From 00:00 to 24:00 on December 20, 42 new locally confirmed cases were reported in Xi'an, including 8 cases that were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases. Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, Xi'an has conscientiously implemented the spirit of Gene

Source: Chinese Business Daily public account

From 0 to 24:00 on December 20, 42 new local confirmed cases were found in Xi'an, including 8 cases that were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases.

Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, Xi'an has conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, strictly implemented the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the relevant deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, acted quickly, and continuously Fight hard and do our best to carry out various prevention and control tasks. At present, a total of 91 locally confirmed cases have been reported in the city, all of which have been intensively treated.

After comprehensive research and judgment by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Working Group of the State Council and provincial and municipal expert groups, the epidemic in Xi'an is currently in a period of rapid development, and the situation is still complex and severe. Quickly identifying potential sources of infection and blocking the chain of transmission have become the city's current epidemic prevention and control measures. control work is the most urgent and top priority. To this end, under the careful guidance of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Working Group of the State Council and the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Xi'an City has initiated and implemented a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees and certain regional lockdowns and other important measures. We will now report and explain the relevant situation:

First, it is necessary and critical to launch a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees.

Nucleic acid testing for all employees is a key means for early detection and rapid containment of the epidemic. After large-scale nucleic acid testing from December 18 to 20, we have screened and controlled potential infected people. However, judging from the cases screened, in addition to finding cases among the people under control, we are also expanding nucleic acid testing. Positive cases have been found in , and there is a risk of community transmission. If potential sources of infection are not thoroughly investigated and controlled strictly, it will be difficult to cut off the chain of epidemic transmission, and citizens will be at risk of infection and feel uneasy and insecure. Therefore, at the most strenuous time of epidemic prevention and control, it is very necessary and critical to launch a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees. Starting from 10 a.m. this morning, all districts, counties and development zones have launched a new round of nucleic acid testing.

Taking this opportunity, we also advocate: so that every citizen can work and live in a safe environment, so that every elderly person can live in a safe environment, so that every child can live in a safe environment. To thrive in the environment, we should all take action and go all out to carry out a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees to ensure that no one is missed.

Second, we are fully prepared for a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees.

In terms of organizational leadership: In the past two days, Xi'an has held two consecutive video scheduling meetings for the city's epidemic prevention and control work, conveying the spirit of Vice Premier Sun Chunlan's instructions and the relevant requirements of the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Working Group, and studying and formulating a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees. To test the "Implementation Plan", cities, districts (counties), towns and streets set up leading groups. Municipal leaders went to the districts, counties and development zones overnight to guide the preparation work, and the leaders of the four major teams at the district and county went to the front line to supervise the implementation.

Sampling power: In accordance with the goal of "increasing sampling capacity by more than one level on the existing basis", we will further encrypt points and optimize the layout. Set up a sampling point for every 1,000-1,500 people and a sampling station for 500-1,000 people throughout the city. 3,061 sampling points have been set up, 1,081 transfer vehicles have been put into use, 25,000 front-line sampling team members, and 85,000 support personnel have been implemented to collect, deliver, inspect, and report at the same time. Citizens can take nucleic acid samples nearby.

In terms of materials and equipment: After nationwide coordination and deployment by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, Xi'an currently has sufficient nucleic acid sampling tubes and reagents in reserve, and its testing capabilities have been greatly improved to fully meet the new round of nucleic acid testing needs for all employees.

Emergency measures: In the past two days, due to the "one-code access" problem in Xi'an, nucleic acid testing was interrupted, causing inconvenience to the citizens. This time, before all staff were inspected, we further strengthened the maintenance of the "one code pass" system and formulated an emergency plan to ensure that sampling was continuous, smooth and problem-free.

Third, we hope that all citizens will actively cooperate and participate in the new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees in an orderly manner.

At present, what is most needed for epidemic prevention and control is the understanding, cooperation and support of the general public.

First, active sampling and detection. We hope that the general public will bring their mobile phones and ID cards and go to nearby sampling points to take samples as soon as possible. Even if the initial test results are negative, they must go to take samples. Don’t take chances and don’t be afraid of trouble, because some cases are only discovered after multiple nucleic acid tests ( At present, the most positive cases have been screened out after 7 nucleic acid tests ).

The second is to obey territorial management. At present, the strengthening of 48-hour nucleic acid testing in communities and units is an important means of supervision. We hope that the general public will provide understanding and cooperation and obey the management of community managers and on-site personnel on duty. Only when everyone is safe can the community be safe, and can you and your family be safe.

The third is to maintain good order. At sampling points, prevention and control measures must be strictly implemented, masks must be worn at all times, a one-meter mask must be maintained, and the elderly, weak, sick and disabled must be proactively courteous, so that the sampling points can become civilized landscapes, highlighting the quality of citizens and the temperature of the city.

Fourth, there are several issues that need to be explained to the general public.

First, regarding the issue of blockade and control in some areas. In order to detect and control potential infected persons early, effectively curb the risk of the spread of the epidemic in the community, and strive to control the spread of the virus to a minimum, according to the "New Coronavirus Community Prevention and Control Plan" (Eighth Edition) of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, as approved by the expert group Based on our research and judgment, we have designated some areas with relatively high potential risks as control areas and closed control areas, and implemented classified management.

