Editor's Note: In order to better summarize the tremendous changes in state-owned enterprises in the past ten years, the "State-owned Assets Report" launched a special report "My Views on State-owned Enterprises in the Past Ten Years". Through in-depth interviews with foreign exe

Editor's note

In order to better summarize the tremendous changes in state-owned enterprises in the past ten years, " State-owned Assets Report " launched the "My View of State-owned Enterprises in the Past Ten Years" special report. Through in-depth interviews with foreign executives of state-owned enterprises, representatives of other ownership shareholders of mixed-ownership enterprises, and partners of other ownership enterprises in the industry chain, we analyze and summarize the innovation achievements of state-owned enterprises in reform and development from an external perspective, and put forward new expectations for state-owned enterprises. .

Founded in December 2011, National Energy China is a private enterprise whose main business involves energy, environmental protection, investment, new materials and other fields. Since its establishment 10 years ago, most of the business of National Energy and China Power has always revolved around state-owned enterprises. Its cooperation with state-owned enterprises is not limited to providing products and services to relevant state-owned enterprises, but also includes deeper equity cooperation-many enterprises under the National Energy and China Power Group have introduced state-owned capital participation. In addition, including chairman Bai Yunfeng , a considerable number of senior executives, middle-level and ordinary employees of National Energy and CLP have experience in state-owned enterprises.

Because of this, the people of National Energy and CLP, represented by Bai Yunfeng, have a profound understanding of the development and changes of state-owned enterprises in the past ten years. "In the past ten years, state-owned enterprises have undergone tremendous changes in terms of industrial layout, operating mechanism and cooperation concepts." Bai Yunfeng said.

Today, we bring you the second article "Bai Yunfeng: Hand in Hand for the National Qi Butterfly Change" . The following is Bai Yunfeng's self-narration, and the title was added by the editor.

Interview and compilation · Staff reporter Liu Qingshan

"State-owned Assets Report" magazine 2022 Issue 4

Changes in the layout of state-owned assets

From a major emitter to a major carbon reducer

Ten years ago, at the beginning of the establishment of National Energy and China Power, the industry It is generally believed that the development of the pollution control industry is close to the "ceiling". Pollution control at that time mainly focused on emission gases such as , sulfur dioxide, , and nitrogen oxides, and these pollutants mainly came from coal. At that time, the annual coal consumption was close to 4 billion tons, and everyone believed that there was no room for increase.

Therefore, the main business we initially chose was energy-saving renovation. Compared with the governance field, energy conservation was a small industry at the time. The indicators before and after energy-saving renovation have not changed much, which is not a rigid need for many companies. For example, the coal consumption per kilowatt hour of electricity was about 350 grams at that time, but now it has dropped to less than 300 grams. If the state does not impose mandatory requirements, many companies will lack the motivation to invest.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the energy conservation and environmental protection industry and China National Energy Corporation ushered in a golden period of development. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that the construction of ecological civilization should be included in the overall layout of the "five-in-one" cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the construction of ecological civilization should be promoted to build a beautiful China. More than 100 days later, the "Ten Rules for Atmosphere" ——The " Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan " was released. China has become the first developing country in the world to carry out large-scale PM2.5 governance.

Over the past ten years, our country has been more determined, vigorous, and effective in promoting ecological and environmental protection than ever before. We deeply feel that the increased environmental protection policies have effectively promoted the progress of environmental protection technology and the innovation of business models. The entire industry has been enjoying policy dividends in the past decade.

The country has requirements, and state-owned enterprises must implement them. In the past ten years, state-owned enterprises, as the main force in the implementation of " lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets", have accelerated the deployment of clean energy, energy-saving transformation, and pollution control, and successfully completed the transformation from a major emitter to a major carbon reducer, driving the The development and progress of the entire industrial chain of energy conservation and environmental protection.

relieves the country’s worries and achieves its own goals. Over the past ten years, National Energy and China Power has given full play to its advantages of strong innovation capabilities and more flexible mechanisms to actively provide products and services to relevant state-owned enterprises in the fields of energy-saving transformation, pollution control, and new energy development, and has promoted relevant state-owned enterprises to complete clean and low-carbon transformation. At the same time, the company has grown and developed.

The proposal of the "dual carbon" goal has further accelerated the pace of energy conservation, emission reduction and pollution control among domestic industrial enterprises.In my opinion, if an enterprise wants to take the initiative in development in this era of change, it must first be forward-looking. In 2017, the construction of Unit #1 of the 2×350MW captive power plant in Rizhao Premium Base of Shandong Iron and Steel Group invested and constructed by us started. In November 2020, the power plant was officially handed over to production. The power plant makes full use of coal gas, a by-product of the production process of Shandong Iron and Steel Group Rizhao Company. The unit design indicators are at the leading level in the domestic industry, the emission design value meets the national environmental protection ultra-low emission requirements, and all ash and slag are comprehensively utilized. At present, this power plant alone has a trading volume of more than 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide. The success of this project is inseparable from the continuous promotion of China National Energy and China Power and the foresight of the leaders of Shandong Steel Company.

Secondly, you must have innovative ideas. In our country's energy structure, electricity plays a very important role, and the foundation of our country's traditional thermal power is rooted in the Soviet Union and mainly relies on fossil energy. In the long term, the pollution problem cannot be completely solved unless fossil energy occupies the dominant position in the energy structure. With the advent of the "dual carbon" era, a number of new power plant projects must be established. I believe that power plants in the new era must have the following characteristics at the same time. First, they must be flexible and be able to better regulate the power grid. Second, they must be functional and able to absorb raw materials such as garbage, sludge, and biomass. Third, they must have low energy consumption. emission. Only in this way can the thermal power industry enter the 2.0 era.

In 2018, experts such as Shi Chunfeng, senior advisor to the president of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Bai Chunli, dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, jointly proposed the concept of "liquid sunshine ". "Liquid Sunshine" uses electricity generated from renewable energy sources such as solar energy to electrolyze water to produce green hydrogen, and then hydrogenates carbon dioxide into green liquid fuels such as methanol that are easy to store and transport. The energy density of methanol is very high, above 8,000 kcal, which is twenty to thirty times the efficiency of chemical energy storage. The transportation cost is significantly lower than that of directly transporting hydrogen, and it is also very convenient to restore it to hydrogen. Based on this, National Energy and CLP has developed new development ideas in the "double carbon" era. The first is to use straw and livestock and poultry manure to produce natural gas, organic fertilizer and green carbon dioxide; the second is to use photovoltaics and wind power to build a clean power system that is complementary to biomass power generation; the third is to produce green hydrogen ; Finally, "green hydrogen", carbon dioxide and catalysts are used to synthesize "liquid sunlight" (methanol). Compared with conventional energy storage methods, "liquid sunlight" has unique advantages. It not only solves the storage of wind and solar power generation, but also solves the disposal of straw and livestock manure, forming a closed loop of carbon-neutral recycling.

At this year's National Two Sessions, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Li Can proposed that liquid sunlight methanol synthesis should be vigorously developed in areas hardest hit by coal chemical industry and carbon emissions. He believes that this is a practical path that takes into account my country's "dual carbon" goals and economic development.

On March 10, Shanghai Electric jointly signed the "Coal Power Peaking Low Carbon and Liquid Sunlight (Green Hydrogen- Carbon Capture-Methanol Coupling Engineering Research and Application》Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement .

The 2021 China Renewable Energy Society Science and Technology Award was announced in April 2022. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences "Liquid Solar Fuel Synthesis" technology won the first prize of the China Renewable Energy Society Technology Invention Award.

The above signs fully demonstrate that "liquid sunshine" is gaining wider recognition. In this innovative path, National Energy and China Power already has a first-mover advantage. Our Guofeng Qingyuan Huai'an project is a project focused on the management of organic waste such as crop straws, livestock and poultry manure, and the conversion of bioenergy . The fermented gas from this project can directly enter the gas pipeline network, and the by-products can be directly returned to the fields as organic fertilizer. At present, the project has achieved profitability, which has laid a solid foundation for us to expand our development path and seize the initiative in the "double carbon" era.

Jing Junhai, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, held a video meeting with Bai Yunfeng, Chairman of Guoneng China Power Group.

There must be a spirit of cooperation again. TNB does not advocate working alone and has always hoped to cooperate with all parties for win-win results. Currently, China National Energy and China Power, together with State Power Investment Corporation Jilin Co., Ltd. and PetroChina Jilin Company, are accelerating the promotion and implementation of the "Liquid Sunshine" project in Baicheng, Jilin. After the project is completed, the annual output can reach 500 million cubic meters, which can absorb 5 million kilowatts of wind power and produce 1 million tons of methanol. Next, we will launch another million-ton methanol project in Xing'an League . In the future, we will strengthen cooperation with state-owned enterprises such as State Grid's new energy service platform to promote this model to become bigger and stronger.

Changes in the concept of national cooperation

From conquering the world all together to working together to tackle difficulties

In the early years, some state-owned enterprises often pursued the pursuit of large and comprehensive, small and comprehensive, intentionally or unintentionally. For example, many state-owned enterprises have deployed a large number of energy-saving and environmental protection companies around their industries, instead of seeking help from the market. In practice, these companies can often only undertake internal business, and sometimes in order to ensure their survival, the parent group will also set up entry barriers for external companies. This not only results in a large amount of waste of resources and is detrimental to market development; it also restricts the company's own technological innovation capabilities.

Currently, our country is in a critical stage of industrialization and needs to concentrate its efforts to make breakthroughs. I believe that state-owned enterprises, as the national team for technological innovation, should correctly understand the origin of original technology and the significance of a long industrial chain. It is not about conquering the world, but about initiating demand, working together to tackle difficulties, and making progress together.

What is gratifying is that in the past ten years, more state-owned enterprises in the energy and steel fields have made more attempts at foreign cooperation and have joined forces with other ownership enterprises to create many successful cases. TNB is a participant, promoter and beneficiary of this change.

