Series that captured the hearts of girls in one second: Salted Crispy Chicken I have loved eating salty crispy chicken since I was a child. At that time, I didn’t know what caused internal heat, what trans fat was, and I didn’t know that eating bad oil has so many effects on the

Series that won the hearts of girls in one second: Salted Crispy Chicken

I have loved eating Salted Crispy Chicken since I was a child. At that time, I didn’t know what caused internal heat, what trans fats were, and I didn’t know that eating bad oils was so bad for the body. Now I start to pay attention to my diet and think about how to make things that are irritating but not irritating.

This is the version made with corn flakes . Because the corn flakes have some sugar, they are relatively moist.

If you want to eat it, just make it yourself. In the past, I would listen to the older generation saying that it is healthier to make it yourself. Now I finally understand the meaning of that sentence. What you cook yourself is really healthier.

By cooking it yourself, you can eat delicious food and be healthy at the same time. It really kills two birds with one stone, so today I am going to share with you how to eat it at home. You can make delicious and healthy salted crispy chicken without frying.

This dish does not require a lot of frying. If you really like it, you can add a little coconut oil or cream, or use chicken thighs. The chicken fat itself is also sufficient.

(This is the version made with chicken tenderloin. Remember to remove the tendons of the chicken tenderloin to make it more tender.)

The ingredients prepared are very simple:

1. Chicken breast (if you want to eat tender chicken thigh meat, you can also eat it)

2. Whole wheat bread flour (If you don’t have whole wheat bread white bread or you can use oatmeal to make powder, otherwise you can use soda crackers )

3. Salt, white pepper , one whole egg, a little rice wine (If you want to make it a little sweet, you can add a little honey)

(Everyone likes to eat differently in terms of saltiness and saltiness. Generally, a little seasoning is enough. If it is really not flavorful enough, you can add more after it is cooked. Adding does not affect)

Put it in the oven


1. First cut the chicken breast or chicken legs into cubes

2. Add the diced chicken and marinate it with seasonings for 15 to 20 minutes

3. Dip the marinated chicken in Bread flour

4. Put it in the oven at 500~700w or 180 degrees, bake for 10~15 minutes.

This is a salted crispy chicken baked in the oven without frying.

Arrange the plate a little, get some seasoning powder, and then If you sprinkle some chopped green onion, the whole thing will be exactly the same as what is sold outside~

It is very healthy, low in fat, no need to fry, and delicious low-calorie, no-fried salted crispy chicken

One plate for two people, just right.