Serves 2 people Time 20 minutes Ingredients: Overnight salty crispy chicken 15 pieces of udon noodles 1 pack of carrots, half an onion, 1 chili, half an enoki mushroom, half a pack of curry powder 2 tablespoons Steps: 1. Prepare ingredients: overnight, udon noodles , shred the ca

Curry Salty Crispy Chicken Oolong Chow Mein

Transform the endless Salty Crispy Chicken into an exotic cuisine that combines Chinese and Western cuisine.

The aroma of curry, the sweetness of onions, the texture of salty crispy chicken, and the elasticity of udon noodles are combined into a multi-layered delicious and error-free cooking! !

Servings 2 people Time 20 minutes


15 pieces of overnight salty crispy chicken

Udon noodles 1 pack of carrots, half an onion, 1 onion

Chili, half an enoki mushroom, half a pack of curry powder, 2 tablespoons


1. Prepare the ingredients : Overnight, udon noodles, shredded carrots, sliced ​​onions, sliced ​​peppers, halved enoki mushrooms, curry powder

Add to the pot and sauté together with the curry powder

2. After heating the pot, add the onions, peppers, and shredded carrots first Sauté the curry powder with the curry powder until fragrant; after sautéing, pour an appropriate amount of water, add the enoki mushrooms, and cook until boiling

Add the udon noodles

3, add the udon noodles, stir with chopsticks, and cook until it boils

4, pour in the overnight salty crisp Stir-fry the chicken bones and drain the soup.


It is best not to eat too much of the vegetables that have been left overnight. Check to see if they have spoiled before eating.