The full text of "The Biography of Bian Que" in simplified Chinese: Bian Que was from Zheng, Bohai County. His surname was Qin and his given name was from Yue. When I was young, I was a housekeeper. When I was a guest, Mr. Chang Sang passed by me. Bian Que was unique and strange,

The full text of "The Biography of Bian Que" in simplified Chinese:

When I was young, I was a housekeeper. When I was a guest, Sang Jun passed by me. Bian Que was unique and strange. I often encountered him. Chang Sang Jun also knew that Bian Que was an extraordinary person. After more than ten years in and out, Bian Que asked Bian Que to sit in private, and said to him: "I have a forbidden recipe. I am old and want to pass it on to you, but don't let it go." Bian Que said: "I promise." Then he gave him the Chinese medicine. He said to Bian Que: "Drink the water from the above pond for thirty days, and you will know what is going on." He then took the forbidden prescription book and gave it to Bian Que. Suddenly he disappeared, and he was probably not a human being. Bian Que drank the medicine according to his words for thirty days and saw people on one side of the wall. This way of looking at the disease can reveal all the symptoms of the Five Tibetans, and it is especially famous for diagnosing the pulse. He worked as a doctor either in Qi or in Zhao. The one in Zhao was named Bian Que.

When Jin Zhaogong was established, the officials were strong but the public family was weak. Zhao Jianzi was a doctor, specializing in state affairs. Jian Zi was ill and had not known anyone for five days. The officials were all afraid, so he summoned Bian Que. Bian Que comes in, sees the disease, and comes out. Dong An asked Bian Que in , Bian Que said: "Bloodline treatment, why is it strange? In the past Duke Mu of Qin experienced this, and he died in seven days. Now the king's disease is the same as the same, and he will be seen within three days. "I stayed for two and a half days, Jian Ziyuan.

Later, Bian Que passed by Guo, and the prince of Guo died. Bian Que went to the gate of Guo Palace and asked the concubine who liked the prescription: "What's wrong with the prince? Why is it that the rule of law in the country is too much for everyone?" The concubine said: "The prince is ill and his blood and energy are not coming from time to time. They are intertwined and cannot be released. When it breaks out outside, it is: The spirit cannot stop the evil energy, and the evil energy cannot be released, so the Yang is slow and the Yin is urgent, so he dies violently. "Bian Que asked: "How can he die at the right time?" "Have you received it?" He said: "Weiye, he died within half a day." "Yanchen Qibohai was from Qinyue. His family was in Zheng. He didn't have the opportunity to pay homage to him. I heard that the prince died unfortunately. , I can give birth to him. "Zhong Shuzi said: "Sir, is it true that there is no birth? How can you say that the prince can give birth? I heard that in ancient times, doctors had Yu Tu , and they did not treat diseases with liquid soup or sprinkling of stone. Yin, the case is used to remove the poison and iron it, and respond to the disease at first sight. Due to the loss of the five Tibetans, the skin is cut to relieve the muscles, the arteries and veins are tied to the tendons, the marrow and brain are pulled out, the tentacles of the claws are pulled out, the intestines and stomach are washed, the five Tibetans are washed, and the exercises are performed The essence is easy to shape. If the teacher can do it, then the prince can be born; if it can't be done, if you want to give birth, you can't tell the child who is coughing. "One day, Bian Que looked up to the sky and sighed: "Master, if it is done. Use the tube to see the sky, and use the qie to see the text. It is not necessary to wait for to feel the pulse , to look at the color, to listen to the sound, to write the shape, to tell the yang of the disease, and to find the yin; to hear the yin of the disease, Regarding the Yang, the disease should be seen on the surface, not far away, and it can't be cured. I thought my words were dishonest, so I tried to diagnose the prince. He heard that he had tinnitus and nasal congestion. The two strands reach the yin, which should be still warm. "When the common man heard Bian Que's words, he was dazzled but did not stare, and his tongue was tied but could not move, so he reported Bian Que's words to Lord Guo.

