The Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau reconfirmed on the 15th that ASE has completed improvements and approved the resumption of work at ASE’s K7 factory on the 15th. Chen Jinde, director of Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau, said that in addition to adm

The Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau reconfirmed on the 15th that ASE has completed improvements and approved the resumption of work at ASE’s K7 factory on the 15th. Chen Jinde, director of Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau, said that in addition to administratively ordering the suspension of the nickel-containing process of ASE's K7 plant, the pollution incident also invoked the provisions of Article 18 of the Administrative Penalty Law to impose a fine of NT$109.4 million on ASE's illegal gains and grant a period of compensation. ASE Corporation has learned a painful lesson.

It is reported that ASE has begun preparations to resume operations at the K7 factory, which is expected to have a positive impact on operations next year. The market also expects that the news that the K7 factory is allowed to resume work will encourage a good trend in ASE's stock price when it opens today (16th).

The Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau emphasized that it will still conduct vigorous inspections to curb the environmental pollution of large companies in order to maintain river water quality; but it also hopes that the Legislative Yuan will amend the law as soon as possible to increase the maximum fines and criminal liabilities of the Water Pollution Law and the Abolition Law, so as to Prevent unscrupulous manufacturers from circumventing the installation or operation of wastewater treatment facilities and processes.

(This article is reprinted with permission from MoneyDJ News)

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