At today's regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian responded to this matter: China's position on the Taiwan issue is consistent and clear.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the 7th that the United States may resume trade and investment negotiations with Taiwan, but he did not indicate whether the United States was willing to sign a comprehensive trade agreement (BTA) with Taiwan.

Zhao Lijian

At today's regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian responded to this matter: China's position on the Taiwan issue is consistent and clear. China has always opposed the negotiation and signing of any agreement with sovereign connotations and official nature between countries that have diplomatic relations with China and the Taiwan region.

"We urge the United States to implement its stance of adhering to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, stop any form of official exchanges with Taiwan, handle the Taiwan issue prudently, and not send any wrong messages to Taiwan independence forces. signal." Zhao Lijian said.

The Governor of Chang'an Street noted that the Taiwan-US Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) has been at a standstill since former U.S. President Obama left office in 2016. It has been four and a half years, and there is currently no timetable for when discussions will be resumed.

At the hearing on the 7th, Blinken was asked about the Biden administration's position on signing a bilateral trade agreement with Taiwan. He said: "I have to let U.S. Trade Representative Dai Qi answer this question, but I I know that the United States is having conversations with Taiwan, or will have related conversations soon, to discuss some kind of framework agreement. "

However, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) did not confirm Blinken's remarks. The above statement instead stated: "The United States believes that it is important to continue to strengthen bilateral trade relations with Taiwan, but is currently not ready to announce a meeting."

Bonnie Glaser, a Taiwan expert at the German Marshall Fund, a US think tank, told Reuters According to the news agency, Blinken’s words are a signal that the United States may resume TIFA. On the other hand, the U.S. government may not have decided yet whether to reach a BTA with Taiwan.

Gray said that senior officials of the Biden administration have been encouraging Dai Qi to hold a round of trade and investment framework talks with the DPP authorities, and the latter is even more eager to do so. A spokesman for Taiwan's representative office in the United States said: "We are working hard to discuss with the Office of the United States Trade Representative and hope that this can make progress in our bilateral trade relations."

The DPP authorities' "want" is urgent Realistic considerations. In August, Taiwan will hold a biennial "referendum." One of the main "referendum" cases this year is "anti-"Lai Zhu"".

Gray said that the "referendum" may overturn the decision of the DPP authorities to allow the import of American pigs and cows, so they are very eager to make some progress in trade negotiations with the United States before August as a political chips.

Taiwanese media "Wind Media" previously commented that since the second half of 2020, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have begun to proactively announce the opening of the import of "American pigs" in the hope of signing a BTA, hoping to rely on the assistance of the United States in the future to obtain More fruit.

However, the situation developed in another direction. At the end of last year, the United States imposed tariffs of up to an average of 88.82% on Taiwan's tire factories. This caused a great shock and blow to Taiwan's export trade, and also made the Taiwanese media lament that it was a "sincere exchange." Heartless". Can

's insistence on surrendering and backing others get sincere feedback from the other party? Many examples from the past are vivid in our minds and are worthy of deep thought by Taiwanese people of insight.

column editor: Qin Hong, text editor: Song Hui, title picture source: IC photo, picture editor: Shao Jing,

source: author: Chang'an Street Governor