Today, the entertainment industry received good news. Jay Chou and his wife Kun Ling simultaneously posted that their third daughter was born. Jay Chou's studio is also celebrating with a drink, congratulating the boss on the happy birth of his daughter. Some netizens also joking

Today, the entertainment industry received good news. Jay Chou and his wife Kun Ling simultaneously posted that their third daughter was born. Jay Chou's studio is also celebrating with a drink, congratulating the boss on the happy birth of his daughter. Some netizens also jokingly said: Jay Chou has had three children, but I am not married yet! In fact, it feels like it wasn’t long before Jay Chou officially announced that Kunling was pregnant, so why did she give birth so soon?

Unknowingly, Jay Chou and Kun Ling have been married for 7 years. After getting married, Jay Chou can be said to have completely lived the life of "a hot bed with wife and children". You can count the new music works on one hand, and Zhou's fans are eagerly awaiting them every day. The most popular comment on his feed is urging new songs and albums. This time it was officially announced that the third child will not be able to escape. Fans commented one after another. : On such a good day, Jay Chou should release an album to celebrate and earn money for milk powder for his children!

It can be seen from Jay Chou's weight gain after marriage that his current life is particularly comfortable and happy. It may also be that he is too comfortable and calm. In the past few years, Jay Chou's music works have also plummeted, and there are no more amazing works in the past. Many people say that Jay Chou has exhausted his talents. In fact, both Jay Chou and Quinlivan love children very much. They have threatened to have a team in the past. Looking at the current rate of having three children in seven years, they should be not far from their goal.

Jay Chou's first daughter was born in 2015, when Kunling was only 22 years old. As the first child, naturally he gets the most attention. It was the first time that Jay Chou became a father, and he posted photos of his daughter many times. On the Internet, you can find the growth records of the eldest daughter in each period of time, which can be said to be a "dazzling girl." But unfortunately, although he often takes photos, he is either from the back or wearing glasses. Although he has never seen a frontal photo, he can still tell that he looks very similar to Jay Chou from his nose, mouth and face shape.

Two years after their eldest daughter was born, they welcomed their second child. Her son was born in 2017. The 24-year-old Kunling gave birth to two children for Jay Chou in just two years, which is a lot of sacrifice. Like my eldest daughter, my son has never had a full-face photo exposed. Although the little guy is wearing sunglasses, he still looks like a "little Jay Chou", very cool and stylish. I feel that the appearance of these two children is more like Jay Chou, but they have not inherited much of Kunling's good genes.

Now, Jay Chou’s third daughter is finally born. Kunling happily shared the scene of the couple holding their daughter's little feet with both hands, and thanked the medical staff who took care of her during this time. It seems that Kunling's pregnancy must not be easy. Although she is only 28 years old, she has given birth to three children non-stop, and her body will indeed be overwhelmed.

What is unexpected is that Jay Chou actually exposed his daughter's front face without any obstruction. Although her eyes were still closed when she was born, the little girl's appearance is really stunning. No wonder Jay Chou is so active in sharing photos of the child this time. The appearance of Jay Chou's third daughter is very different from the first two children. She is prettier than the first two children. She has fair skin, long eyelashes, a tall nose, and brownish hair at such a young age. She looks like Like a doll. She's not even as beautiful as Jay Chou's daughter.

Jay Chou's third-born daughter looks more like her mother. Kunling's mixed-race genes finally came into play and were passed on to her daughter, changing the genes of the Zhou family. Do you think Jay Chou and Kun Ling will continue to pursue their lives?