U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar started his visit to Taiwan on the 10th. Public opinion in the island's blue and green media has become polarized: the green media and famous speakers were flattered and went crazy, advocating the so-called "U.S.-Taiwan friendship";

Source: China Taiwan Network

[Cross-Strait Quick Review Issue 930]

The United States wants Taiwan to import pork and beef containing clenbuterol. (Picture source: Internet)

U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar started his visit to Taiwan on the 10th. Public opinion in the island’s blue and green media has become polarized: the green media and famous mouthpieces were flattered and excited, advocating the so-called "U.S. "Taiwan friendship"; but the blue media appeared worried and advised the Taiwanese people not to be blindly optimistic. The reason is simply that the consequence of this visit is that, apart from superficially receiving cheap verbal support from the United States, Taiwan has not gained any real benefits.

First of all, Taiwan wanted to buy a COVID-19 vaccine from the United States, but the United States did not agree. As for the U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that Taiwan has been eager to sign, it was a mirror image and was denied by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lahizer. The facts are ruthless. Having burst the bubble of hope created by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities, it is no wonder that the Taiwanese media said that the United States was "paying lip service but not delivering on its words" this time.

According to media reports, in order to safeguard trade interests, the United States does not rule out using the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to get rid of the so-called "international isolation" mentality. It first captures and then manipulates, and requires Taiwan to open imports of US pig and beef products containing clenbuterol as part of the signing of the agreement. prerequisites for free trade agreements.

It can be seen that although the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have repeatedly claimed that now is the so-called "the best moment for Taiwan-US relations," in the face of interests, the United States has not given Taiwan substantial help and support. More and more people on the island realize that the United States only regards Taiwan as a part of the effort to contain and contain mainland China. When the United States uses Taiwan, it not only does not consider Taiwan's interests at all, but also continues to ask for benefits from Taiwan. If the DPP authorities let it be at its mercy and accept all its demands, sooner or later it will lead Taiwan to evil. road, and will gradually hollow out Taiwan through military purchases one after another.

If the Democratic Progressive Party cannot withstand the pressure of the United States and opens up the import of American pig and beef products containing clenbuterol, it will be harmful to itself and Taiwan, because first of all, it may impact the livelihood of farmers on the island and arouse their anger. These people are the basic source of votes for the DPP, and they will definitely hurt the DPP's electoral prospects and backfire on itself.

The current situation of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities is entirely due to their one-sided surrender to the United States, instigating "de-China hatred" on the island, and blocking cross-strait exchanges. Pang Jianguo, a professor at Taiwan Culture University, pointed out that both innate and acquired conditions, such as geographical distance, language and culture, complementary demand for factors, industrial path dependence effects, and growth and development momentum, all determine that Taiwan cannot be separated from the mainland economically. The Taiwanese people want to To live a good life, the prerequisite is to improve cross-strait relations so that cross-strait economic and trade can flow smoothly.

In recent years, Taiwan's exports to the mainland have been more than three times that of the United States, and Taiwan's cross-strait trade surplus has been more than six times that of the United States. This basic pattern will not be easily shaken. Under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the mainland has taken the lead on the road to recovery, causing the proportion of Taiwan's exports to the mainland to the overall foreign trade and the proportion of Taiwan's investment to the mainland to the overall foreign investment to both increase. In other words, the possibility of Taiwan "leaving China and joining the United States" is getting smaller and smaller. However, for the delusion of "Taiwan independence", the DPP authorities have gradually become a pawn at the mercy of the United States, and the price they will pay is not only a heavy economic setback. , as well as the losses to the health and safety of Taiwanese people. (Text/Shi Wei)