In addition to having a deformed figure that affects one's image and self-confidence, it is also more likely to cause a host of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, gout, fatty liver, etc., which can damage people's health.

Obesity is called the "root of all diseases." In addition to a deformed figure that affects one's image and self-confidence, it is also more likely to cause a host of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gout, fatty liver, etc., which makes people Health has been damaged, so maintaining body shape and losing weight have become ever-popular topics. The first thing people who want to lose weight think of is to control their diet and exercise frequently. However, after a period of time, not only did they not lose weight, but they actually gained weight. A little bit, what is going on?

Controlling food intake and total calories during the regular eating times of three meals, plus regular or irregular aerobic exercise, is of course the basic rule for weight loss, but if you take the basic rules into consideration, it will lead to problems with other living habits. , it is easy for your weight loss plan to fail, or even make it worse.

3 bad habits that will completely defeat your weight loss plan

There are 3 situations below that may not seem to affect your weight loss, but will unexpectedly defeat your day and night weight loss goal at critical moments.

1. Drinking too little water:

Various activities and operations of the body require the participation of water, such as metabolizing fat and detoxifying the body. If you don’t like drinking water, you will

Obesity may be related to insufficient drinking water. Every day People who drink less water are 50% more likely to be overweight than those who drink more water.

In this study, researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States analyzed the eating habits, water consumption, and body hydration levels of 9,528 adults aged 18 to 64 years old, as measured by urine concentration. The results showed that about 33% of people had insufficient body hydration levels (water), and these people generally had a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who were well hydrated.

Researchers note that while the correlation between body hydration levels and weight is not clear, staying hydrated should help with weight loss because the body usually responds well to feelings of hunger and thirst.

2. Eat late-night snacks before going to bed:

The main reason why eating late-night snacks makes you easy to gain weight is not "eating at night", but because of the "extra calories" taken in.

Assuming that the calories consumed in a day is 1500 calories and the calories eaten are also 1500 calories, then it will be maintained in a balanced state; but if it is in addition to three meals, eat an extra meal of 500 calories every night If you have a late-night snack (less than a piece of chicken steak) and your activity level does not increase, you are guaranteed to gain 1 kilogram in about two weeks.

Some people deliberately control their food intake at dinner, and even replace the meal with fruits that have a very low sense of satiety. As a result, the calories are consumed all at once, and they start to feel hungry before going to bed. They want to eat so much that they end up eating a bowl. Eat instant noodles, a portion of salty crispy chicken, or a few pieces of cake or biscuits, and then fall asleep. This does not help digestion and increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. It is the result of making up for all the calories saved in dinner, making it easier to gain weight.

3. Insufficient sleep:

As mentioned above, developing the habit of eating late-night snacks before going to bed will make people gain weight, but the subsequent sleep is also closely related to body fatness. Foreign studies have found that long-term lack of sleep can easily lead to obesity. Many people work hard to diet in order to lose weight, but ignore the importance of normal work and rest, which may lead to a thicker waistline.

The University of Leeds in the United Kingdom conducted a study on 1,615 adults, measuring their weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure, and recording their sleep time and diet. The results found that people who slept only an average of 6 hours a night were less likely to sleep than those who slept an average of 6 hours a night. People who slept a full nine hours a night had an increase in waist circumference of 3 centimeters, indicating that lack of sleep may lead to an increase in waist circumference.

Clinical research shows that lack of sleep can easily cause the body to secrete excess "hunger hormone" (ghrelin), leading to increased appetite, which of course makes it easier to gain weight.

Therefore, if you want to maintain a slim figure and a reasonable weight, in addition to the clichés of controlling dietary calorie intake and developing the habit of regular and quantitative exercise, you must remember to avoid snacks except for three main meals, especially For midnight snacks, you should drink at least 1500 to 2000cc of water every day. In addition, you should maintain a normal sleep time and sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.