It should be pointed out that I have written related job search guidance articles before. For those who want to review, please click here: Unilever’s summer internship recruitment will use the remote interview system last autumn. Unilever has launched on-campus recruitment to add

In the past few days, the top 500 fast-moving consumer goods company Unilever has started recruiting summer interns for 2020.

Due to the epidemic, Unilever’s school recruitment this year has adopted an all-online model, including online applications, online assessments, video interviews and cloud assessment centers.

Let’s talk about the difference between the recruitment of interns in previous years. According to Qing Qingjun from “Qingqingwan Job Search”, when the U family recruited interns in previous years, there was no online assessment link (it was only available when recruiting management trainees ). However, this link was added this year.

As for the "video interview" session, U Family has previously announced that it will continue to use the wireless remote interview system that was launched last autumn.

As for the "Cloud Assessment Center", it is an unprecedented first time. It used to be completely offline, but this year it was also moved online.

So, how to prepare for this year’s summer intern recruitment?

Today, Qing Qingjun from "Qingqingwan Job Search" will talk to you about Unilever's intern recruitment project. It should be pointed out that I have written related job search guidance articles before. For those who want to review, please click:

Unilever’s summer internship recruitment will continue to use the remote interview system

that was recruited last fall. Unilever has opened new campus recruitment Korean facial mask AHC Guan Peisheng Skin care experts are in luck

Unilever, an increasingly agile whale

U family recruitment department overview

U family summer intern recruitment in 2020, the recruitment department is similar to previous years. "Qingqingwan Job Search" ( WeChat official account ID: qqwjob) Qingqingjun will give a brief introduction here:

Marketing Department:

There is no limit to majors. It is the most competitive core department with high salary and good prospects, but the work pressure is also extremely high. Big, "getting off work on time" after joining the job is an unattainable dream.

According to official information, the Marketing Department is mainly responsible for the company's product strategy, innovation and development. Based on consumer insights, it incubates various cutting-edge new products with the R&D Department, linking customer development and supply chain departments. The

department is considered the "heart" of the entire company.

R&D Department:

is more suitable for students majoring in science and engineering majors such as chemistry, chemical engineering, bioengineering, materials, packaging, food, and information science.

Consumer Market Insight Department:

is not limited to majors. According to the official announcement, the Insight Department is a team of business partners and experts that leads product research by understanding consumer behavior and habits, analyzing market data, and gaining insight into market changes.

"Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun's translation means that employees in this department often do consumer market research questionnaires, and then analyze the recovered data to grasp consumer preferences, thereby providing reference for the development of U products. .

Customer Development Department:

is not limited to majors. The official announcement is that this department is mainly composed of key customer groups, category and channel development departments, customer marketing departments, beauty and personal care channels, national sales operations departments and regional consumer groups. . To put it bluntly,

works in sales in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. You may often have to visit supermarkets and small stores, and negotiate with suppliers about how much goods to sell. This position can train people, but it is not the white-collar life you imagined.

Supply Chain Department:

This department mainly uses various methods to deliver products to customer terminals on time; reduce production costs, improve manufacturing processes; improve production efficiency, and quickly respond to customer and consumer needs.

Food Planning:

is the most suitable department for "foodies". It mainly does front-line sales in many restaurants and is responsible for the execution of nationwide promotional activities.

Life and Health Elements Category:

Life and Health Elements Category (Qinyuan + Blueair) was mainly created by U Family in response to people's growing pursuit of healthy life.

Students who are interested in this field can apply. In addition, the life and health element categories include the supply chain department, marketing department, global product innovation management department, R&D department and e-commerce department. Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs.

Kewei AHC:

is a brand acquired by the U family. Qing Qingjun, "Job Search in Qingqingwan", mentioned in a previous article that due to the amazing profits of skin care and cosmetics, the U family also hopes to get a share of the pie.

If you are interested in the field of beauty, this department may be more suitable.

Others, such as the human resources department, finance department, etc., are familiar to everyone, so I won’t introduce them here.

Interpretation of Unilever’s 2020 Summer Intern Recruitment

The first is the “online assessment”. U’s online assessment has changed in many ways.

In 2018, their family used the "gamification assessment" of the Pymetrics platform. But by 2019, the "online assessment" has become that everyone has to complete 4 word questions within a specified time. The assessment takes about 45 minutes and mainly tests cognitive characteristics, thinking level and comprehensive understanding ability.

