Jay Chou and Quinlivan have been married for 7 years and have a 6-year-old daughter, Hathaway, and a 3-year-old son, Romeo. They recently announced the arrival of their third child, and the family is happy.

天王Jay Chou and Queen Ling have been married for 7 years. They have a 6-year-old daughter Hathaway and a 3-year-old son Romeo. They recently announced the arrival of their third child. The family is happy. Kunling recently posted photos of herself and her daughter wearing mermaid costumes on Instagram , which shocked netizens!

Kunling uploaded two photos on Instagram and wrote, "It turns out that wanting to be a mermaid is hereditary." I saw my 6-year-old daughter Hathaway standing barefoot by the swimming pool, wearing a pink mermaid swimsuit. She inherited her mother's good figure, and she vaguely felt like a little adult. Netizens exclaimed: "I inherited my figure from my mother" and "The Little Mermaid" ", "Oh my god, Hathaway sister is so tall, such a beautiful mermaid sister", "I really envy the amount of hair and quality", "Oh my God, children grow up so fast", "Wow! Two Mermaids” etc.

Jay Chou took a photo on Instagram of his 6-year-old daughter Hathaway and 3-year-old son Romeo watching " Green Hornet " starring him in 2011. He joked in English: "They finally admitted that dad is better than Spider-Man," and said Being regarded as a hero by your own children is the greatest award you can receive in your life.