Huanghe News Network Datong News Recently, the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City held a cadre meeting to announce the appointment and dismissal decision of the new hospital leadership team. Guo Lei, deputy mayor of Datong Municipal Government, Zhou Hao, executive deputy dire

Yellow River News Network Datong News (Reporter Mu Shuai) Recently, the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City held a cadre meeting to announce the appointment and dismissal decision of the new hospital leadership team. Guo Lei, deputy mayor of Datong Municipal Government, Zhou Hao, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of Datong Municipal Party Committee, Cao Hui, deputy secretary-general of Datong Municipal Government, Zhang Hongdong, director of Datong Municipal Health Commission, members of the new and old leadership teams of the five hospitals in Datong City, all middle-level cadres, The head of the department attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Hongdong, director of the Datong Municipal Health Commission.

At the meeting, Zhou Hao announced the personnel appointment and dismissal decisions of the Datong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government: Ma Yiming was appointed as the Party Secretary of the Fifth People’s Hospital of Datong City; Guo Ping was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Fifth People’s Hospital of Datong City; Zang Tianchun will no longer serve as the Fifth People’s Hospital of Datong City. Secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Hospital, retains the treatment of member of the Party Committee and director level of the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City. Wang Yingbin no longer serves as deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City.

Guo Lei introduced the situation of the Datong Municipal Party Committee’s centralized adjustment of the selection of hospital party and government positions, and affirmed the efforts and contributions made by Wang Yingbin and Zang Tianchun in the development and construction of the hospital. At the same time, he emphasized: the need to strengthen political awareness and improve political standing , firmly support the implementation of the municipal party committee’s decision. I hope that everyone will be political and take the overall situation into consideration, truly integrate their thoughts and actions into the personnel decisions of the Datong Municipal Party Committee, support and cooperate with Ma Yiming and Guo Ping in their work, and push the work of the five hospitals in Datong City to a new level. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of responsibility, conscientiously perform duties, and actively serve the overall high-quality development of the city. Further build a regional medical center in Shanxi Province and make greater contributions to improving people's livelihood and well-being and promoting the construction of a healthy world. It is necessary to continuously improve political literacy, strengthen the four consciousnesses, enhance the sense of dedication, strengthen self-construction, and create an excellent medical team with integrity. The new leadership team of the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City will continue to deepen reforms, pioneer and innovate, strive to become a first-class "tertiary A" hospital in Shanxi, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of a healthy Datong.

Ma Yiming, the newly appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City, made a speech. He sincerely thanked the Datong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their trust. He would never let down the trust of the organization and all hospital employees, work diligently, perform responsibilities seriously, and assume the mission. He also pointed out that we must Continuously improve political literacy and be a sensible person in political construction. As a cadre trained by the party for many years, we must strengthen political study, improve political standing, continuously improve management levels, further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, enhance the four consciousnesses, implement one post with dual responsibilities, and fully implement the deanship under the leadership of the party committee Accountability. It is necessary to comprehensively innovate service concepts and be a pioneer in hospital development. Adhere to the development of the hospital as the first element, the fundamental purpose of developing the hospital through science and technology, the core element of talent-driven development, the coordinated development of medical teaching and research as the driving force, and the rapid catching up of discipline leadership as the key points of development, to further promote the development of regional medical centers in Shanxi Province The goal is to implement academician workstations, emergency centers, key disciplines and other work in a practical and detailed manner, continue to introduce medical talents, promote the construction of star-rated hospitals, and promote the development of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment. We must continuously strengthen the construction of work ethics and be diligent and honest practitioners. Conscientiously implement the eight central regulations and the nine prohibitions of the National Health Commission, keep in mind the great trust of the Datong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, unite and lead all hospital staff to build a regional medical center that radiates Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia and serves Uzbekistan, Dazhong and Zhangjiakou, and works hand in hand to achieve common goals. Create brilliance.

Guo Ping, the newly appointed deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Fifth People's Hospital of Datong City, made a speech. He pointed out that we must study diligently, constantly enrich and improve ourselves, and be forward-looking in thinking and scientific in decision-making, improve ourselves, and improve our standing; Strengthen talent introduction and training, do a good job in discipline construction, implement the strategy of strengthening the institute with talents and developing the institute with science and technology, build a good platform, create good conditions, and build a good echelon.Utilize advantageous resources to build a high-quality medical team and brand expertise; strengthen the construction of regional close medical alliances, implement hierarchical diagnosis and treatment policies, and better serve the people; jointly build a regional coordinated diagnosis and treatment system, integrate medical resources, and improve the treatment of critically ill patients. ability, use "Internet + medical care" to provide remote services; strengthen the hospital's comprehensive quality management, comprehensive service level, medical quality, economic benefits, etc., increase assessment efforts to comprehensively improve the overall level of the hospital; improve epidemic prevention and control capabilities, and implement emergency plans , carry out emergency drills and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Unite the new leadership team and all cadres and employees of the hospital to jointly create a brilliant future for the five hospitals.

Zhang Hongdong pointed out that the new leadership team of the Fifth Hospital of Datong City must continue to work together, reform and innovate, and emphasized that the new hospital leadership team must be diligent in learning. We must consciously study political theory, accurately grasp the spirit of important meetings of Shanxi Province and Datong City, enhance ideological awareness, and strengthen the unity of knowledge and action; we must be strict with ourselves. We must always keep a clear mind and strictly implement the eight central regulations and other prohibitions; we must be good at unity. Better unify ideas, enhance unity, give full play to the role of a good team as a fighting fortress, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the cadre team.