Recently, the students in the International Elite Class of the School of Information and Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have been a little busy. Not only were there many gatherings, but I also continued to receive blessing mes

Recently, the students in the International Elite Class of the School of Information and Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have been a little busy. Not only were there many gatherings, but I also continued to receive blessing messages from relatives and friends.

It turns out that all 20 students in the class chose to continue their studies, 2 of them were admitted to Peking University and Nanjing University , and the other 18 students received more than 120 offers from the top 10 schools in the field of computer science in the United States. Among them, one student received 14 full PhD scholarships...

How did this class of post-95s academic masters come to be? What's so special about them? A reporter from Chengdu Business Daily takes you to find out.


There are 20 people in the class, and they have won more than 120 offers in total.

It is not unusual for a top student to stay in the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China where experts gather. But this time, this top class class has something new. A set of data tells you how good the international elite class (class of 2014) of the School of Information and Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is.

There are 20 people in the class, and the further study rate is 100%. Among them, 18 people went abroad for further study, and won more than 120 offers in total6. Among these 18 people, 50% received offers from the top 10 schools in the computer field in the United States. Such as Carnegie Mellon University , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Pennsylvania , Columbia University , etc.

This means that each person in the class received 6.7 offers, and the average grade point was as high as 3.93 (grade point is one of the conditions for applying to prestigious foreign schools, the highest grade point is 4). Among them, Wang Yuke received 14 PHD offers (doctoral degree admissions) alone, and they received full scholarships.


There are 7 "golden flowers" in the class

They often make desserts for classmates and gain love

Among these 20 classmates, there are only 7 girls, known as the "7 Golden Flowers", they are the darlings of the class . "Four of us girls, including me, have been admitted to Carnegie Mellon University, which ranks first in the field of computer science." The speaker was Zhang Hanya, a student in the International Elite Class, when asked whether girls have advantages in science and engineering classes. , she said with a smile: "Of course, and the boys in our class are very gentlemen. They take care of all the dirty and tiring work. They will help us move the new books in the new semester. The first two rows in the classroom are reserved for girls." .

Zhang Hanya said that she has received 10 offers so far, including the University of Edinburgh (2), Carnegie Mellon University (2), University of California, San Diego, etc. “Everyone thinks that girls are at a disadvantage when studying science and engineering, but we 7 Girls’ scores are not weaker than boys’. Judging from the results of this school application, girls are generally better than boys.”

Regarding future development, several other girls said that they are not worried that girls will not have an advantage in the field of computer science because “everything is better.” Strength speaks for itself, and girls with strong abilities are popular wherever they go.”

html Among the 07 girls, Chen Zhe is the league secretary of the class and has been admitted to Carnegie Mellon University. Classmate Wang Shiqi likes to make desserts and often makes desserts for her classmates. She almost spends the whole summer with desserts, and in the winter she switches to cookies, cakes, etc.

Dang Bo, a classmate sitting next to him (currently admitted to McGill University) said jokingly: "There are so few girls, but fortunately a pair of good-looking couples were born. The relationship is stable and they have been in love for three years. , This is probably inseparable from being able to make desserts!" This statement made the students present burst into laughter. Zhang Hanya added that they are a model couple. Wang Shiqi not only has good grades, but also has excellent cooking skills. "Her boyfriend is good-looking, and this young couple has received everyone's blessings."


1 people won 14 PHD offers

She has a clear life plan in her junior year

Unlike other students, the international elite class Almost all of Wang Yuke’s applications are for doctoral degrees. Currently, he has received admission notices from 14 doctoral degrees, including George Washington University, Purdue University, William and Mary University, etc., and all of them are full scholarships.The scientific research direction he chose was more traditional computer systems. "The college provided us with many platforms. I started doing scientific research in my sophomore year. I went to foreign laboratories to conduct scientific research in my junior year. From then on, I was determined to pursue scientific research." , so choosing to study for a Ph.D. is more suitable for me. "

"I know that scientific research is a long road, and if you don't have enough interests, it will be boring." Wang Yuke said frankly that he had been exposed to the popular human-computer interaction system before. He was unable to make a decision when it came to choosing a major. One was currently popular and the other was traditional. So, "After discussing with my head teacher, Mr. Liao Yong, he gave me a lot of guidance not only in scientific research, but also in career planning and life path selection. I decided to choose a more traditional direction based on my own interests, which is more effective." Potential."

It is reported that Teacher Liao Yong is the head teacher of this international elite class and the chief professor of the School of Software. He has won the honorary title of "Favorite Teacher-Excellent Temperament Award" of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.


can learn to play, twice won the school-level outstanding class collective

students in the international elite class can not only learn, but also play. "During college, classmates in the class were either engaged in scientific research or went to intern abroad, so it was difficult to get together." Zhang Hanya recalled that the only big reunion was after an international course training, "Everyone played all night in the party hall. , fighting songs, fighting dances, and werewolf killing games are very exciting. "

"There are many versatile students in the class, including first-level volleyball players, computer game experts, and some people are very good at playing guitar," Wang Yuke said. We are also very united when it comes to study. "Every winter and summer vacation, when other classes in the courtyard have holidays, we are often the busiest. Not only do we have to be busy with scientific research, but we also have to prepare for going abroad. We all have to focus on English." The students in the class will supervise each other's clock-in studies and learn from each other's experiences, creating a strong learning atmosphere.

In their opinion, because they all have the goal of further study, the same direction will make the class more cohesive.. Recalling the school-level outstanding class that was selected last year, the party boss said that the tasks assigned by the class leader could be completed in advance without urging everyone. "Because we are an international class, we recorded videos in multiple languages ​​to express our love." At that time. , many of the students who were notified of recording videos have already done internships abroad, so most of the video content sent back has local landmarks as the background. Despite this, they all completed the submission of class selection materials with high quality and successfully won 2 school-level class collective honors.


Freshman tutors

provide students with international exchange opportunities

The International Elite Class of the School of Information and Software Engineering is different from most classes in the college. This class is small but sophisticated, and the training model is in line with international standards. Most courses are taught in English. . Course teaching adopts project-driven, theme salon, flipped classroom and other forms. And it has in-depth cooperation with well-known foreign universities and enterprises, which means that students have more internship opportunities and exchange study opportunities abroad.

"Our students are assigned mentors as soon as they are freshmen." Wu Zufeng, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, said that these mentors have foreign research backgrounds and they know very well how to apply to study in prestigious foreign schools. "The mentors will make career planning for each student, specific to It is very systematic and detailed which scientific research projects students should complete at which stage, where they should publish papers at which stage, etc. "In addition, tutors will also design special humanities and workplace courses for students to strengthen students' humanities and professional quality training.

It is understood that during the training process, the college adopts a comprehensive evaluation mechanism of three-dimensional scoring by tutors, review groups, and class teachers for students' assessment and evaluation mechanisms and international results. Encourage and support undergraduate students to exchange in first-class foreign universities. At the same time, the college has set up special bonuses to provide various forms of financial assistance to outstanding students based on actual conditions.

Wu Zufeng said that in order to improve students’ international competitiveness, the college has an annual budget of about 2 million to support students’ overseas exchanges and further studies, such as overseas exchanges during winter and summer vacations, language examination fees, paper publication fees, etc. In the next few years, the number of international elite classes will also increase. Gradually increase to 10% of the total number of people.

Chengdu Business Daily reporter Zhao Yuxin

Photography: Liu Haiyun