Huang Lixing's most recent appearance was as a mentor in the "Creation Camp 2019" hosted by Tencent Music this summer. The performance of "The sound wave is too strong/If you don't shake, you will be knocked to the ground" has become a "magic daily routine" for students to imitat

Huang Lixing 's latest appearance was as a tutor in the " Creation Camp 2019" hosted by Tencent Music this summer. The performance of " sound wave is too strong/if you don't shake, you will be knocked to the ground" has become a model for students to imitate him. "Magical Daily Life". In fact, as early as two years ago in " China has hip-hop ", a variety show known as "China's first hip-hop music", there was already a strong call for Huang Lixing to be a judge. After all, the other judges on the show, except for Ouyang Jing who sings English Rap, MC Hot Dog and Wilber Pan , who are recognized in the Chinese circle as the "King of Hip Hop", also made their official debut after 2000. Among the singers in Taiwan, China, the only ones who initially explored hip-hop music were Zhang Chenyue and Huang Lixing, who had the same qualifications.

Speaking of Huang Lixing, Jay Chou early fans will never forget the upset of the Golden Melody Awards that year. In 2005, Jay Chou took his grandmother to the Golden Melody Awards ceremony with full confidence. He thought he could win at least one award, but he didn’t win the last one. The first person to snatch away the Golden Melody Award winner from him since his debut was called Huang Lixing.

But in fact, fans who know Chinese hip-hop music know that Huang Lixing had already started playing hip-hop many years before Jay Chou.

Looking at it, the development of "hip-hop", a music style full of rebellious spirit and self-awareness, has not been smooth sailing in the Chinese language. The Taiwanese music circle in the 1990s was the era when Zhang Xinzhe and Ren Xianqi "warm love songs" were very popular. Even before Jay Chou met Wu Zongxian , his rap was questioned by mainstream record companies. When Huang Lixing was singing hip-hop, Jay Chou was still in middle school. Hip-hop at that time was not only niche, but also avant-garde. Huang Lixing, who grew up in the United States, was deeply inspired by hip-hop street music. In the early 1990s, he formed the "L.A.BOYZ" (Los Angeles Boys) with his brother Huang Licheng and his cousin Lin Zhiwen.

But as he became popular, the frequency of advertisements and performances increased, so Huang Lixing, who only wanted to make music, soon became tired of this entertainment life. The group disbanded in 1997, and his elder brother Huang Licheng returned to the United States to work, while his younger brother Huang Licheng returned to American schools to continue studying. I studied biology, psychology, economics, drama performance for two years, and insisted on learning singing three days a week.

Now looking at the rap group L.A.BOYZ, we can actually describe them as "untimely": In terms of appearance conditions, in the same era, there were "Asian idol groups" such as UFO Records' "Little Tigers" before them; In terms of the spread of music, Rolling Stone's "Muji" is backed by Lee Jong-sheng , and "Warm Man's Love Song" has become a hit. In hip-hop culture, the words "Gang" and "Clan" often appear. Even in the English interpretation, these words also mean "gang" and "hook", which seems to be somewhat contrary to the mainstream at the time.

At that time, it would be difficult for people who did not have an ABC background to accept this kind of music, so their disbandment was almost inevitable. Including Luo Baiji of the same generation also encountered this problem. Examples of Taiwanese hip-hop music being recognized by the mainstream are Wilber Pan, who later took the idol hip-hop route, and younger brother Ma Ji, who was just starting out at the time. However, the latter also attracted attention because he participated in competitions in schools in the United States. (Interestingly, Ma Ji’s younger brother is also the cousin of Huang Lixing and Huang Licheng. This family’s rap genes are really good!)

After going solo, Huang Lixing was determined to make music, so he returned to Taiwan, China to look for opportunities. was repeatedly rejected at the beginning, until he met Yao Qian by chance. At that time, Yao Qian was already a gold medal producer with countless kings and queens, and he was looking for some different voices in the music industry, so Huang Lixing's appearance immediately attracted him His eyes lit up.The cooperation between

and Yao Qian gave Huang Lixing his first solo album "Beside You" and his second album "Circus Monkey". The two albums tested the waters of the music scene and showed Huang Lixing's musical talent. You can see this His first album is full of sharpness and shouting, and Rap Metal is still his mainstream.

until the release of " black idea " in 2005.