The key to answering the question is to make sure that you have fully understood the question, and then choose the best example from your personal past experience to answer the question. Therefore, "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun advises everyone that it is important to carefully explore your past personal experiences.

For example, there was a question like this in the question: "To achieve better results, you need to make great efforts. Please tell me about your most impressive experience in this regard. What was the final result?"

This kind of question To answer, you need to answer according to the STAR rule based on your past experience.

Of course, it is unknown whether there will be any changes in the "online assessment" for this summer intern recruitment.

The second is "video interview". The video interview of

uses a wireless remote interview system. It has two interview channels: online independent video interview and appointment interview system.

Among them, "online independent video interview" means reading the interview questions, recording a video answering the questions, and then uploading the video. The total duration of the

video interview is 30 minutes. There are a total of three questions, and the answer time for each question is no more than 5 minutes. Chinese questions, answer in Chinese. English questions, answer in English.

In other words, the interview questions may include both Chinese questions and English questions.

There is a limited time to complete the independent video interview. According to the official statement, the entire interview process needs to be conducted in a quiet and undisturbed environment and must be completed in one go; and the system can only be logged in using a mobile phone and cannot be run on a PC, so during the interview, the mobile phone must be in airplane mode and Connect to wifi. Another "appointment interview system" of

is that students who receive the appointment interview system on WeChat can register and actively reserve an interview time for online one-on-one real-time interviews.

's "appointment interview" process is also very simple. After completing the registration appointment with your mobile phone, enter the online interview "room" 10 minutes in advance, and there will be a live online interview with a U interviewer.

According to "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun, there is no difference between the interview channels of "online independent video interview" and "appointment interview system", but in terms of form, the former has set the questions and recorded the video by himself; the latter is The interviewer is just asking questions from a real person.

Moreover, which students will receive independent video interviews and which students will receive scheduled interviews are completely randomly assigned by the U family and notified by email in advance, so candidates cannot choose which video interview method to use.

Some students may be very concerned about how to prepare for a remote interview at U. Here, Qing Qingjun, the "Qingqing Bay Job Search", gives you some tips:

You must have an understanding of the department you are applying for.

First of all, according to last autumn recruitment, I have done Student experience in video interviews: Although there are three major questions in the video interview, there are several sub-questions under each major question.

U's remote interviews do not have general questions such as P&G's eight questions. They are very specific questions that may be encountered in actual work, which are so-called work situation questions.

Based on this, when submitting your resume, you need to have a full understanding of the department you are applying for and the role this department plays in the entire Unilever company.

You must have basic business knowledge

In addition, in the formal video interview, some students also asked some more professional questions about business case analysis, which requires everyone to have a deep understanding of basic FMCG business operations. .

For example, the 4P theory of FMCG, product (price), channel (place) and promotion (promotion), are several factors that need to be considered when specifying marketing strategies.

further deduce, for example, the 4C theory, which is consumer demand-oriented and resets the four basic elements of the marketing mix: Consumer, Cost, Convenience and Communication. .

In the actual FMCG business cases encountered, everyone needs to flexibly use the business common sense they know to conduct analysis, that is to say, they must have a certain business sense.

Pay special attention to the issue of network speed

Another important thing is the network speed.

Some students were delayed in uploading and recording videos due to poor Internet speed, and they had no time to answer subsequent questions. Therefore, before the interview, sufficient attention should be paid to the issue of Internet speed. Otherwise, if you fail to pass the test just because of this little thing, you will really regret it for the rest of your life.

Qing Qingjun from "Qing Qing Bay Job Search" understands that before the formal interview, there will be test questions. Everyone must measure the internet speed according to the test questions, and see which one is faster, including wifi and mobile phone traffic. Because some students abroad may encounter slow wifi. Therefore, this should be decided according to the actual situation.

Another problem is recording video. Although logically speaking, you can record the video repeatedly, but due to upload speed issues, each video answering the question can only be recorded once. Therefore, everyone should allocate their time equally to avoid being unable to answer all the questions in the end.

As for the last level "Cloud Assessment Center", according to the past situation, it is based on one or more FMCG business cases (more than ten pages, all in English). It is relatively difficult and requires full preparation.

Finally, I wish everyone success in applying.

If you are interested in the field of beauty, this department may be more suitable.

Others, such as the human resources department, finance department, etc., are familiar to everyone, so I won’t introduce them here.

Interpretation of Unilever’s 2020 Summer Intern Recruitment

The first is the “online assessment”. U’s online assessment has changed in many ways.

