According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan's "Executive Yuan Political Affairs Councilor" Deng Zhenzhong held a "press conference on major achievements in deepening Taiwan-US economic and trade relations" on the 1st, announcing the conclusion of the so-called "Taiwan-US 21st Centu

According to Taiwanese media reports, Taiwan's "Executive Yuan Political Affairs Councilor" Deng Zhenzhong held a "press conference on major achievements in deepening Taiwan-US economic and trade relations" on the 1st, announcing the conclusion of the so-called "Taiwan-US 21st Century Bilateral Trade Initiative" and launching trade negotiations. The first meeting will be this year It will be held in Washington, DC, USA at the end of the month. In this regard, Kuomintang "legislator" Li Guimin, who is qualified as a lawyer in both Taiwan and the United States, bluntly said that the initiative is "only superficial" because the so-called "initiative" and "agreement" are fundamentally different things, and its content has not been authorized by the U.S. Congress. Important matters including tariff reduction, , and market opening were not included in the discussion.

Li Guimin posted on Facebook yesterday (2nd) that the "Executive Yuan" announced with great fanfare the so-called "Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative" with the United States, which seemed to be a major progress in Taiwan-US trade relations, but was only announced by officials. Despite the efforts, the people did not pay the bill, and some netizens even complained: "Nothing was said?"

Li Guimin said bluntly that in fact, the netizens' doubts were correct. The so-called initiative was just the "title" and the signed agreement was the content. Now it is equivalent to "only "Topic or Agenda", there is really no sign of significant progress, and it makes people even more worried about the follow-up negotiations. Are the Taiwan authorities ready? Will they blindly cooperate, but lose all Taiwan's advantages and bargaining chips?

Li Guimin pointed out that initiatives and agreements are completely different things. The so-called initiatives now are "only superficial" and not a conclusion. After all, even the administrative units said that these contents were not authorized by the U.S. Congress, and admitted that important matters including tariff reductions and market openings were not included in the discussion. Therefore, whether the future will be good or bad, is it really as advertised by officials? , it will help to join other economic organizations. It is still difficult to draw a conclusion at present, and the authorities do not need to over-promote it.


#US-Taiwan relations#