Mr. Guo was shocked when he heard this. He went out to see Bian Que in Zhongque and said, "I have been hearing about the high righteousness for a long time, but I have never paid homage to him. Mr. Guo lived in a small country. Fortunately, he was promoted to a small country. I am very lucky to have few officials in the country." If you have a husband, you will live, but if you don't have a husband, you will give up and fill the gully, and you will not be able to fight back for a long time. "The words have not yet died, because the soul is full of tears, the tears are long, the eyelashes are growing suddenly, the sadness cannot be stopped, and the appearance changes. Bian Que said: "If the prince is ill, it is called a corpse. The prince is not dead." Bian Que asked his disciple Ziyang to sharpen needles and stones to extract the outer three yangs and five gatherings. There is Prince Su. Then he made Zibao iron it into five parts, boil it together with eight parts, and iron the lower parts of the two ribs even more. The prince sat up. It is more suitable for yin and yang, but it will recover after taking the soup for 20 days. Therefore, all the people in the world regard Bian Que as the person who can live and die. Bian Que said: "The Yue people are not capable of life and death. The Yue people can make the ears of those who are born to be alive."

Bian Que passed by Qi, and Qi Huanhou came to visit him. When he came to the court, he said, "You have a disease in your internal organs. If you don't treat it, it will become more severe." Huanhou said, "I don't have any disease." Bian Que came out, and Huanhou said to his left and right, "Medical medicine is good for benefit. If you want to treat those who are not sick, "For merit." Five days later, Bian Que came back and said, "You have a disease in your blood, and if you don't treat it, it will be serious." Huan Hou said, "I am not sick." Bian Que came out, and Huan Hou was not happy. Five days later, Bian Que saw him again and said, "You have a disease in your stomach and intestines. If it is not cured, it will become more severe." Marquis Huan did not respond. When Bian Que came out, Marquis Huan was displeased.Five days later, Bian Que saw him again, saw Huan Hou and retreated. Marquis Huan asked people to ask him why. Bian Que said: "The disease is located in the interstitial area, where soup and iron can reach it; it is in the blood vessels, where needles and stones can reach; it is in the intestines and stomach, where wine and mash can reach; it is in the bone marrow, even if you are in charge of orders, there is nothing you can do about it. ! Now it's in the bone marrow, so I didn't ask for it. "Five days later, Marquis Huan fell ill, so someone summoned Bian Que, but Bian Que fled, and Marquis Huan died.

If the sage can predict the subtleties and the good doctor can catch fleas, then the disease can be cured and the body can live. There are many diseases for people, but there are few diseases for doctors. Therefore, there are six types of diseases that cannot be cured: one is arrogance and carelessness, and one cannot be cured; one is despising one's body and one's wealth, two is not cured; one cannot cure food and clothing appropriately, three is incurable; one is Yin and Yang, and the qi is stored in an unstable manner, one is incurable; four is incurable because one is too weak to take medicine, and five is incurable Also; if you believe in witchcraft but not medicine, you will not be able to cure the six diseases. If there is this one, it will be serious and difficult to treat.

Bian Que is famous all over the world. When he passed through Handan, he heard about noble ladies, so he became a doctor; when he went to Luoyang, he heard that people in Zhou loved the elderly, so he became a doctor for ear and eye paralysis; when he came to Xianyang, when he heard that people in Qin loved children, he became a pediatrician. : Follow the customs and change. The imperial doctor of Qin ordered Li Xi to realize that he was not as good as Bian Que, so he ordered someone to assassinate him. So far, the person who speaks about pulse in the world is Bian Que.


Bian Que is a native of Zhengdi, Bohai County. His surname is Qin and his given name is Yue. When he was young, he worked as a hostel manager. The diner Chang Sangjun visited many people, but Bian Que thought he was extraordinary and treated him respectfully. Chang Sangjun also knew that Bian Que was not an ordinary person. After more than ten years of contact, Chang Sangjun called Bian Que to sit down in private and quietly told him: "I have a secret recipe. Now that I am old, I want to pass it on to you, sir. Please don't reveal it." Bian Que said respectfully. "Yes." Chang Sangjun took out the medicine in his arms and gave it to Bian Que and said, "take this medicine with water that has not touched the ground for thirty days, and you will be able to see into hidden things." After that, He took out all his secret recipe books and gave them to Bian Que, and then suddenly disappeared. He must not have been a mortal! Bian Que took the medicine for thirty days according to his instructions and could see the people on the other side of the wall. Using this method to see a doctor, you can completely see the crux of the disease in the five internal organs, just in the name of pulse diagnosis. He practiced medicine sometimes in the state of Qi, and sometimes in the state of Zhao. When he was in the state of Zhao, he was called Bian Que.

