As Shanghai enters the stage of fully restoring normal production and living order, the Changning District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission presses the accelerator button and goes all out to promote the resumption of work, production, business and mark

As Shanghai enters the stage of fully restoring normal production and living order, the Changning District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission presses the accelerator button and goes all out to promote the resumption of work, production, business and market, so as to achieve "two-pronged" epidemic prevention and control and economic development. hard". As of now, the resumption rate of 7 district-managed enterprises (groups) has reached 100%.

Building a triple security barrier of "civil defense, technical defense, and physical defense"

At 9:30 in the morning, Grandma Xu, who lives near Furongjiang Vegetable Market in Meitian, scanned the code to measure her temperature and entered the market to purchase fresh vegetables. The fresh vegetables had been weighed and packaged. OK, neatly placed on the shelf. At present, Meitian Food Company, a subsidiary of Jiuhua Group, a state-owned enterprise in the district, has resumed offline operations at five wet markets: Furongjiang Road Food Market, Hongkang Food Market, Anshun Road Food Market, Beichen Lane Food Market, and Pingtang Road Food Market. In addition, Meitian Non-staple Food Company has also established an environmental cleaning and disinfection team to carry out preventive disinfection work in its subordinate vegetable markets. At the same time, we will further carry out in-depth and detailed cleaning work in the venue, clean up rotten and temporary goods, strengthen the "killing of mosquitoes and flies, and eliminate the four pests" work to ensure the environmental hygiene of the reopened business premises. Jiuhua Group and its affiliated companies have also fully resumed work, and implemented "point-to-point" closed-loop management of staff's work and residence.

Reporters learned that the first and second districts of Shangfu Group, Shangfu Property, Yongxin Culture and other units have also recently carried out regular environmental disinfection and cleaning of 10 parks and 19 office spaces under their jurisdiction. Inspection and maintenance of facilities and equipment such as monitoring, lighting, water, electricity, air conditioning, fire protection and elevators in the site will be carried out to ensure their stable operation.

It is reported that all district-administered enterprises (groups) have fully put into use "Place Codes" and "Digital Sentinels". Parks, office buildings, wet markets, shopping malls and other crowded places have completed the posting of "Place Codes" and the deployment of "Digital Sentinels". All equipment has completed installation testing, personnel training and other preparatory work before resuming work, achieving full coverage of personnel and vehicles. Through the prevention and control model of "Digital Sentinel" + "Place Code", we build an epidemic prevention safety barrier of "Civil Defense + Technical Defense" to make the epidemic prevention work more efficient, accurate and safe, and provide technical support for the resumption of work and production.

Accelerate the orderly resumption of work and production in various sectors

District state-owned assets system affiliated enterprises involve commercial buildings, properties, industrial chains, elderly care services and urban operations. Currently, all sectors are resuming work and production in an orderly manner under the premise of ensuring safety.

In terms of commercial buildings, the Changfang International Office Building, Parkson Youker Plaza, Bingu Plaza, and Wuyi MIX320 under the jurisdiction of the New Changning Group have resumed work and production and market; some merchants in Mega Plaza and Xinsuo·Chuangyi MIX have also resumed operations. Work and production have resumed.

In terms of property management, in order to welcome the resumption of work and production in commercial building parks and face the "urgent difficulties and worries" of enterprises, each property company has strengthened internal management and detailed personnel return to work, pre-job training, closed-loop management, epidemic prevention and daily material reserves, and nucleic acid antigen testing and other working mechanisms. Strictly control the entrance and exit gates, re-plan the entry and exit routes for vehicles, pedestrians, visitors and express delivery in the park (building), and provide enterprises with humanized services such as "one policy for one enterprise", "expedited service", "appointment service", etc. A green channel has been opened for services to ensure the resumption of work and production.

In terms of the industrial chain, Wanhong Group and its affiliated companies have fully resumed work. They strictly follow the epidemic prevention requirements, disinfect and ventilate the office environment, and purchase and prepare sufficient quantities of antigen reagents, protective masks, alcohol, hand sanitizer and other epidemic prevention materials. . All affiliated production enterprises have done a good job in equipment maintenance and upkeep, strengthened production safety inspections, and ensured both epidemic prevention and production safety.

In terms of elderly care services, all elderly care institutions under Wanhong continue to implement fully closed management. Deans, managers, and nursing staff of various nursing homes will continue to implement a 24-hour duty system and continue to provide comprehensive services and logistical support to the elderly in the institutions.

In terms of urban operations, New Changning Group has carried out the inspection, repair and maintenance of municipal facilities such as roads, guardrails, bridges and spaces under bridges in an orderly manner, and accelerated the implementation of full coverage of more than 12,000 rainwater inlets and corresponding connecting pipes in the region. Dredge and dredge work, carry out dead branches and broken branches removal, disease and insect pest control work on street trees and flower beds and flower boxes along key road sections in the district, and gradually promote the greening and landscape appearance of key areas. Ten of the managed park green spaces have taken the lead in reopening, and efforts have been concentrated on environmental cleaning and disinfection, garden appearance restoration, pest control, and safety hazard investigation.

Relieve difficulties and help park enterprises resume work and production

"The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changning District has issued a rent reduction and exemption policy for state-owned enterprises. If you have any needs, please contact me directly." The staff of the Shanghai Service Group's special resumption of work and production team have to go through the process every day Communicate with relevant persons in charge of enterprises in the park by phone or WeChat.

It is understood that to help enterprises relieve difficulties, Shanghai Service Group immediately set up a special work team. The group leaders coordinated the two-way work of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, and dynamically promoted the resumption of work and production in subordinate parks, buildings and other places. All affiliated enterprises actively implement the "one enterprise, one solution", listen and respond to the needs of tenants 24 hours a day, interpret relevant policies in a timely manner, and answer all questions and answer any doubts; at the same time, after members of the dedicated team inspected different places on the spot, Communicate with tenants on-site or online to promote more detailed and accurate plans for resumption of work and production.

Linkong Company has established a point-to-point communication mechanism with key enterprises in the Linkong Park to implement the person responsible for the resumption of work and production of each enterprise, listen and respond to the needs of enterprises 24 hours a day, and truly achieve "response at all times"; at the same time, combined with online communication situation, actively help park enterprises solve problems in production and operation, material security, support policy consultation and other aspects, and comprehensively assist park enterprises to resume work and production quickly, efficiently and safely.

It is understood that to facilitate the resumption of work and production, the Changning District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission issued the "Changning District State-owned Enterprises' Implementation Rules for Reducing and Reducing House Rent for Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households" as early as late April. In order to ensure that the business relief policy is effective, State-owned enterprises have actively contributed to the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work, production and market, and further clarified the relevant application methods, that is, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that rent houses of state-owned enterprises in the district in 2022 do not need to provide information affected by the epidemic. With supporting documents, such as the lease contract and other necessary materials, and after review by the relevant state-owned enterprises, the rent for 6 months in 2022 can be exempted, of which the rent for the lease period of less than one year in 2022 will be exempted on a proportional basis.

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Source: Shanghai Changning