Containment area: Buildings, units, locations, etc. where positive cases occur are designated as containment areas. Closed control measures are implemented as soon as possible, and "door-to-door services are implemented without leaving home". All personnel in the unit where the case is located in the containment area are generally subject to centralized isolation measures, and other personnel are subject to strict home isolation. If the living conditions of the family do not meet the home isolation standards, centralized isolation is also implemented. There are currently 90 closed areas in the city.

Control area: Areas where positive cases were more active in the two days before the onset of illness, pose a certain risk of transmission, and where close contact and subsequent close tracking are difficult to judge, are designated as control areas, and "no people are allowed to leave the area and no focus is strictly allowed." In principle, residents in controlled areas should stay at home. Each household can arrange for one person to go to designated places in the community to buy daily necessities every 2-3 days under the premise of strict personal protection.

According to the requirements of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Working Group of the State Council and in accordance with the principle of "scientific precision and appropriate expansion", early this morning, delineated 4 control areas, involving 3 districts, and various control measures are currently being implemented .

Based on the development of the epidemic and the judgment of the expert group, dynamic adjustments will be made to the sealed and controlled areas. Subsequent adjustments will be released in a timely manner.

In order to strengthen management and provide better services, in accordance with the principles of "elevating management and control, lowering cadres, flat operation, and local disposal", the communities where the closed and controlled areas are located have set up "one office and seven groups" (community prevention and control office, comprehensive coordination team, health monitoring team, medical security team, disinfection team, transfer team, logistics support team, security team), cadres working at the municipal and district levels and comrades in towns, streets, communities, and village groups, as well as those involved in epidemic prevention and control Working volunteers and other parties will go all out to ensure the life services of the people under control. Please do not worry too much about daily life issues after the lockdown and control.

Here, we also hope that citizens in the controlled areas will understand, support and cooperate with the city's epidemic prevention and control work, and "exchange one person's inconvenience for everyone's peace of mind, and one family's inconvenience for thousands of families' peace of mind."

The second issue is about the management of citizens’ travel and people coming and going from Xi’an. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters has issued a notice stating that people are required not to travel unless necessary and not leave the city unless necessary. Those who really need to leave must present a 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate. The general public is also asked to give their full understanding.

Inspection points have been set up at airports, high-speed rail stations, train stations, long-distance passenger stations, as well as highway toll stations, and entrances and exits of national and provincial trunk lines. Travel is strictly restricted for people from districts and counties where medium- and high-risk areas are located in Xi'an. People from other districts and counties are not allowed to travel for 48 hours. Those with negative nucleic acid certificates are also advised to return; people coming and going from other provinces to Xi'an City will be strictly checked for 48 hours of negative nucleic acid certificates.

The third is about market supply issues. On December 17, the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters made special arrangements for the reserve of daily supplies in response to the epidemic. Currently, the city's market has sufficient supplies of supplies.

The market supervision department also conducts daily inspections of market supply, monitors market prices, and severely cracks down on illegal activities such as hoarding and price gouging. Citizens and families can appropriately store a certain amount of daily necessities, but there is absolutely no need to panic buy. .

For the people in the closed and controlled areas, frontline community workers have organized special teams to strengthen daily life support services for the people, especially for some special groups such as the elderly living alone, pregnant women, disabled people, and patients with chronic diseases, to care and care for them. , actively provide services such as collection, purchasing, and distribution of daily necessities and medicines.

Today is the winter solstice, and after entering the coldest winter, spring is not far away. Let us join hands and work together to overcome the difficulties and win this epidemic prevention and control surprise war, blocking war, and annihilation war.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on December 20, 2021, there were 42 new local confirmed cases in Xi'an, including 8 cases that were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases. All of them have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation treatment and medical observation. From 0:00 on December 9 to 24:00 on December 20, Xi'an City reported a total of 91 locally confirmed cases. The conversion of 8 asymptomatic infections into confirmed cases has been announced earlier. now introduces the 34 new cases on December 20 as follows:

Case 1, male, 45 years old, currently living in Weishui Campus of Chang'an University, Weiyang District . They are close contacts of case 7 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 19, and the two are roommates.

Case 2, female, 44 years old, currently lives in Haitian Huating, Yanta District. On December 18, he took the initiative to take samples at a nucleic acid collection point and was put under control after the test results were abnormal.

Case 3, female, 57 years old, currently lives in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District. On December 17, she was placed under quarantine after a confirmed case appeared in her community.

Case 4, male, 71 years old, currently lives in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District. He was sealed off after a confirmed case appeared in his community on December 17.

Case 5, male, 22 years old, currently living in Youzuohuacheng, Beilin District, was quarantined due to confirmed cases in the work area.

Case 6, female, 36 years old, currently living in Wanxiang Spring, Yanta District.

Case 7, female, 37 years old, currently lives in Cuitiwan, Chang'an District.

Case 8, male, 23 years old, currently lives in Panjiazhuang Village, Yanta District.

Case 9, male, 42 years old, currently living in Chang'an District Smart City.

Cases 6-9 all took the initiative to take samples at the nucleic acid sampling point on December 18. After the test results were abnormal on the 19th, they were all placed under control.

Case 10, female, 71 years old, currently lives in Chang'an North District, Zijun, No. 6 Zhuque Street, Yanta District. She was quarantined at home after the community was closed for management on December 16.

