The new year is coming, and Japanese media 4gamer’s New Year’s planning interviews with major game manufacturers or developers are also being announced one after another. In an interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy, he stated that Terra will be developed

The new year is coming, and Japanese media 4gamer’s New Year’s planning interviews with major game manufacturers or developers are also being announced one after another. In an interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy, he said that next year he will simultaneously develop "Terra Wars" and "Terra Battle 3" as well as maintain the first two works of "Terra Battle".

At the same time, Sakaguchi Hironobu also said that Mist Walker Studio will move to a new office at the beginning of this year.

Mistrunner Studio is a game studio founded by Hironobu Sakaguchi after leaving Square Enix . The studio released the word-of-mouth strategy RPG game "Terra Battle 2" this year, which is the sequel to "Terra Battle". Another game called Terra Wars was announced.

is currently unaware of the specific situation of "Terra Battle 3". Please continue to follow us for more information.