn and improve.

Young diners have become an important consumer of the entire catering industry. Unilever is also actively developing dishes based on the needs of young diners. Taking hot-selling dishes as an example, the decision maker of dish selection is not the company's management, but the diners. This year, Unilever also launched 9 "human healing dishes" and collaborated with celebrity IPs to create a micro-movie, which was disseminated on the three major social platforms of Weibo, Douyin and WeChat. At the same time, four trendy restaurants in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou launched pop-up stores, and many food KOLs were invited to the stores to try them out. The final exposure exceeded 59 million.

In terms of channels, Unilever Foods cooperates with many new retail channels that consumers love, such as JD.com, Hema, etc.. By providing customized seasoning packages and selling them with ingredients, channel partners are empowered to create sales scenarios and add thoughtfulness to every consumer's gourmet recipes.

(Source: Weijie Toutiao)