Case 11, male, 44 years old, currently lives in Chang'an North District, Zijun, No. 6 Zhuque Street, Yanta District. He is a close contact of Case 10 announced today. The two are mother and son. On December 16, the community where he lived was closed for management and then quarantined at home.

Case 12, female, 33 years old, currently lives in the family home at No. 2, Zhangba East Road, Yanta District, and is a lockdown manager in a medium-risk area.

Case 13, male, 29 years old, currently lives in District B, Longyuan International, Weiyang District. He is a close contact of Case 7 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 20. The two are roommates.

Case 14, male, 44 years old, currently lives in the East District of Ivy Garden, Beilin District. On December 17, he took the initiative to take samples at a nucleic acid sampling point, and the test results were abnormal on the 18th.

Case 15, male, 36 years old, currently lives in Xintaiyuan West District, Yanta District. On December 18, he was placed under centralized isolation and medical observation as a key population.

Case 16, female, 33 years old, currently lives in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District. The community where she lived was sealed off on December 17 due to confirmed cases.

Case 17, male, 52 years old, currently living in Fengyun Qinyuan, Lianhu District, is a close contact of Case 7 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 19.

Case 18, female, 40 years old, currently lives in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District. She took the initiative to take samples at a nucleic acid sampling point on December 18, and the nucleic acid test results were abnormal.

Case 19, female, 55 years old, currently lives in Wanxiang Spring, Yanta District. On December 18, he took the initiative to take samples at a nucleic acid sampling point, and the test results were abnormal on the 19th.

Case 20, male, 38 years old, currently lives in the Jingdong Asia No. 1 staff dormitory in the International Port Area. On December 18, he took the initiative to take samples at a nucleic acid sampling point and was put under control after the test results were abnormal.

Case 21, female, 34 years old, currently lives in Xintaiyuan West District, Yanta District. She went to the fever clinic of the hospital on her own on December 18 and the nucleic acid test result was abnormal.

Case 22, female, 6 years old, currently lives in Chang'an North District, Zijun, Yanta District. She is a close contact of Case 11 announced today. The two are father and daughter. On December 16, the community where he lived was closed for management and then quarantined at home.

Case 23, female, 24 years old, currently lives in the North Campus of Chang'an University Headquarters in Yanta District. She is a close contact of Case 1 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 17. The two are colleagues. On December 16, he was placed under centralized quarantine for medical observation.

Case 24, female, 58 years old, currently lives in Qinghua Chang'an Home, Hongqing Street, Baqiao District. She is a close contact of Case 9 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 20. The two are husband and wife.

Case 25, male, 27 years old, currently lives in Leju Community, Qujiang New District. On December 19, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were positive.

Case 26, male, 32 years old, currently lives in Hongqi Community, Fengcheng Jiu Road, Weiyang District, and was discovered through close contact screening.

Case 27, male, 38 years old, currently lives in Laiyin Xiaocheng Community, No. 6 Kunming Road, Lianhu District. On December 19, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were abnormal.

Case 28, female, 34 years old, currently living in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District, was discovered on December 19 during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing.

Case 29, male, 52 years old, currently lives in Changfengyuan Community, Yanta District. On December 19, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were abnormal.

Case 30, female, 27 years old, currently lives in Tangyuan Community, Dianzheng Street, Yanta District. On December 20, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were positive.

Case 31, male, 51 years old, currently lives in the high-rise Maple Leaf High-tech Zone. On December 19, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were abnormal.

Case 32, male, 43 years old, currently lives in the residential area of ​​the South Campus of Chang'an University in Yanta District. He is a close contact of Case 1 announced at a press conference in Xi'an on December 17, and the two are colleagues.

Case 33, male, 55 years old, currently lives in the family home of Chang'an University Weishui Campus in Weiyang District and is a key control personnel in the medium-risk area.

Case 34, male, 26 years old, currently lives in the high-rise Maple Leaf High-tech Zone. On December 19, during the screening of key personnel and nucleic acid testing, the test results were abnormal.

The above 34 cases were all positive after initial screening and re-testing of nucleic acid tests from December 19th to 20th. They were all confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia by the municipal expert group. Among them, 19 were mild cases and 15 were ordinary cases.

html Of the 28 asymptomatic infections that became confirmed cases, 6 were mild cases and 2 were common cases.

As of 16:00 on December 21, in the city, a total of 8,572 people had been in close contact with each other since December 9, and all of them had been quarantined and controlled. 7,796 people had negative nucleic acid tests, and the remaining results have been released; a total of 18,520 people had been in close contact with each other, and all of them had been quarantined. Under control, 15,911 people tested negative for nucleic acid tests, and the remaining results are pending. 894 high-risk places have been sealed and controlled, and 5.576 million square meters of the environment have been disinfected.

At present, Xi'an City has launched a new round of nucleic acid testing for all employees. Citizens and friends are asked to take personal protection, actively participate in nucleic acid sampling in an orderly manner, cooperate with the government in relevant control measures, reduce the flow of people, and insist on not traveling unless necessary and going out less often. , do not gather.

Among the 42 newly confirmed local cases today, 8 cases were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases, and their trajectories have been announced earlier. Among the other 34 confirmed cases, cases 1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 23, 29, 32, and 33 were found among closed management personnel and had no trace of activities in public places. now lists the main activities of the remaining 25 confirmed cases. The trajectory is announced as follows:

Confirmed cases 2

On December 12, at 17:20, the daily necessities area on the first floor of Walmart Supermarket (Lijiacun Wanda Plaza Store). Around 18:10, the daily necessities area on the first floor of China Resources Vanguard (Taiyi Road Store).