We have noticed in practice that state-owned enterprises are often cautious when cooperating with private enterprises. Before cooperating with us, they often pay attention to previous successful cases. Therefore, the breakthrough from 0 to 1 is the most difficult, while the breakthrough from 1 to 100 is relatively easy. Especially for thermal power plants, because thermal power plants have very high requirements for safe operation, they are not very willing to introduce new technologies. Sometimes even cooperation is implemented step by step. For example, over the past ten years, Huadian Tieling Power Plant has signed a nine-item energy-saving renovation list with us, which has been implemented step by step with very good results.

Even so, we still persisted in making breakthroughs and completed the construction of the world's first biomass natural gas project using rice straw as the main raw material, namely the Jiangsu Huaian Guofeng Qingyuan Biogas and Organic Fertilizer Project just mentioned; put into operation and construction The world's first carbon-based catalyst environmental protection project was launched, namely the carbon-based catalyst integrated environmental protection device for the sintering machine of Shandong Rizhao Premium Base.

Huaian Project Factory

Among them, the self-owned power plant project of Shandong Iron and Steel Rizhao Premium Base that we invested and constructed is particularly worth mentioning. This is a 2×350MW ultra-clean power plant with a kilowatt-hour coal consumption of less than 300 grams. At that time, many people in the industry believed that it was unlikely to meet this energy consumption and emission standard. Some people also believe that my country is basically a power plant with a million-kilowatt unit size, and small-scale power plants lack application scenarios. But we firmly believe that with our technical strength, this emission standard can be achieved, and there will be many application opportunities for small-scale power plants in countries along the “Belt and Road”, which is of great significance.

We have gone to many state-owned enterprises to recommend this technology. They always ask first, are there any success stories? In order to prove ourselves, we invested more than one billion yuan in Shandong Iron and Steel to build this power plant - you know, private enterprises are generally unwilling to build power plants because it takes up too much money. At that time, Shanxi Iron and Steel wanted to build a high-quality steel base in Rizhao, China. Since the project was located in the Bohai Rim Economic Circle, relevant departments required that it must meet ultra-low emission standards. However, the energy consumption level of pollution control equipment is very high. To offset this part of the cost, energy consumption must be reduced. Therefore, while Shandong is equipped with flue gas treatment devices, it is also equipped with ultra-clean power plants, achieving pollution control and forcing energy-saving transformation.They also had concerns at the time, so they asked us, "Can you invest your own money?"

It should be said that this is a cooperation that is very consistent with the positioning of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. State-owned enterprises have provided us with platforms and opportunities for the implementation of new technologies. So we want to thank Shandong Iron and Steel.

Generally speaking, our cooperation with state-owned enterprises includes both win-win results at the business level and joint construction at the equity level. At the business level, we believe that the biggest challenge is still whether state-owned enterprises are willing to use technology on the market. This requires us to change our mindset. Regardless of state-owned or private enterprises, we are all Chinese enterprises. We should cherish China's social wealth together and not make repeated investments. We must spend money wisely and not waste it.

In terms of equity cooperation, I think that professional funds established by state-owned enterprises to invest in private enterprises are a good development direction. For example, Everbright Fund invested in our environmental protection company, and in the Guofeng Qingyuan project mentioned earlier, SDIC Venture Capital’s central-owned rural industry investment fund participated in the investment. Practice has proven that specialized fund investment can retain the inherent advantages of private enterprises to the greatest extent, while regulating them and fully combining the advantages of state-owned enterprises with the vitality of private enterprises.

Currently, the liquid sunlight project we are exploring includes four links: biomass fermentation, wind power generation, hydrogen production and methanol. The industrial chain is very long and requires a lot of investment. If Jilin Province is covered, it will require an investment of 50 billion yuan. But I believe that with the Huaian demonstration project, we will get more recognition and attract more partners to join. In this system, TNB is a guide rather than a leader. We sincerely hope that more state-owned enterprises will participate and we also hope that they will play a leading role.

Changes in the operating mechanism of state-owned enterprises

From agency color to modern enterprise

Based on my personal work experience in state-owned enterprises, I believe that over the years, the construction of modern enterprise systems in state-owned enterprises has been further strengthened, and the decision-making process has become more standardized, administrative, and institutionalized. The management color has been further weakened, and the internal distribution mechanism has become more market-oriented. In particular, the talent training system model of state-owned enterprises is worth learning from, as it effectively avoids the phenomenon of nepotism. Private enterprises should learn from it and solve the problem of corporate familialization. In addition, the internal management of state-owned enterprises has become more standardized and rigorous.

Relatively speaking, private enterprises have more advantages in decision-making efficiency and flexible mechanisms, which are worth learning from state-owned enterprises. If we combine the standards of state-owned enterprises with the efficiency of private enterprises, I think we can form the standard of a good Chinese enterprise, which is standardized, efficient and dynamic. This is a goal that we and state-owned enterprises should work together to achieve.
