The history of weight loss among celebrities can be described as "any means necessary". From dieting to fasting, vomiting, Qigong, massage and other methods, they used all the weight loss methods you can think of and unexpected. Huang Siting used to be about 54 kilograms with fat

The history of weight loss of celebrities can be described as "any means necessary". From dieting to fasting, vomiting, Qigong, massage and other methods, they used all the weight loss methods you can think of and unexpected.

Huang Siting used to be about 54 kilograms with fat arms, but now she has reduced to 49 kilograms.

Huang Siting, who has been in the industry since she was a student, started her weight loss journey when she was a student. She detailed her weight loss list at each stage. Foods such as salty crispy chicken, chocolate and cakes are not something that a person who wants to lose weight would touch at all. , but they all appear in Huang Siting's fat menu. She admitted that she didn't eat enough for a day when she was losing weight. However, in order to be worthy of her job, she still had to implement the "devil training" weight loss plan. She said: "Eating less is the best for me. It is the most effective method, so it is better to eat less and satisfy your appetite.

Carina Lau said: "I have tried to lose less than 10 pounds, and it has been hell. I hired a coach to train me in exercise. He threw away everything in my refrigerator and bought some other things to put in. They were all things I didn’t like to eat, but I could only eat these, and they had to be cooked and there was no oil. At that time I really wanted to beat him, but it was really hard to pay for it, but it turned out that the half-year reduction was very effective. (Why do you want to lose weight?) I feel mellow. I used to lose weight, run and exercise, but now it has become a habit and I feel uncomfortable even if I don’t move. She also asked her husband Tony Leung to do exercise together: "Now everything you eat every day counts calories. Weighing yourself every day can't make you weigh 3 pounds more." ”

New “Girl Hunter” Zhang Huiwen: She only drinks soup to survive in order to lose weight

From teachers and classmates, Zhang Huiwen often only drinks soup every day in order to maintain her dancing figure, but once she even fainted from hunger. Stay healthy An important way to stay in shape is to control your diet every day, especially for those who study dance. Zhang Huiwen is strict with herself and has extremely strict requirements on herself. She only drinks one soup in the canteen every day, even for one meal. Every chef in the cafeteria knows that there is a cute girl who orders soup for every meal.

Yoon Eun Hye: She relies on eating kimchi to lose weight.

She debuted in the entertainment industry in her early days. She was called a "strong girl" because of her strong figure, and she could easily be hugged on the show. The male guest weighed 160 pounds. After losing weight, he seemed to have regained a new life. Not only did he become an attractive woman with a slim figure, but he also received a lot of endorsements for Korean dramas. For Yoon Eun Hye, at 169 centimeters, her weight was close to the 60 kilogram mark. According to BMI standards, she is within the normal range. However, in the highly competitive entertainment industry, she is always criticized for being too fat, which has become the motivation for her to work hard to lose weight. She lost 18 pounds just by relying on kimchi.

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