My friend was afraid of wasting food, so she cleaned the refrigerator, only to find that the kimchi given by her colleague had not been eaten yet and had been frozen for 3 months. She thought that the kimchi would not spoil if refrigerated, and did not want to waste food, so she

Drug allergy? Have itchy skin? Mild ones such as: redness, swelling, itching, and rash. Is it urticaria ? In fact, it is an "over-sensitivity" phenomenon caused by eating, applying or taking drugs. This reaction usually occurs as a defense or attack reaction of the body's immune system to a specific drug, and the symptoms often appear in Local, serious cases include: dyspnea, lowered blood pressure, slowed heartbeat, peeling, congestion of eye, mouth, and nasal mucous membranes or kidney damage...etc.

In case you ever have a drug allergy or discomfort, don’t forget to remind your doctor or pharmacist every time you see a doctor. It is also recommended that you write down the name of the drug that may cause allergies and carry it with you to provide medical care. Serve as a reference and better ensure the safety of personal medication.

My friend was afraid of wasting food, so she cleaned the refrigerator, only to find that she hadn’t finished eating the Korean kimchi given by her colleague. It had been frozen for 3 months. She felt that the kimchi would not spoil if refrigerated, and she didn’t want to waste food, so she ate it as dinner. Unexpectedly, I woke up the next day and my eyelids were swollen, and a red rash appeared around my eyes. The rash gradually expanded, so I rushed to see a doctor.

was found to have urticaria caused by food allergy. After being injected with anti-allergic drug , he returned home to recuperate. The Korean kimchi you eat is pickled with shrimp paste or fish sauce. After being packaged and left for too long, it causes the protein to decay and produce some molecules. These molecules enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract and can easily cause allergic reactions. If treated too late, the rash will not only expand. , even the lips may become red and swollen.

Even if it is refrigerated, try not to eat expired food or food that has been left for a long time. Especially during the Spring Festival, New Year vegetables may be leftover and then refrigerated or heated. It is dangerous to eat them if they are left for a long time. The public is reminded to pay special attention to the storage method and time to avoid eating spoilage. Food can cause gastrointestinal discomfort or trigger allergies; pickled or processed foods contain added ingredients, which can also easily induce allergies.

Research shows that everyone has a 1/3 chance of developing urticaria in their lifetime. The causes include high temperature, sweating, stress, food, medicine, and even unknown causes. Acute urticaria As long as you avoid contact with allergens, the attack can be cured in 2 or 3 days. It is recommended to apply ice to relieve itching. If the eyes and lips are red and swollen, combined with chest tightness, wheezing, and sore throat, it may cause redness and swelling in the throat. Seek medical attention immediately to avoid difficulty breathing and brain death; if new rashes appear from different parts every day for more than 6 weeks, it is chronic urticaria and it is recommended to seek treatment.

Urticaria may be related to the "heat" generated during exercise. Whenever you exercise, heat will stimulate cells to secrete substances, which can lead to allergic reactions. Once you rest, the body will no longer heat up, and the itching sensation will be relieved. There are many causes of urticaria. Even when a motorcycle rider rides in the wind, the wind blows over his face, and his face becomes swollen like a loaf of bread, which is very hard.

There is no specific medicine for urticaria. It comes and goes without a trace. Sometimes the urticaria disappears after the patient's physical condition changes. Use anti- histamine . Such drugs are very safe and can be taken safely under the instructions of a doctor. There are no major side effects with long-term use, so don't worry too much.