13th, 10:47-11:10 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Dayanta Branch (No. 82, South Section of Yanta Road).

15th, 13:00-14:00 Dayan Pagoda Houcun Vegetable Market (diagonally opposite Houcun Primary School).

html was controlled on the 218th.

Confirmed case 3

Zhouzhi County Bayi Village, Louguan Town, 11:30-13:00 on the 212th.

html On the 214th, at 8:17, Home Supermarket Changfengyuan Store.

16th, 8:00-8:30, Changfengyuan Store of Lifestyle Supermarket.

html was controlled on the 217th.

Confirmed cases 4

December 12, 8:30-8:50 Zhuque Road convenience market (about 50 meters north of the intersection of the southern section of Zhuque Street and Changming Road).

html On the 213th, at 12:00, Ximen Stir-fried Restaurant in Guanshanyue Community, Qujiang.

html On the 214th, 9:00 Qinhua Natural Gas Zhuque South Road Business Hall, 10:00-11:00 China Resources Vanguard Supermarket (Zhuque Road).

15th, 9:00-10:30 China Resources Vanguard Supermarket (Zhuque Road).

html On the 216th, at 12:00, the Remipi store near the west gate of Guanshanyue Community in Qujiang, and at 17:23, the same medical store at the entrance of Changfengyuan Community in Yanta District; on the 217th, they were controlled.

Confirmed cases 6

12th, 11:05 Zuonneighbor Vegetable Department Store (in the first phase of Wanxiang Spring Community), 14:20-19:20 SEG (Xiaozhai East Road);

13th, 17:40 adidas sports Brand discount store (Dayang Department Store, Hongfu Building, No. 238 North Street, Xincheng District), 19:00 Juyouxianpin (Zijun Chang'an Store), 20:00-21:20 Yinduo Hotel (Zijun, No. 6, South Section of Zhuque Street) Building C3, Chang'an).

html On the 214th, 13:30 Yinduo Hotel (Building C3, Zijun Chang'an, No. 6, South Section of Zhuque Street), 15:40 Shuizumu Road and Zudo Hall in the High-tech Zone (3rd Floor, Building D, No. 60 B, Gaoxin Road, High-tech Zone).

15th, 10:10 New Image Barber Shop (Downstairs of Wanxiang Spring Community, Electronic Street);

17th, 17:00 adidas Sports Brand Discount Store (Ocean Department Store, Hongfu Building, No. 238 North Street, Xincheng District)

18th, 14:00 -15:00 Buy vegetables at Zhuque Farmers Market (Xin Zhuque Farmers Wholesale Market, Shuangqiao Road, Yanta District).

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases7

12, 17:00-19:30 Sunshine World Shopping Center, No. 60 Boshu Road, Chang'an District.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 8

On December 12, at 16:40, I pulled a note and pulled noodles (Wei Pengfei store in Wa Hutong).

14th, 11:00 Hulutou store (near Mixue Bingcheng, Building 23, Shanshui Qintang Community). 19:00 Dake Supermarket in Yujin Town.

html On the 216th, try Xianyuan soup dumplings (No. 7, Panjiazhuang, Yanta District) at around 9:40, and dine at the Mi Xian Liangpi Store (Mingde West Road) at 17:00; on the 218th, at 13:10 at the South Feihong Plaza nucleic acid testing point, 22 :30 Shaanxi Tiangu Liquor Supermarket (intersection of Dongyi Road and Mingde West Road).

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 9

12, 11:08-11:50 Chang'an District First Outlet, 14:05 Qinzheng biangbiang face downstairs of Chang'an District Smart City (one hundred meters east of Ziwu Avenue, Chang'an District Smart City Commercial Street Smart City 169 No.), 17:51-18:11 Ziwu Study at the entrance of Smart City Community, Chang'an District.

html On the 213th, dining at Xifu Noodle Road (22-2, Phase 2, Longcheng Mingyuan, Keji 2nd Road) around 12:00, buffet at the Flame Mountain Barbeque Hall in Landao Square at 17:00, and overseas shopping supermarket downstairs in Chang'an District Smart City at 21:38.

html On the 214th, Daokou Shaved Noodles (Longcheng Mingyuan Phase 2) at 12:00.

html On the 215th, 11:58 for dinner at Lanzhou Beef Ramen (directly opposite the Optoelectronics Park on Keji 2nd Road), 18:22 at Zebra Convenience (on the east side of the first floor lobby of Building A, Xi'an Optoelectronics Park, No. 77 Keji 2nd Road), 20:33 at Chang'an District Smart City Chongqing Food Store at the entrance of the community (west side of the south gate).

html On the 216th, at 12:02, I was at a shaved noodle shop near the 280 bus terminal diagonally opposite the Optoelectronics Park.

17th, 12:02 Xifu Noodle Road (No. 22-2, Phase 2, Longcheng Mingyuan, Keji 2nd Road).

html On the 218th, at 11:36, the Smart City Community National Nucleic Acid Testing Point, and at 15:08 on the 219th, the Chang'an District Smart City Property Office was placed under control.

