After Manchester United superstar Cristiano Ronaldo spent about 10 days on the island of Mallorca, he took a luxury yacht worth 5.5 million pounds to transfer his vacation spot and headed to the nearby island of Ibiza to continue relaxing and relaxing.

Manchester United superstar C Ronaldo After spending about 10 days on the island of Mallorca, he took a 5.5 million pound luxury yacht to transfer his vacation spot and headed to Ibiza not far away to continue relaxing and relaxing.

In Ibiza, Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend Georgina spent a fulfilling day. During the day, they enjoyed the sun and waves on the yacht with their friends.

Georgina appeared in a green bikini. The top was tied at the back with only a strip of cloth, and the bottom was also a fabric-saving thong. This bikini shows off Georgina's voluptuous figure to the greatest extent.

C Ronaldo wore a baseball cap and swimming trunks. His abdominal muscles were also very obvious during the vacation. It can be seen that he did not indulge himself during the vacation, but maintained self-discipline. The two of them had a great time basking in the sun on the yacht and then diving into the water.

At night, Ronaldo and Georgina went ashore and appeared in a nightclub on Ibiza. Ronaldo wore a dark blue deep V suit, and Georgina wore a green strapless tube top dress. The silver necklaces around their necks looked like a couple.

Ronaldo and Georgina traveled alone and had a rare date. During this period, the two danced and kissed together, always sticking together, and holding each other's arms while walking.

The two have been in love for many years and have given birth to two children, but they are still a couple in love and full of happiness.