It’s the graduation season again, and another top class has appeared on the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China campus. It is worth mentioning that these 18 students who went abroad for further study received a total of more than 120 offers, and 50% received

It’s graduation season again, and another top class has appeared on the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China campus. There are 20 people in the class, 100% of them are studying. Among them, 18 people have received offers from prestigious overseas universities, and 2 people have directly applied for admission to Peking University and Nanjing University . It is worth mentioning that these 18 students who went abroad for further study received a total of more than 120 offers, and 50% received offers from the top 10 schools in the US computer field. This top class is the 2014 international elite class of the School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

Group day activities

The results are great!

18 people went abroad for further studies and received more than 120 offers from prestigious overseas universities

Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon University, Northwestern University, Brown University, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, University of California, Santa Barbara Branch campuses, University of Melbourne , Purdue University , McGill University ... With undergraduate graduation approaching, the students of the 2014 international elite class of the School of Information and Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have made great achievements in applying for overseas master's and doctoral degrees. Among the 20 students in the class, 18 went abroad for further study, and received a total of more than 120 offers from the above-mentioned famous schools, and 50% received offers from the top 10 schools in the United States in the field of computer science. Among them, 4 were admitted to Carnegie Mellon University, 2 were admitted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and 9 were admitted to Ivy League universities (1 University of Pennsylvania, 4 Columbia University, and 4 Brown University). Wang Yuke, a student in the

International Elite Class, received 14 PHD offers alone, including Purdue University, Ohio State University, George Washington University and other prestigious American schools. In the end, he chose a fully funded Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Santa Barbara. This is one of the top research public universities in the United States that focuses on research science and has a very high academic reputation. The Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara is ranked among the top 10 doctoral programs of its kind among universities in the United States. "On the recommendation of my mentor, I went to the United States for exchange studies and did research in university laboratories. These experiences gave me a clear direction for my future, which is to do scientific research. Therefore, I applied from the beginning It’s a Ph.D.,” Wang Yuke said. For undergraduate students applying for Ph.D. programs in American universities, their grades are very important. The only way for foreign tutors to know us is to look at our undergraduate grades. If you have experience in participating in scientific research, that will be a plus. "It just so happens that the learning and training I received in the international class are just like this. My performance and scientific research experience in the past four years are in line with the requirements of American universities." Among the 20 students in the

international elite class, 7 are girls. And these "seven golden flowers" are also women and men. Among them, 4 girls have received offers from Carnegie Mellon University, which ranks first in the field of computer science in the United States, and the other 3 girls have also received offers from prestigious schools such as Columbia University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Zhang Hanya, who received offers from 10 prestigious schools including Carnegie Mellon University and Brown University, finally chose to go to Carnegie Mellon University for graduate school. "I started preparing for my application to study abroad in the second semester of my junior year. The whole application process was quite difficult. But fortunately, the college provided one-on-one tutors for each student in our class, and the tutors all have overseas study background. In They also gave us a lot of professional guidance when it came to applying for studying abroad. At the same time, because almost all the students in the class wanted to go abroad, we encouraged each other and worked together during the application process, and the atmosphere was very good," Zhang Hanya said with a smile. .

’s shining offers from prestigious schools are testimony to the growth and success of this group of students during their four years of undergraduate studies. During their college years, students in the international elite class won a total of 65 awards, such as the second prize in the American Mathematical Modeling Competition, the national special prize in the FLTRP Cup National College English Speech Contest, and the National College Student Mathematics Competition. All the students in the class participated in scientific research projects at the undergraduate stage. Among them, 4 students entered the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the George Washington University to conduct scientific research during the undergraduate internship stage. In addition, other students have also entered R&D work in famous companies such as National Instruments, SAP, INTEL, Amazon, Huawei, and Cisco. During their undergraduate studies, the students published 5 papers.

Spring outing photo

Good relationship!

In order to apply for the school-level outstanding class, the whole class said "International Elite Class, I love you" in 20 languages.

The students in the international elite class with excellent grades are also versatile. Wang Yuke said that Liu Zhihao is very good at playing volleyball. There are several students in the class who also like playing basketball very much. "Privately, I also like to play games, but I also like to read philosophy-related books." Dang Bo, who has received offers from seven university graduate students, said with a smile.