Confirmed cases 11

11th, 18:10-21:00- MOMOPARK Cinema, B1 Axiang Rice Noodles.

html On the 212th, at 19:00 Shuweizhen Delicacies Restaurant (B07, Apartment Building No. 6, Konggang South 1st Road, Airport New Town, Weicheng District, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province).

15th, 10:40 Tianyou Children’s Hospital (No. 1, South Section of Zhuque Street, Yanta District).

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed case 14

On the 12th, at 12:00, Ivy Garden East Rookie Station, Xianning West Road, Jiao Street.

13th, 12:10 Qianji Noodle House on the fifth floor of City Cube.

html On the 218th, I quarantined myself at home.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 15

12, around 14:00, Qujiang China Railway Yiyuan Community Perfect Store, 15:39 City Cube Cultural and Sports Complex.

13th, 14:13, 22nd floor, Huicheng Tianxi, 16:30, Laosan Century Star Building.

html On the 214th, 11:06 Laosan Century Star Building, 13:16 Zhendeyue Yangji Casserole Store (Yongsong Road Store), 13:44 Laosan Century Star Building, 20:21 merge into Tianxi.

html On the 215th, 11:32 Qujiang Zhongtie Yiyuan Community Perfect Store, 16:45 Gaoling Xiangli Kitchen Restaurant (Changqing Street Store).

html On the 216th, at 12:00, I met Changan Dining on the third floor of Wanda in Beilin District, and Wanda Cinema around 14:00.

html On the 217th, 11:57 on the 29th floor of Laosanshijili Building, 15:00 on Beijiao Meihao Hotel, 17:46 on Dicos (Yuxiang store) to buy drinks, 19:46 on Building 1 of Bojun, Huacheng.

18th, 9:20 Mingdemen Vegetable Market (Shandong People's Vegetables), 9:50 High-tech Hospital. 18:00 The only convenience store and Yikang Pharmacy downstairs in Mingdemen Xintaiyuan Community were put under control that night.

Confirmed cases 16

12, 17:51 Hony Medical Supermarket (Building 9, Wanxiang Community, Huacheng, Yanta District), Home Life Supermarket (Changfengyuan Store), 18:46 Snack City on the 5th floor of City Cube Complex, 20:06 City Cube China Resources Vanguard on the 1st floor.

html On the 213th, at 15:00, Home Supermarket (Changfengyuan Store), Changyanbao Street Wanxiong Mobile Phone Repair Center (Building 11, Changfengyuan Community), Yikang Drug Store (Zhuque Road Store).

14th, 14:25 Huacheng Vientiane Jiapinyun City.

15th, 20:00 Home Supermarket (Changfengyuan Store).

html On the 216th, 19:28 Yikang Drug Store (Zhuque Road Store), 19:44 Hongyi Medical Supermarket (Building 9, Huacheng Wanxiang Community, Yanta District).

html was controlled on the 217th.

Confirmed cases 17

html On the 211th, at 9:58, you can buy wedding supplies at Qingchun Xiqing Store on Kangfu Road (No. 1-08, Area F, 1st Floor, Shidanda Department Store, Xincheng District), and at 10:40, Li Xiangyang Hu Spicy Soup Store (7 Shangjian Road, Xincheng District) No. 1, Unit 1, Building 1, Community No. 1), at 11:00 at Xi'an Xinglong Fresh Food Lianhu Road Store (No. 36 Lianhu Road, Lianhu District).

12, 4:30 (early morning) Xindongshang Community (the intersection of Hansen Road and Xingfu Road, Xincheng District), 11:00 Shunjing Hotel Banquet Center, Baqiao District, Xi'an City (No. 2 Mu Jiangwang, West Section of Fang South Road, Textile City Interchange), 14:05-15:05 Vanke Yuewan Marketing Center (50 meters west of the intersection of Bahe West Road and Ouya 3rd Road, Weiyang District), 16:13 Xiangyue Tianxia Community Health Service Station (South 3rd Road, Yanta District) No. 3366, Huandong Section) nucleic acid sampling.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed case 18

14th, 17:25 at the Chongqing Xiaonoodle Shop in the 19th episode of the East Gate of Huacheng Vientiane.

html On the 215th, at 15:09 in Huacheng Vientiane, Shaanxi Xiaoxiao Bean Curd Steamed Bun.

html On the 218th, and at 11:00 on the 219th, the Changfengyuan community nucleic acid testing site was placed under control.

Confirmed cases 19

From December 12th to 17th, the home-operated spice shop (No. 5, north row of Chengnan Farmers Market, Phase II of Shijia Star City);

html stayed at home on the 218th;

html was placed under control on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 20

From December 12 to December 17, activities were held in the conference room, restaurant and other places of the JD Asia One fleet (JD Asia One, International Port Area).

html On the 218th, at 10:00, the nucleic acid sampling point in JD Asia No. 1.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 21

12, 12:00-13:00 City Cube five-story food court (during this period, I visited the old Chongqing entrance, Chow Tai Fook, and Lao Fengxiang in City Cube), 15:00 Weijia Liangpi (City Cube store).

html On the 213th, at 17:30, the Phase 1 nucleic acid sampling site in Vientiane, Huacheng.

html Nucleic acid sampling point of Tianyou Children’s Hospital at 13:27 on the 214th. 18:00 Lanhui Convenience Store.

html On the 215th, go to Yihuajia Food Convenience Store (first floor of the lobby of Huicheng Tianxi Hotel) at 20:30, Lanhui Convenience Store at 20:40, and Yupinxuan (Mingde Store) at 21:05.

