We found that many cars do not understand the traffic rules of the Middle Ring Road and occupy BRT lanes. Many drivers have been punished by the traffic police department. We need to remind everyone.

Don’t occupy BRT dedicated lanes on the Middle Ring Road

It has been nearly a year since the Middle Ring Road in Guiyang was officially opened to traffic. We found that many cars do not understand the traffic rules of the Middle Ring Road and occupy the BRT lanes. Many drivers have been punished by the traffic police department. We It is necessary to remind everyone.

From Yangliujing Interchange to Fuyuan Interchange in the eastern section of the Middle Ring Road, public vehicles are allowed to pass through the BRT bus lane on the premise that it does not affect the passage of buses; when there is a bus driving behind, other vehicles must give way unconditionally. Immediately leave the bus lane. Social vehicles that fail to leave the bus lane as required will be monitored by the bus for video collection and punished in accordance with relevant regulations.

(marking that allows the use of bus lanes)

Public vehicles are prohibited from entering bus lanes in other sections of the Middle Ring Road.

(markings are not allowed to be drawn through bus lanes)

The vehicle that occupies the most BRT dedicated lanes

Gui A463C7, a total of 32 violations were collected for occupying BRT professional channels

Gui AA9784, a total of 32 BRT professional channel occupations were collected illegal acts

guiAA4743, a total of 28 illegal acts were collected for occupying BRT professional lanes

The illegal acts of vehicles below were collected from all angles, stop occupying BRT lanes

or above vehicles will be fined 50 yuan!

Urban public transportation is closely related to people's lives. We give priority to urban public transportation and alleviate urban traffic congestion. We hope that everyone will not occupy the "BRT" dedicated bus lanes and create a "safe, convenient, civilized, and comfortable" riding environment for everyone.