Walking into the night market and seeing spicy pot, braised meat, and salty crispy chicken always make people excited, but if you eat them all, you will definitely gain weight and be unable to sleep because you are too full.

Have you ever felt like this, you were full after dinner, but you started to feel hungry after ten o'clock?

After a busy day, I want to comfort myself with a late-night snack. When I walk into the night market and see spicy pot , braised meat, salty crispy chicken , it is always exciting, but if you eat them all, your weight will definitely rise. I will also be unable to sleep because I am too full. How to have a healthy midnight snack? What can you eat to help you sleep? Today we’re going to listen to expert advice on how to eat well and sleep well.

Expert: 7 principles to eat the right food and sleep well!

1. Try some foods rich in tryptophan

Foods rich in tryptophan can effectively help sleep, including bananas, nuts, sesame seeds, honey, high-fiber biscuits, and animal foods (beef, pork, cod , salmon, etc.), may be a good choice. However, please note that some people will experience flatulence and discomfort when drinking milk. Meat is a high-protein food that is difficult to digest and should be consumed in small amounts before going to bed.

2. If you are hungry, eat a small snack before going to bed.

Going to bed hungry will interfere with sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, you can eat a small snack to help you sleep.

3. Supplement carbohydrates

Dairy products should be paired with foods rich in carbohydrates to increase the concentration of tryptophan in the blood that helps sleep. You can try cereal, bread, or cheese, but high-sugar snacks should be avoided to avoid affecting blood sugar changes.

4. Eat less fat

Research has found that eating too many high-fat, greasy foods during the day will make it harder to sleep well at night.

5. Pay attention to the caffeine hidden in the details

In addition to coffee, some caffeinated beverages, such as chocolate, cola, tea and low-calorie coffee, will also affect sleep. It is better to avoid them after noon.

6. Don’t drink too much before going to bed

Drinking before going to bed may make people fall asleep faster, but it will make people wake up more often at night, not getting enough rest, and may cause headaches, sweating, nightmares, etc. If you must drink at night, drink a glass of water with each glass of wine to dilute the effects of the alcohol.

7. Pay attention to the power of heavy-flavored and spicy foods

It is difficult to sleep comfortably after a full meal, because the digestive system slows down during sleep and gastric emptying is slow. Spicy food can easily cause gastroesophageal reflux or irritable bowel syndrome, so it is best to avoid it before going to bed.