16th, 12:00 Lanhui convenience store. 19:30 Huacheng Vientiane phase 2 nucleic acid sampling point. 19:36 Li Xiaojun styles Huacheng Wanxiang store. 19:49 Halal Lao Dingjia Sauce Cured Beef and Mutton (Mingdemen East District). 19:52 Yupinxuan (Mingde store). 20:00 Yikang Pharmacy (Mingde Store).

html On the 218th, at 9:50 in the fever clinic of the High-Tech Hospital and at 13:10 in the Xixixi milk tea shop in the High-tech Hospital, abnormal nucleic acid test results were controlled.

confirmed case 22

is the granddaughter of case 10, and has the same activity trajectory as case 10.

Confirmed cases 24

12, 15:41 Guangjitang (Xi'an Xiangyun Road store); 16:00-17:56 Hongming Swimming Pool, Tianwang Street.

15th, 08:44-9:41 Nucleic acid sampling point at the entrance of the community. 15:40-17:05 Qinghua Cultural Palace Hongming Century Swimming and Fitness Club (next to Qinghua Cultural Palace, No. 9 Tianhongzheng Street, Baqiao District). 17:20 Qinghua New District (No. 1, Tianhongzheng Street, Baqiao District).

html On the 216th, I went to Qinghua Hospital around 11:00 (during this period I visited the surgical clinic, radiology department, and pharmacy).

17-18 at home.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 25

12, 12:28 Casserole Liangpi (south side of Qujiang affordable housing community, Chunlin 1st Road, Yanta District), 17:16 Little Camel BBQ (Phase II of China Century City, No. 239 Keji Road, Yanta District). 21:59 Ziting Convenience Store (Zone D, Jianglin New City, Ziwu Avenue).

html On the 213th, at 12:15, Weiran Sliced ​​Noodle House (near the west side of Wanxiang East District, Huacheng Street, Changyanbao Street).

html On the 214th, 8:48 Song Ji Huan Chao Store (Western Electronic City Commercial Pedestrian Street Store), 12:23 Wang Haolong Noodle House (Western Electronic City Commercial Pedestrian Street Store), 18:49-20:40 Old Chongqing Zhenwei Hot Pot on the 5th floor of City Cube ( City Cube Store, South Section of Zhuque Street, Yanta District).

15th, 8:18 Qianlixiang Wonton House.

16th, 12:24 Gucheng convenience store near Chengnan Passenger Terminal. 14:09 8th floor, Tower B, Shirong International, Fengcheng 4th Road, Jingkai District, 15:17 corner convenience store (Shop No. 50116, Building 4-5, Shirong Jiacheng, west section of Fengcheng 4th Road, Weiyang District).

17th, 9:51 Leran mart (the northeast corner of Chunlin 3rd Road and Gongtian 3rd Road, Yanta District).

18th, 17:19 Yikang Medicine (Wudianpo Road Second Store).

html On the 219th, at 16:39, Northwest Women's and Children's Hospital conducted a nucleic acid test. After the nucleic acid test result was abnormal, the patient was immediately placed under control.

Confirmed cases 26

December 15, 12:00 Deyuan Lanzhou Beef Noodles (Shop No. 113, 1st Floor, 26th Floor, Zhangjiabao Community, Yuzao Road, Weiyang District). 18:00 Dejuyuan Dumplings (Shop No. 116 on the first floor of Building 26, Zhangjiabao Community, Weiyang District). 19:00-22:00 Transocean English (291 North Street). 22:30 Chen Xiaojun Small Bamboo Stick Barbeque (Shop 1-37, Building 11, Changfengyuan Community, Chang'an South Road, Yanta District)

16th, 9:00-11:03 Provincial Stadium Ximen Xi'an Key Outdoor Sports Co., Ltd. Zhuque Store (Beilin District) Stadium North Road, Shaanxi Provincial Stadium), Snack City on the third floor of Dahua South Gate (No. 113, Chang'an North Road, Beilin District). 18:00 Deyuan Lanzhou beef noodles.

html On the 217th, 19:30-20:20, authentic trouser belt noodles at the north gate of Zhangjiabao New District (North Xujiawan Crystal Kabala Xinglin Commercial Street Store, Fengcheng 8th Road).

18th, 12:30 Deyuan Lanzhou Beef Noodles. 21:00 City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital does nucleic acid testing.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 27

12, 12:00-12:30 Kuching Restaurant (opposite to Xi'an Chunqiu Video Technology Co., Ltd. at the northeast corner of the intersection of Keji 2nd Road and Zhangba North Road, High-tech Zone), 15:30-15:35 Xi'an Graphic advertisement of Caizhiyin in High-tech Zone (opposite to Xi'an Chunqiu Video Technology Co., Ltd. in the northeast corner of the intersection of Keji 2nd Road and Zhangba North Road in High-tech Zone).

html On the 213th, 20:00-20:30 Jinglong Clinic (Rhine Town, Bridge 13, Kunming Road, Lianhu District), 20:34-03:30 on the 14th, AVIC Hospital (No. 636 Daqing Road, Lianhu District) Pediatric Clinic, period 22: 50-23:00 Go shopping near the hospital at Wangjunxing Commerce.