In 2018, their family used the "gamification assessment" of the Pymetrics platform. But by 2019, the "online assessment" has become that everyone has to complete 4 word questions within a specified time. The assessment takes about 45 minutes and mainly tests cognitive characteristics, thinking level and comprehensive understanding ability.

The key to answering the question is to make sure that you have fully understood the question, and then choose the best example from your personal past experience to answer the question. Therefore, "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun advises everyone that it is important to carefully explore your past personal experiences.

For example, there was a question like this in the question: "To achieve better results, you need to make great efforts. Please tell me about your most impressive experience in this regard. What was the final result?"

This kind of question To answer, you need to answer according to the STAR rule based on your past experience.

Of course, it is unknown whether there will be any changes in the "online assessment" for this summer intern recruitment.

The second is "video interview". The video interview of

uses a wireless remote interview system. It has two interview channels: online independent video interview and appointment interview system.

Among them, "online independent video interview" means reading the interview questions, recording a video answering the questions, and then uploading the video. The total duration of the

video interview is 30 minutes. There are a total of three questions, and the answer time for each question is no more than 5 minutes. Chinese questions, answer in Chinese. English questions, answer in English.

In other words, the interview questions may include both Chinese questions and English questions.

There is a limited time to complete the independent video interview. According to the official statement, the entire interview process needs to be conducted in a quiet and undisturbed environment and must be completed in one go; and the system can only be logged in using a mobile phone and cannot be run on a PC, so during the interview, the mobile phone must be in airplane mode and Connect to wifi. Another "appointment interview system" of

is that students who receive the appointment interview system on WeChat can register and actively reserve an interview time for online one-on-one real-time interviews.

's "appointment interview" process is also very simple. After completing the registration appointment with your mobile phone, enter the online interview "room" 10 minutes in advance, and there will be a live online interview with a U interviewer.

According to "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun, there is no difference between the interview channels of "online independent video interview" and "appointment interview system", but in terms of form, the former has set the questions and recorded the video by himself; the latter is The interviewer is just asking questions from a real person.

Moreover, which students will receive independent video interviews and which students will receive scheduled interviews are completely randomly assigned by the U family and notified by email in advance, so candidates cannot choose which video interview method to use.

Some students may be very concerned about how to prepare for a remote interview at U. Here, Qing Qingjun, the "Qingqing Bay Job Search", gives you some tips:

You must have an understanding of the department you are applying for.

First of all, according to last autumn recruitment, I have done Student experience in video interviews: Although there are three major questions in the video interview, there are several sub-questions under each major question.

U's remote interviews do not have general questions such as P&G's eight questions. They are very specific questions that may be encountered in actual work, which are so-called work situation questions.

Based on this, when submitting your resume, you need to have a full understanding of the department you are applying for and the role this department plays in the entire Unilever company.

You must have basic business knowledge

In addition, in the formal video interview, some students also asked some more professional questions about business case analysis, which requires everyone to have a deep understanding of basic FMCG business operations. .

For example, the 4P theory of FMCG, product (price), channel (place) and promotion (promotion), are several factors that need to be considered when specifying marketing strategies.

further deduce, for example, the 4C theory, which is consumer demand-oriented and resets the four basic elements of the marketing mix: Consumer, Cost, Convenience and Communication. .

In the actual FMCG business cases encountered, everyone needs to flexibly use the business common sense they know to conduct analysis, that is to say, they must have a certain business sense.

Pay special attention to the issue of network speed

Another important thing is the network speed.

Some students were delayed in uploading and recording videos due to poor Internet speed, and they had no time to answer subsequent questions. Therefore, before the interview, sufficient attention should be paid to the issue of Internet speed. Otherwise, if you fail to pass the test just because of this little thing, you will really regret it for the rest of your life.

Qing Qingjun from "Qing Qing Bay Job Search" understands that before the formal interview, there will be test questions. Everyone must measure the internet speed according to the test questions, and see which one is faster, including wifi and mobile phone traffic. Because some students abroad may encounter slow wifi. Therefore, this should be decided according to the actual situation.

Another problem is recording video. Although logically speaking, you can record the video repeatedly, but due to upload speed issues, each video answering the question can only be recorded once. Therefore, everyone should allocate their time equally to avoid being unable to answer all the questions in the end.

As for the last level "Cloud Assessment Center", according to the past situation, it is based on one or more FMCG business cases (more than ten pages, all in English). It is relatively difficult and requires full preparation.

Finally, I wish everyone success in applying.