Huaxia Jingwei Network, June 2nd: According to Taiwan’s “China Times News Network”, Taiwanese artist Guo Yanjun recently shared a conversation with medical friends on Facebook. The content mentioned that “seeing so many children just left like this”, Su Zhenchang on the 28th He s

Source: China

Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen. (Picture/File photo of this newspaper) Picture source: Taiwan’s “China Times News Network”

Huaxia Jingwei News, June 2: According to Taiwan’s “China Times News Network”, Taiwanese artist Guo Yanjun recently shared on Facebook with medical care The content of the conversation between friends mentioned that "seeing so many children leaving like this", Su Zhenchang said on the 28th that "we will blame and investigate", which caused controversy. Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen has yet to comment on the matter. She posted a post on Facebook late yesterday (1), announcing that she would jointly launch the "Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative" with the United States at the end of the month, calling it a "Taiwan-U.S. economic and trade initiative." important progress in the relationship”. This post also aroused a large number of dissatisfaction among netizens, who blasted Facebook to criticize. Some people even said bluntly: "So many Taiwanese children have left, and you don't care. As soon as you meet the United States, you will post a message to celebrate."

Tsai Ing-wen 1st evening at 11 At 19:00, he posted on Facebook that he had important economic and trade news to report to the people of Taiwan. After a video conference between "Governmental Affairs Councilor" Deng Zhenzhong and U.S. Deputy Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi, the two sides announced to jointly launch the "Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative". The first meeting will be held in Washington, D.C., at the end of June. This will be "Important progress in Taiwan-US economic and trade relations"; Taiwan and the United States will negotiate on 11 issues including trade facilitation, principles of law-making, agriculture, and anti-corruption.

This article received more than 2,100 comments within 8 hours, most of which were criticisms: "You don't care that so many Taiwanese children have left. When you see the United States, you quickly post a message to celebrate", "I see anti-corruption Laughing, did you forget that there is a person in your party named A Bian ?" "Laizhu ate it, and I bought all the weapons, but what about CPTPP?", "We talked a lot and then the most important 'Indo-Pacific Economic Framework' Still can’t get in.”