During the reign of Duke Zhao of Jin, the power of the ministers was already very strong while the power of the Jin Jun family was already very weak. Zhao Jianzi served as a minister and made decisions on national affairs. Zhao Jianzi fell ill and did not wake up for five days. The ministers were very worried, so they called Bian Que. Bian Que entered Zhao Jianzi's bedroom, diagnosed his condition and came out. Dong Anyu asked Bian Que about his condition. Bian Que said: "The blood is normal, why are you surprised?! Duke Mugong of Qin used to be like this, and he woke up after seven days. Now the master's disease is the same as his, and he will be cured within three days." After two and a half days, Zhao Jianzi Just woke up.

Later, Bian Que arrived at Guo Kingdom and happened to see the death of Prince Guo. Bian Que came to the palace gate of Guo State and asked the concubine, who was fond of alchemy, "What disease does the prince suffer from? Is holding a sacrifice in the capital more grand than anything else?" The concubine said: "The prince is sick. A disease in which the blood cannot circulate on time. The stagnation caused by the qi and blood cannot be dispersed and suddenly occurs outside the body, causing damage to the internal organs. The evil energy accumulates and cannot be dispersed. , As a result, the yang energy was weak and the yin evil was strong, so he suddenly fainted and died." Bian Que said: "How long has he been dead?" Zhong Shuzi said: "From midnight to now." Bian Que said: "He was buried. "Is he dead?" The concubine said, "No, he died less than half a day ago." Bian Que said, "Please tell Mr. Guo that I am a Qinyue native of Bohai County, Qi State, and I live in Zheng State. I have not been able to see the grace of Guo Jun, but I have served him recently. I heard that the prince died unfortunately, and I can revive him." The concubine said, "Sir, are you lying to me? Why do you say that the prince can be resurrected?" What? I heard that in ancient times, there was a doctor named Yu Fu. When treating diseases, he did not use decoctions, wine, stone needle guidance, or massage and medicinal application.Then follow the acupoints of the five internal organs, cut the skin and flesh, dredge the veins, connect the tendons, press and treat the marrow and brain, cut and treat the underlying diseases, clear the diaphragm, rinse the stomach and intestines, cleanse the five internal organs, and cultivate the essence. Change form. If the master's medical skills can be like this, then the prince can be resurrected; if he can't be like this, but you want to revive him, you simply can't tell the baby who just learned to laugh what you just said!" After a long time, Bian Que looked up to the sky and sighed: "Sir, using medical skills, it's like... I use bamboo tubes to look at the sky and see patterns through the cracks; I use medical skills to tell the symptoms without having to feel the pulse, look at the color, listen to the patient's voice, or examine the patient's physical signs. As long as you hear the external symptoms of the disease, you can infer its internal pathogenesis; as long as you hear the internal pathogenesis of the disease, you can infer its external symptoms. The disease manifests on the surface of the human body. As long as the patient is not thousands of miles away, I must have many ways to determine the condition, and I cannot go into detail. If you think my words are unbelievable, just give it a try and go into the palace to examine the prince. You will definitely hear his ears ringing and see his nose twitching. Touch up his thighs until you reach his vagina. It will still be warm. "After hearing Bian Que's words, the concubine was so shocked that his eyes were blurred and he could not blink, and his tongue was raised and could not be put down. Then he took Bian Que's words into the palace and reported them to Lord Guo.