This was a rap album with a very bold music style and a strong "topic" at the time. Although there has always been talk of the "Golden Melody Curse", the Golden Melody Awards still gave this cool boy its approval. "Black Thoughts" defeated Jay Chou and Wang Leehom at the same time, becoming the biggest dark horse of that Golden Melody Award.

△ "Yuantou and Achou" was originally a song sung by Huang Lixing and his brother Huang Licheng. The song ridiculed their relationship in a satirical and humorous tone. It was banned because of the sensitive wording; it also suffered the fate of being banned because of this issue. There are two songs "My Dream Girl" and "Score".

"Black Thoughts" established Huang Lixing's status in the Chinese hip-hop music circle, but at the same time, compared to the music itself, his image of a sexy man and "handsome" in this album is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than his music. In the future, this may be Huang Lixing's own luck, but it may also be the misfortune of singer Huang Lixing's music career.

At the same time, his original Virgin Records company also underwent tremendous changes. Viking was officially integrated into EMI in 2006, and Huang Lixing also came to EMI with many of the company's artists.

In 2007, Huang Lixing released a new album " Atheism ". The concept of the album still continues the previous sexy "bad man" image. The most impressive song in the entire album is actually " Guaiguipai ", a collaboration with Jolin Tsai . .

No wonder Xiao S also teases him from time to time in the show, saying that he is "the sexual fantasy object of all Taiwanese women".

Huang Lixing had already become a walking hormone in Taiwan's music scene at that time. As a representative figure of straight men in the music scene, he had his own understanding of music and "man positioning":

In 2008, Huang Lixing released his last album so far, " Finally Had No Choice" lie down 》. The quality and standard of the album are not bad. The new boss Chen Zeshan is also very kind to him, giving him the greatest support from packaging to promotion. Even the album cover is made into a 3D double cover with strong artistic and visual value. . The following year, "Finally Had to Lie Down" was shortlisted for the "Best Mandarin Album Award" and "Best Album Producer Award" at the 20th Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. Since their debut, has released a total of five albums, and won the Golden Melody Award as a singer. The album was also nominated for such an important award as the Golden Melody Award twice. It is really not an exaggeration to say that Huang Lixing was the "godfather of hip-hop" of at that time.

Compared with MC Dog and other rappers who debuted in underground styles, Huang Lixing paid more attention to the complete concept of the entire album after winning the Golden Melody Award, trying to find another way out between "self and pop". For example: "Black Thoughts" focuses on the character of the evil and arrogant "love master", so the title song "Who Am I Yours" challenges taboos: "The legs are long and thin/Can compare with Taipei 101/ Wearing high heels/butt dangling/the target is within my shooting range/feels murderous/she throws her hair back/finds me sniping/not afraid at all/shows a weird expression/she just winks at me/means she wants me to follow her /Take my hand/Go to her room for me/My hairs stand on end/Because she used words/Said a few words/You are totally screwed/Just do it/I want you to kneel down/Call me loudly Dad/Who is your dad/Just decide..." Such a straightforward and eye-catching picture seems to directly face the many problems of Taipei youth at that time. In addition, there are many big names in the team behind the scenes: "Ostrich Silence" is a collaboration with the ghost Huang Junlang , "Busy and Blind" hired Zhang Aijia to write the lyrics, and the eldest brother Li Zongsheng composed the music. It can be seen that Huang Lixing and his company Viking at the time still hope that he can closer to the market.

Next, the "half-naked handstand" and "human body + cross" style promotional photos in "Atheism" also challenged the standards of artist photography at that time.The expression of the album is no longer sharp, and the overall style is more lyrical rock. As the first album under the new owner, "Atheism" can be said to have successfully labeled Huang Lixing as a "sexy hipster".

Also playing with concepts to new heights is "I had to lie down in the end". The album uses what he considers as the "seven deadly sins of mankind" as a clue, and he personally composed the lyrics and music for the album's 10 songs. There is a song in the album called "Eat Me": "Eat me and drink, I'm not polite/hate me for loving me and you playing tricks/I don't care/join you/greedy game/fall into your scheme..." writes: The sensitive topic of urban love is "love between young and old".

is different from the original American rock style that liked to vent directly. At this time, he is more like an observer who looks at society with a cold eye; the album also has a "topic maker" like "Black Widow": "ohoh becomes prey/her" Hold me/surround/ohoh black widow/never/not satisfied/ohoh slowly seduce/she slowly becomes fatal/ohoh she slowly seduce/I fall into the trap” , which shows that he himself has great feelings for this “sexy character” There is not much resentment, but instead, the song pursues the victory. Every word in the lyrics is rich in connotation, but this is why the media loves it.

