Tainan is known as a city of gourmet food, even praised by international media. In addition to specialty restaurants, it also has all kinds of delicious snacks. Whether it’s exotic cuisine such as Taiwanese, Japanese or Italian, or all-you-can-eat, lovers’ dates, or group dinners

Tainan is known as a city of gourmet food, and has even been praised generously by international media. In addition to specialty restaurants, there are all kinds of delicious snacks, whether it is Taiwanese, Japanese or Italian and other exotic cuisines, or all-you-can-eat, lovers’ dates, For group dinners, downtown Tainan can be said to be the first-level battleground for gourmet food. What I want to introduce this time is a fruit stall in the Central and Western District. Different from the common fruit shops, Tai Cheng Fruit Shop provides a variety of fruit cut desserts, smoothies, juices and original drinks. Among them The most noteworthy one is their cantaloupe and strawberry combo. Three layers of fresh strawberries are stacked on top of a fresh cantaloupe cut in half, and rich condensed milk is poured on top of the strawberry tower. It will make you want to eat just by looking at it. The amazing taste and fresh ingredients make this fruit shop a must-have in the Central and Western District. One of the gourmet spots to eat.

The must-eat cantaloupe and strawberry three-story tower in Taicheng Fruit Shop in winter (Photo source/Taicheng Fruit Shop)

Taicheng Fruit Shop stacks mountains of fresh strawberry towers, paired with fresh cantaloupe (Photo source/Taicheng Fruit Shop)

Taicheng Fruit Shop - Hami Melon Mango ice with grapes (Picture source/Taicheng Fruit Shop)

Hami melon ice at Taicheng Fruit Shop (Picture source/Taicheng Fruit Shop)

Taicheng Fruit Shop’s mango series of ice products - winter strawberry + summer mango (Picture source/Taicheng Fruit Shop) )

Taicheng Fruit Shop (Picture source/Taicheng Fruit Shop)


Taicheng Fruit Shop

Address: No. 80, Zhengxing Street, Zhongxi District, Tainan City

Tel: (06) 222 - 2222

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