According to the official website of the National Health Commission: From 0 to 24:00 on June 9, 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 45 new confirmed cases.

According to the official website of the National Health Commission:

From 0 to 24:00 on June 9, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 45 new confirmed cases. Among them, there are 15 imported cases from abroad (3 cases in Guangdong, 3 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases in Beijing, 2 cases in Shanghai, 2 cases in Fujian, 1 case in Shanxi, 1 case in Sichuan, and 1 case in Shaanxi), including 3 cases from asymptomatic infections Confirmed cases (1 in Fujian, 1 in Sichuan, and 1 in Shaanxi); 30 local cases (15 in Inner Mongolia, 7 in Beijing, 6 in Shanghai, and 2 in Liaoning), including 2 cases that were converted from asymptomatic infections Confirmed cases (1 case in Inner Mongolia, 1 case in Liaoning). There were no new deaths. There is 1 new suspected case, which is an imported case from abroad (in Shanghai).

There were 156 new cured and discharged cases that day, including 12 imported cases and 144 local cases (103 cases in Shanghai, 19 cases in Beijing, 13 cases in Sichuan, 4 cases in Tianjin, 2 cases in Jiangsu, 1 case in Hebei, and 1 case in Jilin, (1 case in Zhejiang), 10,051 close contacts were released from medical observation, and severe cases decreased by 6 compared with the previous day.

There are 194 confirmed cases imported from abroad (no severe cases), and 1 suspected case. A total of 18,849 confirmed cases, a total of 18,655 cured and discharged cases, and no deaths.

As of 24:00 on June 9, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 795 confirmed cases (including 27 severe cases), a total of 218,559 cured and discharged cases, and a total of 5,226 deaths. cases, a total of 224,580 confirmed cases have been reported, and there is currently 1 suspected case. A total of 4,144,662 close contacts have been traced, and 106,051 close contacts are still under medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 106 new cases of asymptomatic infections, including 63 imported cases and 43 local cases (20 cases in Inner Mongolia, 7 cases in Liaoning, 7 cases in Jilin, 5 cases in Shanghai, and Guangxi 2 cases, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Fujian).

There were 548 asymptomatic infections released from medical observation on that day, including 33 imported cases and 515 local cases (393 cases in Shanghai, 40 cases in Hebei, 30 cases in Sichuan, 17 cases in Henan, 10 cases in Zhejiang, 8 cases in Jilin, and 6 cases in Beijing , 6 cases in Liaoning, 3 cases in Tianjin, 1 case in Jiangxi, and 1 case in Shandong); 5 cases were converted to confirmed cases on the same day (3 imported cases from abroad); 3,058 asymptomatic infections are still under medical observation (487 cases imported from abroad).

A total of 3,026,987 confirmed cases have been reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there are 333,117 cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (62,691 discharged cases, 9,390 deaths), 83 cases in the Macao Special Administrative Region (83 discharged cases), and 2,693,787 cases in Taiwan (13,742 discharged cases, 3,584 deaths).