I have to mention that among all Huang Lixing's songs, "Sound Wave" is the song that best suits his "walking hormone" temperament. This song is a divine song that combines electronic music, rap, and psychedelic rock. , and the phrase repeated repeatedly in the climax: "The sound wave is too strong/If you don't shake, you will be knocked to the ground." is really ear-piercing. The ultra-avant-garde and advanced style of music has inexplicably been favored by variety shows. Piggy Luo Zhixiang, Wang Yibo and the students of "Produce Camp 2019" were all proud of challenging the difficult "Sound Wave" on the show:

At the same time, the reaction of the majority of music fans after listening to this song was really intense...

Maybe it is a record The "sporty man" image in the promotion was too deeply rooted in people's hearts, and the album concept was too overwhelming, which did not arouse the public's attention to his music itself.

Within two years, Huang Lixing starred in the movie "Du Lala's Promotion" directed by Xu Jinglei. The two fell in love because of the movie. However, at that time, Lao Xu admitted that they were dating but did not reveal who his boyfriend was. It was not until 2013 that the two were After being photographed, Xu Jinglei admitted the identity of Huang Lixing's boyfriend. The two were very low-key before. It is said that they lived like a couple of gods and gods in the United States, only occasionally showing off their affection.

And their relationship can be called a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry. They have been unmarried and infertile for nearly ten years. During this period, Xu Jinglei broke the big news that she had frozen her eggs, which made outsiders feel confused about their relationship. According to rumors, Xu Jinglei had an ex who called him almost every day for 20 years, but Huang Lixing was never angry; on the other hand, Huang Lixing, the singer of the theme song of the movie " kidnapper " they collaborated on, actually found his own. Ex-girlfriend Yang Naiwen , Lao Xu also forwarded the trailer generously on Weibo.

In the next 7 years, he acted in 6 movies, almost half of which were with Lao Xu. Since then, Huang Lixing has made few musical moves.

Some media are curious whether Huang Lixing has no time to sing because of his love relationship. As for his attitude towards music, he is also open and honest: "Because I don't want to be still promoting albums when I am fifty years old, and only start enjoying life when I am sixty years old. And I don't want to hold a concert even to death. I really I don’t have the dream of singing to 100,000 people. I don’t even go to KTV. What I enjoy most is making music in the recording studio.”

Xu Jinglei once said that Huang Lixing is the happiest person she has ever seen. Even every time he moves to a new home, he will gain the joy of tidying up the room. Xu Jinglei admitted that she had a serious lack of security due to the tense relationship between her parents when she was young, and Huang Lixing could give her a sense of security with everything he had. The two never ask each other to change anything for themselves, because both of them believe: “Once you want to change others, things will be bad."

Huang Lixing, who left music, is very "Buddhist" in his life and work. usually reads books at home, goes on vacation with Lao Xu, and does business with his brother. He has a hobby of collecting bicycles, and some of them even have 3 or 40 bicycles. He even bought a parrot and chatted with it every day. Nightclubs, record companies, brokerage companies, and production companies are all his favorite investment projects. Some people say that Huang Lixing is now a famous "invisible rich man" in the entertainment industry.

So maybe Huang Lixing’s too freestyle character is really suitable for quitting at the peak of his career? Or is it because he has found someone who is truly worth cherishing in his life and can spend his life with him without any distractions? Over the years, Huang Lixing’s purpose in making music has never been to become a benchmark. As he said himself: “I insist on doing hip-hop because it is fun. And if I feel like it’s no longer fun, why can’t I stop? " However, if you think about it carefully, isn't the spirit of hip-hop music just about this? If you only use "red" or "not popular" to describe a former "hip-hop singer", doesn't it also violate the essence of hip-hop music?

So, no matter what, we should bless him. Although Huang Lixing no longer sings, he still lives up to the meaning of his name - "Maverick".


This original article was first published on WeChat. Public account

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