The baby is careful when eating food, but he keeps having diarrhea; when the baby is exposed to the sun in summer, his body is covered in rashes; he usually takes good care of his baby, but he keeps having eczema... Many parents are experiencing these troubles, and in fact, it ma

The baby is careful when eating food, but he keeps having diarrhea; when the baby is exposed to the sun in summer, his body is covered with rashes; he usually takes good care of his baby, but he keeps getting eczema ... Many parents are experiencing these troubles, which may actually be allergies.

On September 5, the Municipal Maternity and Children's Hospital invited Professor Wang Baoxi from Air Force Military Medical University Tangdu Hospital and Professor Fan Shenping from Xijing Dermatology Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University to Wei for academic exchanges. At the same time, Cheng Ying, deputy director of pediatrics and deputy chief physician of the Municipal Maternity and Children's Hospital, The diagnosis and management of cow's milk protein, infant eczema diagnosis and treatment and daily care and other allergic diseases were shared, aiming to provide consultation and guidance on treatment, nutrition and feeding for children with allergies, and jointly discuss the causes of allergic diseases. Occurrence and prevention to solve the problems faced by parents.

Professor Wang Baoxi pointed out: Infant milk allergy often occurs in babies between 2 months and 2 years old. It is actually caused by the baby's immune system overreacting to milk protein . It is the most common food allergy in infancy. Depending on the region and ethnicity, about 2%-7.5% of babies will have varying degrees of milk allergy after birth.

The clinical symptoms of milk protein allergy usually involve multiple systems, with gastrointestinal manifestations and eczema as the first symptoms. A few may be complicated by systemic allergic reaction . Mainly include:

1. Skin symptoms: eczema (common), dermatitis , lip swelling, urticaria , perianal redness, etc.;

2. Gastrointestinal symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea (common), blood in the stool, abdominal pain, Constipation, severe gastroesophageal reflux , etc.;

3. Respiratory symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, asthma, recurrent respiratory infections , etc.; 4. Non-specific symptoms: unexplained milk refusal, frequent crying (common), Restlessness;

5. Unsatisfactory weight gain and/or retardation of growth and development (common).

Strict allergen avoidance is the most effective way to alleviate food allergies. For children with milk protein allergy who are exclusively breastfed, it is recommended that they be exclusively breastfed until at least 6 months of age and that the mother avoid milk protein (some may need to exclude soybeans and eggs). For formula-fed children with cow's milk protein allergy, it is recommended to feed hypoallergenic milk powder for 6 months or 9-12 months of age.

Professor Fan Pingshen pointed out: The symptoms of eczema vary greatly in the early stage. For children aged 2-6 months, eczema mainly manifests as itching, dryness, erythema and small blisters on the cheeks, forehead, and head. The rash can extend to the arms, legs and trunk, and lesions may appear in the affected areas. It can also occur on the elbows, popliteal fossa, ankles and back. After the inflammation subsides, scabs, scales and peeling may appear. For older children, the rash is generally more crusty and the skin is dry and itchy. These symptoms will worsen or improve with periodic attacks.

Therefore, for mild eczema, you can control the symptoms by using hypoallergenic skin cream to keep the skin moist; for moderate to severe eczema, you need to use moderately weak topical hormones while moisturizing. If the skin has breaks and merges If you have a bacterial or fungal infection, you should also use antibacterial or antifungal infection ointments in combination.

Deputy Chief Physician Cheng Ying shared typical cases of allergic diseases in children based on actual clinical work, which benefited everyone a lot.

Warm reminder: If your baby has symptoms of milk protein allergy (especially if the symptoms are severe), please go to the Pediatric Department of Weinan City City Maternal and Child Health Hospital for consultation in time.

Deputy Director Cheng Ying’s consultation time: Every Tuesday afternoon, you can make an appointment online one week in advance.

Consultation hotline: 0913-2061053

(Source: Weinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital)