[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", the university department of Taiwan's "Air Force Officers" School in Gangshan, Kaohsiung reported today (27th) that more than 100 students were suspected of collective food poisoning. People on the island b

[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", the university department of Taiwan's "Air Force Officer" School in Gangshan, Kaohsiung reported today (27th) that more than 100 students were suspected of collective food poisoning. People on the island broke the news A relative's child had food poisoning at school, but the school did not send the student to a hospital for treatment but asked the student to leave school early. Some parents of the student questioned whether the school's approach would lead to a "break" in the epidemic if it was found to be COVID-19.

According to reports, some people broke the news that a relative’s child came home early this afternoon after experiencing symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea at school. After inquiries from parents, it was learned that the student was suspected of having food poisoning after eating lunch. Many students had abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even developed symptoms of food poisoning. With symptoms of high fever, parents were dissatisfied that the school did not send them to a hospital for treatment and check the cause of diarrhea after learning about it, but asked the students to leave school early. Since the school also has foreign students, if the new coronavirus is diagnosed, sending every student home will become an epidemic. The school's approach was quite negligent.

Taiwan's "Air Force Officer" School responded that the school's students were suspected of having gastrointestinal discomfort from drinking yogurt that had been left for too long. Four students were referred to Okayama Hideden Hospital for treatment, and more than 100 other students went to the hospital due to various physical symptoms. The school medical clinic sought medical treatment, but there was no fever as reported by the public, and students will all undergo rapid COVID-19 screening before returning to school. Now students are being arranged to be vaccinated. The school has very strict measures to prevent and control COVID-19. Students appear The gastrointestinal discomfort is suspected to be caused by the yogurt brought to the dormitory for breakfast. The school has sent food samples to the Taiwan Army Okayama Hospital for examination and confirmation.

reported that some people also revealed that the university department of Taiwan's "Air Force Officers" School originally notified students in mid-June that they would postpone their return to school in September. Unexpectedly, students were notified at the end of July to return to school on July 27. Students returned to school on July 27. After school, activities can only be done in the dormitory. Classes and meals are all done in the dormitory. There is no point in returning to school. Moreover, all students have not been vaccinated against the new coronavirus. There are also students from Central and South America. Parents are worried about being infected with the new coronavirus in collective living. Today’s students When they felt unwell, the school did not collectively send the students to the hospital for blood tests. Instead, students were sent home to become a vulnerability to the epidemic.

Source: Global Network