14th, 19:40-21:30 Pediatric Clinic of AVIC Hospital (No. 636 Daqing Road, Lianhu District).

html On the 218th, 12:10-13:00, Claypot rice with rich flavor noodles (Building 1, Summer View, Keji 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Yanta District), 18:04-18:20, Lijun Tomorrow Community (Tangxing Road, Yanta District) No. 20) Temporary nucleic acid sampling point.

19th, 10:21-10:40 China Construction Bank Xi'an Rongqiao Town Branch (100 meters north of the intersection of Dazhai Road and Tuanjie South Road, Yanta District). 18:20 Sampling at the temporary nucleic acid sampling point in Rhine Town, No. 6 Kunming Road, Lianhu District. Abnormal nucleic acid test results are controlled.

Confirmed cases 28

12, 11:50 Tongtai Zijun Chang'an City Cube Store, 12:30 Yudao Braised Chicken (F1 Floor, Zijun Changan Phase 2 City Cube, Chang'an West Road, Yanta District), Holiland City Cube Store.

html On the 214th, 13:00 Nishi Barber Shop (near Xijing Community, No. 7, East Section of Electronic 3rd Road, Yanta District), 16:20 Yupinxuan Bakery Mingde Store, 21:00 Fumiao Little Camel BBQ Dadu Hui Store.

17th, 8:30, Yanta District Convenience Market Zhuque Street Store.

19, the nucleic acid test result was abnormal and was placed under control.

Confirmed cases 30

Huiou Supermarket (No. 125, Electronic Street) at 14:30 on December 12;

At 12:40 on December 13th, Hanfu Zhao’s Remipi (Wenyi Road Store, No. 104 Wenyi North Road, Beilin District), 18: 32 Mingde 8-mile Community Nucleic Acid Sampling Point (200 meters west of the intersection between the TV Tower and Zhangba East Road in Yanta District);

14 12:10 Lijiacun Snack City Dining (Lijiacun Wanda Plaza, No. 8, North Section of Yanta Middle Road) ;

html On the 215th, 9:50 Anyikang Pharmaceutical Jianxi Street Store, 12:12 Snack City (No. 393 Youyi East Road, Beilin District), 12:56 Jiahui Fresh Supermarket;

html On the 216th, 8:22 Jianxi Street and Literature and Art 100 meters west of the North Road intersection, Beibei Baozi Shop, 12:02 Snack City (No. 393, Youyi East Road, Beilin District);

17, 15:15 Wenyi Road Hengxing Plaza nucleic acid sampling point, 19:05 Laobaixing Pharmacy ( Next to Building 11 of Tangyuan Community);

html was placed under control on the 218th.

Confirmed cases 31

On December 12, at 7:50, we went to the market in Weiqu, Chang'an District (near the No. 1 Middle School in Chang'an District).

13, 10:00, first floor, Shaanxi Cultural Research Institute.At 14:27, take bus No. 608 to the Shaanxi Provincial Youth Myopia Research Center on Xiqi Road, and at 15:44, take bus No. 608 to return to Maple Leaf High-rise Community.

14th, 8:39 Weinan Shichen Baozi Jiahui Store (near Gaoke Daxia). 9:30 First floor of Shaanxi Cultural Research Institute.

15th, 8:30-10:00 and 13:30 on the first floor of Shaanxi Cultural Research Institute. 21:30 Nucleic acid sampling at Xujiazhuang Village Committee.

html On the 216th, Xi’an Yanta Tianyou Children’s Hospital. 9:00 First floor of Shaanxi Cultural Research Institute. 14:10-14:30 Renrenle Supermarket, Youyi West Road. 19:48 Nucleic acid sampling at Xujiazhuang Village Committee.

17th, 9:00-10:00 Renrenle Supermarket (No. 575, Zhangba North Road, Yanta District). 13:38 at LeSuper (Keji 2nd Road store), 15:30 at Xujiazhuang Village Committee, 16:23 at Xinyuan convenience store (50 meters west of Jinbiao Express Store). 21:18 Mango Supermarket (No. 31, Gaoxin Road, Yanta District).

html On the 218th, 10:50 Yikang Pharmacy Gaoxin Road Store, 16:00 outside the Second High-tech Middle School in the High-tech Zone. 14:18 Nucleic acid sampling in Mijiaqiao Community.

html was controlled on the 219th.

Confirmed cases 34

December 12, 16:00, Pediatric Care Department on the third floor of Tianyou Children's Hospital (No. 1, south end of Zhuque Street, Yanta District).

html On the 213th, I visited Xilaike Tobacco and Liquor Convenience Store many times.

html On the 214th, at 02:20, there is a convenience store on the first floor of Innovation Building (No. 25, Gaoxin 1st Road, Yuhuazhai, Yanta District).

15th, 09:00 Chuanxiu Snack Bar (Jiahui Lane). 21:24 Pediatrics, Xi'an High-tech Hospital.

html On the 216th, 00:41, Fever Clinic of Tianyou Children’s Hospital (No. 1, South End of Zhuque Street, Yanta District).

17th, 10:00 Linlin Pancake (Unit 1, Building 2, Annex Building of Gaoke Hotel, Gaoxin Road, Yanta District.

18th, 14:00 Lanzhou Beef Ramen Jiahui Lane Store (Building C, Gaoxin Fengshang, No. 7 Gaoxin 1st Road, Yanta District) ). 14:30 Mijiaqiao Community Nucleic Acid Sampling Point was placed under control on the 219th.