Lord Guo was shocked after hearing the report. Gong came to meet Bian Que under the que gate and said, "It has been a long time since I heard about your noble deeds in private, but I have never been able to visit you in front of you." My husband came to our small country, so I was lucky enough to be rescued. The prince of our remote little country is really lucky! If he has a husband, he will be resurrected. Without him, he will be thrown away to fill the ravine, and he will die forever without being able to come back to life. . "Before I finished speaking, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I was so sad that I couldn't calm down. I was in a trance. Tears flowed out. The tears rolled out and hung on my eyelashes. I couldn't control my sadness. Even my appearance changed. Bian Que said: "Prince Xiang's disease is what people call 'corpse syndrome'. The prince is not dead. "Bian Que asked his disciple Zi Yang to grind a needle and use it to acupuncture the three Yang and Wu Hui points of the outer body. After a while, the prince regained consciousness. Bian Que asked another disciple Zi Bao to use the needle that can warm the five points of the human body. Using a hot compress method of different shades, he mixed the medicine of Bajia and boiled it. After boiling, he used it to apply heat to the lower parts of his flanks alternately. The prince sat up and adjusted his yin and yang. He recovered after taking the medicine for only twenty days. Therefore, everyone in the world believes that Bian Que is the person who can resurrect the dead. Bian Que said: "I am not the person who can resurrect the dead." This is because he would have been resurrected in the first place, and I could only restore him. "

When Bian Que arrived in the state of Qi, Marquis Huan of Qi received him as a distinguished guest. After Bian Que went to the court to pay homage to Marquis Qi Huan, he said to him: "You are sick, and it is between the skin and the flesh. If you don't treat it, it will get worse. "Huan Hou said: "I am not sick. After Bian Que went out, Marquis Huan said to the people around him: "Doctors like money and want to make money by treating people who are not sick." "Five days later, Bian Que went to see Qi Huanhou again and said, "You are sick, and it is in your blood. If you don't treat it, it may get worse. "Huan Hou said: "I am not sick. "After Bian Que went out, Marquis Huan was very unhappy. Five days later, Bian Que went to see Marquis Huan of Qi again and said, "You are sick. It is in your stomach and intestines. If you don't treat it, it will get worse." "Hou Huan did not answer. After Bian Que went out, Hou Huan became even more unhappy. Five days later, Bian Que went to see Qi Huan Hou again. When he saw Hou Huan, he withdrew and ran away. Hou Huan sent someone to ask the reason. , Bian Que said: "When the disease is between the skin and flesh, decoction and hot compress can cure it; when it is in the blood, acupuncture can cure it; if it is in the intestines and stomach, wine can cure it; if it enters the Bone marrow, even God who controls life cannot do anything to it. Now that it has entered the bone marrow, I dare not ask for treatment. "Five days later, Marquis Huan was seriously ill, so he sent someone to call Bian Que, but Bian Que had already escaped. Marquis Huan finally died.

If people in high positions knew about the disease in advance before it showed any signs, Eliminating the pathogenic factors of the disease allows good doctors to treat it as early as possible, then the disease can be cured and the body can survive.What people worry about is that there are too many diseases; what doctors worry about is that there are too few ways to treat diseases. Therefore, there are six types of diseases that cannot be treated: arrogance, indulgence and unreasonableness, which is the first condition that cannot be treated; putting the body first and money first, this is the second condition that cannot be treated; food and clothing cannot adapt to the yin and yang of the four seasons. Changes in the body, this is the third condition that cannot be treated; Qi and blood disorder, the essence of the five internal organs cannot be kept within, this is the fourth condition that cannot be treated; The body is too thin and cannot adapt to the power of the medicine, this is the fifth condition Untreatable conditions; Belief in shamans but not doctors, this is the sixth untreatable condition. If one of these conditions exists, it will be difficult to treat.

Bian Que’s reputation spread throughout the world. When I arrived in Handan, I heard that people in the Zhao Kingdom respected women, so I became a gynecologist; when I arrived in Luoyang, I heard that people in the Zhou Dynasty respected the elderly, so I became a geriatric doctor; when I arrived in Xianyang, I heard that in the Qin Kingdom, I became a geriatrician. People who love children become pediatricians: in short, the focus of medical practice changes with different customs. Li Xi, the imperial physician of Qin, knew that his medical skills were not as good as Bian Que's, so he sent someone to assassinate Bian Que. To this day, people who study pulse and learn all follow Bian Que's theory.