Speaking of salted crispy chicken, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Salted crispy chicken is a high-temperature fried food and is one of the common snacks in Taiwan. Nowadays, delicious snacks such as rice are bought at small stalls. They are crispy, crispy and fragrant an

Speaking of salted crispy chicken , I believe everyone is familiar with it. Salted crispy chicken is a high-temperature fried food and is one of the common snacks in Taiwan. Nowadays, delicious snacks such as rice are bought at small stalls. They are crispy, crispy and fragrant and taste good. Today we are going to use chicken thighs to make delicious salted crispy chicken.

The ingredients for salted crispy chicken are generally chicken legs or chicken breasts. Chicken legs taste better than chicken breasts and have higher calories than chicken breasts. However, salted crispy chicken is only eaten occasionally, and it is not recommended to eat it all the time. After all, it is a fried food, and eating too much is not good.

[Salt Crispy Chicken]

Ingredients that need to be prepared: granular sweet potato powder 30g, five-spice powder 5g, salt and pepper 3g, red oil fermented bean curd 15g, corn oil 500ml, appropriate amount of nine-layer pagoda leaves, one tablespoon of light soy sauce, one egg , 4 chicken legs.

[Cooking Steps] The first step is to prepare all the above ingredients, then process the purchased chicken legs and clean the chicken legs. Then use the kitchen to simply reduce the meat and remove the bones (don’t waste the bones and keep the soup)

The second step is to cut the chicken legs into small cubes. This can also be replaced with chicken breasts, but chicken legs are still more delicious. delicious. Prepare red oil bean curd and light soy sauce, mix them and stir evenly to make a sauce and set aside;

Step 3: Pour the bean curd sauce into the chicken, mix well in one direction, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Add egg white and mix well, add 10 ml of vegetable oil, and mix well in one direction;

Step 4: Finally, pour in granular sweet potato powder, and evenly coat the chicken pieces with sweet potato powder. Make sure every piece of chicken is completely coated with sweet potato powder, so that the chicken pieces will look good. The chicken pieces that have been coated with sweet potato powder are separated one by one;

fresh quality, Pipa chicken legs, delicious and fresh when grilled. It is fragrant and can be used for cooking or stir-frying. It is very nutritious, healthy and delicious. Eat more white meat and it is nutritious and healthy. Friends who are interested can directly click on the link below to purchase.

Step 5: Prepare the wok, clean it and heat it occasionally. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan and heat the oil until it is 60% hot. Then add the nine-layered pagoda leaves. Be sure to wipe off the water after washing the nine-layered pagoda, otherwise it will be easy to fry or get injured when putting it in the pot;

Step 6: Fry the nine-layered pagoda leaves until they become crispy, take them out and set aside, and cut the chicken into pieces while the oil is hot. Fry for about 2 minutes for the first time and then take it out. After all the fried chicken is fried in the first time, use a strainer to remove the residue from the pot;

Step 7: Then add the fried chicken and fry it for the second time to color it. The chicken will taste crispier the second time. It takes about 3 minutes to fry, depending on your own heat. Before frying, put the previously fried nine-layer pagoda leaves into the pot, fry them again with the chicken, take them out and sprinkle with salt and pepper and shake well;

Such chicken tastes very crispy, and after taking a bite, it is full of The meat is very tender. Even the nine-layer pagoda leaves are crispy and crunchy when you eat it. This salty crispy chicken is complete. It will definitely wipe out the and once it is fried and served to the table.

In this way, you can make a plate of delicious snacks at home in just ten minutes. It is very delicious when you eat it. Children especially like it.