Citizens and friends who have overlaps with the announced case activity tracks should take the initiative to report to their communities and workplaces, and cooperate with the implementation of nucleic acid testing. Testing, isolation and control measures. In order to quickly and accurately detect potential sources of infection and completely block the epidemic, starting from December 21, our city will launch a new round of nucleic acid testing for the city’s permanent population and floating population. The general public is reminded again:

(1) The general public is requested to bring valid identification documents such as mobile phones and ID cards, arrive at the nearest nucleic acid sampling point in an orderly manner during the testing time, and follow the guidance of the on-site staff to cooperate in carrying out nucleic acid testing.

(2) Wear a mask at all times, keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others, do not talk or gather, and maintain good order and environmental hygiene.

(3) Citizens who have completed nucleic acid sampling can check it through the "Xi'an One Code Pass" applet. Test results.

Everyone is responsible for epidemic prevention and control! For the health of you and your family, please continue to take personal protection, adhere to good living habits such as wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, using public chopsticks, maintaining social distance, and reducing incest. If necessary, do not go out in groups or gather together. If you feel unwell, please wear a mask correctly, seek medical treatment at the nearest fever clinic promptly, proactively inform your travel and contact history, and do not take public transportation during medical treatment.

Live Q&A

Questions: Please ask Director Kong. Introduce the current work situation of community prevention and control, sealing and control areas.

Answer: Based on the current epidemic situation and the actual situation in the civil affairs field, we have issued an implementation plan for community prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in Xi'an, which mainly focuses on three aspects. Work: First, actively cooperate and scientifically delineate community prevention and control areas. Adhere to the principle of "prevention first, combination of prevention and control, scientific and hierarchical classification according to law", scientific and accurate implementation of community epidemic prevention and control measures, and epidemic prevention and control command departments at all levels. Organize an expert team to accurately divide three types of prevention and control areas: containment areas, control areas, and prevention areas based on the risk of epidemic spread. The second is to establish and improve the working mechanism.In accordance with the principle of "elevating control, lowering cadres, flat operation, and local disposal", the community where the closed and controlled areas are located has set up a community prevention and control office with seven working groups to coordinate the streets (towns) and communities (villages). Development and reform, industry and information technology, public security, housing and construction, transportation, commerce, health, municipal supervision, education, agriculture and rural areas, as well as mass organizations, cadres, volunteers and other forces have made every effort to prevent and control the epidemic. The third is to implement community prevention and control measures in categories. Implement the "three-level guarantee" and "five-guarantee-one" systems, strictly seal and control areas, control areas, and prevention areas, and comprehensively carry out personnel platooning, nucleic acid testing, health monitoring, environmental disinfection, daily necessities, and medical care In security and other work, give full play to the role of various mass prevention and control forces such as serving party members, veteran party members, volunteers, key residents, building deans, alley housekeepers, etc., improve the organizational mobilization mechanism, and strengthen the overall community (village) prevention and control Together.

At present, nucleic acid testing in the closed and controlled areas is carried out by a single person, so as to achieve "door-to-door services without leaving home"; nucleic acid testing in the controlled areas is carried out with a 5:1 mixed test, so that "people are not allowed to leave the area and gatherings are strictly prohibited" "In principle, at home, each household can arrange for one person to purchase daily necessities at a designated place in the community every 2-3 days under the premise of strict personal protection. All closed and controlled areas will be lifted in a step-by-step and orderly manner, and a "7+7" strategy will be implemented to gradually lower the level of the control. Please do not panic and actively cooperate with your community to implement the lockdown and control requirements. We will also actively guide the community and coordinate with various functional departments to ensure the supply of daily necessities and medicines for the people in the control area.

Question: May I ask the Market Supervision Bureau, why does it need to control the "four categories of drugs"? What measures have been taken? What are your recent requests?

Answer: Thanks to this journalist friend for his question.

The "four categories of drugs" specifically refer to antipyretic, cough suppressant, antiviral and antibiotic drugs. As we all know, COVID-19 patients have symptoms such as fever, cough, and runny nose in the early stage, which are similar to those of a common cold. If you do not go to the hospital and buy medicine on your own, it will not only delay treatment, but also create a great risk of infection. Judging from the experience and lessons learned in the national epidemic prevention and control work, there have been cases in many places where COVID-19 patients went to pharmacies to purchase "four types of drugs" and then the virus spread over a large area, causing irreparable losses. Therefore, the sales of “four categories of drugs” must be strictly controlled in epidemic prevention and control work.

Since this year, we have implemented normalized control measures for the sales of "four types of drugs" in retail pharmacies: The first is basic inquiry. Customers scan the code to take their temperature before entering the store, and ask about the reason for purchase, main symptoms and other basic information. If a red or yellow code appears Or people with abnormal body temperature are not allowed to purchase medicines; second, drug users must purchase medicines based on a negative nucleic acid test report within 48 hours; third, the real-name registration of drug purchasers is based on the Shaanxi Medicine Tong platform.

On December 18, based on the current epidemic prevention and control situation in Xi'an, the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters made a decision to completely stop the sale of "four types of drugs". The suspension of the sale of "four types of drugs" in pharmacies will inevitably bring inconvenience to the public when purchasing medicines. We hope that the general public will understand and cooperate, and drug operating companies are also requested to strictly implement the requirements of the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control departments.

China Business Daily reporter Xiao Lin