This is a very united and loving class. When they were freshmen, because they had a common ambition to go abroad, they passed the college's strict comprehensive quality inspection and formed an international elite class. For more than three years, 20 students have worked hard towards the same goal and finally realized their original dreams. In the process of this struggle, deep friendships have already been forged. "Among them, there is another campus couple in our class, Wang Shiqi and Li Lingxiao. They have both been admitted to American universities and will soon study abroad in the United States at the same time." Zhang Yahan broke the news. "After studying, we often hold 'bang parties' where we all go to watch movies, eat, and play Werewolf, and have a lot of fun." The party blog also "complained", "Because there are few girls in the class, every day During the first class, the seats in the first two rows of the classroom have been occupied by girls for a long time. And every time there is an activity, boys are basically in the front, and girls sit and enjoy the results. "

has won the International Elite Class twice for its outstanding performance. University-level outstanding class collective title. The students still remember that in 2016, when they were applying for the school-level outstanding class, the students in the class were temporarily located in different places due to overseas exchanges and studies. However, under the leadership of the squad leader, everyone worked together to apply, and finally successfully won the title of Outstanding Class at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. "The biggest highlight at that time was to highlight the international elements of our class. Therefore, we came up with the idea of ​​saying 'International Elite Class, I love you' in 20 national languages, and finally made it into a video for broadcast." Busuu said that what the final video showed was that the students said what they wanted to say most in various languages ​​against the background of their own local landmarks. "Especially during the defense, the students all answered in English very confidently, which made the English major judges praise them repeatedly." Wang Yuke said.

Behind every excellent class, there is an excellent class teacher. Liao Yong, the head teacher of the International Elite Class, is also a popular teacher at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He once won the title of "My Favorite Teacher" at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Whenever we talk about Teacher Liao Yong, the students in the International Elite Class want to be careful with him. "He knows the situation of every student in our class very well. When we feel particularly confused, we will always think of him immediately and want to talk to Teacher Liao." At this point, Dang Bo said a little embarrassedly He said, I am the student who particularly likes to talk to him. "When I started applying to overseas universities, I was torn between applying for a master's degree or a doctoral degree, but then Teacher Liao opened my mind. In the end, I decided to apply for a master's degree first. After I accumulate more scientific research experience, maybe I can I have a clearer understanding of my future direction. Including my final choice of a Canadian university, it was also because of Teacher Liao’s guidance.” In an interview with the campus media, Liao Yong once said very seriously that the task of teachers now is to teach. , but it is indispensable to solve doubts. It answers doubts about future development, analyzes the current situation clearly for students, communicates more with students, and helps students find a development path that suits them.

Which keywords should be used to describe the international elite class? When asked this question, Wang Yuke said a few words: confidence, focus, and efficiency. "While studying in the International Elite Class, because my goals were clear and I was exposed to many training and learning opportunities, I gradually became more confident. At the same time, I became more focused. I hope to achieve my goals through hard work. And During this process, everything became very efficient because of my concentration.” He said that he was really grateful to the teachers and classmates in the International Elite Class for being able to get 14 offers.

Classroom situation

Great support!

Annual funding of 2 million is planned to support students' overseas exchanges and studies.

Wu Zufeng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information and Software Engineering of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, introduced that the international elite class intends to cultivate students with strong professional foundation, high comprehensive quality, strong innovation ability, and good humanistic and scientific literacy. International vision and international competitiveness, oriented to senior research and management talents in the field of cutting-edge science/engineering in this major. The training model of

"International Elite Class" is in line with international standards. Most courses are taught in English, and in-depth training cooperation is carried out with well-known foreign universities and enterprises. The class adopts a tutoring system and is equipped with an instructor for each student to help students establish Have a good worldview, values, and scientific outlook, discuss learning methods, scientific research methods, and cutting-edge professional and technical knowledge with students, explore and establish students' learning and research potential, and conduct systematic scientific research training or join an influential international open source projects, international projects, and improve professional quality. The teaching model adopts small class teaching, and the course teaching is carried out in the form of project-driven, face-to-face tutoring, theme salon, Mooc teaching, flipped classroom, classroom teaching, etc. At the same time, we also design special humanities and workplace courses. , Strengthen the cultivation of humanistic and professional qualities." Wu Zufeng said that the college and its instructors will recommend students to continue their studies in this major and related majors at first-class foreign institutions of higher learning, or to engage in information technology, comprehensive information management and other fields in large foreign enterprises. Software engineering R&D or management work. The college strongly encourages and supports exchange studies at first-class foreign universities at the undergraduate level to lay the foundation for continued study. The college has set up special funds to provide various forms of financial assistance to outstanding students based on actual conditions. Wu Zufeng revealed that, including the international elite class, the college spends about 2 million yuan every year to support students in overseas exchange and study, as well as language examinations, paper publication page fees, etc. "So far, our overseas exchange and study projects have involved the United States, Europe, Canada, Singapore , Japan, India and other countries and regions." Wu Zufeng said that starting from this year, we plan to increase the number of international elite classes within 4 years. Gradually reaching 10% of the total number of students in the college, it is hoped that more students will go abroad to continue their studies.

(picture from School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)