Gynecological hysteroscopic surgery is a micro-innovative technology that uses a complete set of imaging systems to diagnose and treat intrauterine lesions. This technology is now widely used in gynecological clinics. At present, hysteroscopic surgery has become the preferred exa

Gynecological hysteroscopic surgery is a micro-innovative technology that utilizes a complete set of imaging systems to diagnose and treat intrauterine lesions. This technology is now widely used in gynecological clinics. At present, hysteroscopy surgery has become the preferred examination method for gynecological bleeding diseases and intrauterine lesions. In order to better facilitate patients' medical treatment, Datong First People's Hospital has now established an outpatient hysteroscopy room. The cause of the disease can be clarified in the outpatient clinic without hospitalization. The patient can be diagnosed and treated right away. The patient has high compliance and quick recovery, and it can effectively give way to complex hysteroscopy cases to inpatient surgery.

In addition, the outpatient hysteroscopy room of a hospital in the city has launched painless and local anesthesia examinations. Some patients are afraid of pain and fear of surgery. Now they no longer need to worry about this problem. If you need it, let you have a sweet dream and the examination will be done. It can be over.

Clinic hours: Monday to Friday morning and afternoon

What are the functions of hysteroscopy? It can clearly and accurately observe the cervical canal, internal cervical os, uterine cavity shape, endometrium status and fallopian tube opening under direct vision, and can clarify the location, size and nature of lesions in the uterine cavity. and boundaries. In addition, hysteroscopic localization biopsy is more intuitive, accurate and reliable than traditional diagnostic dilation and curettage and B-ultrasound examination, which can reduce missed diagnoses and significantly improve the diagnostic accuracy. Hysteroscopy has become an emerging and valuable gynecological diagnostic technology and is known as the modern gold standard for diagnosing intrauterine lesions.

Indications for hysteroscopy

Abnormal uterine bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding includes abnormal bleeding during the reproductive period, perimenopause and postmenopausal period. For example, heavy and frequent menstruation, prolonged menstruation, irregular bleeding, and premenopausal and postmenopausal uterine bleeding are the main indications for hysteroscopy.

Abnormal intrauterine sonographic findings

Including those with uterine cavity abnormalities discovered by pelvic ultrasound and other examinations.

Infertile patients

include patients with primary infertility, secondary infertility, recurrent miscarriage, premature birth, etc. who have fertility requirements; also include those who undergo uterine cavity and/or fallopian tube evaluation before assisted reproductive technology .

Abnormal uterine cavity aspiration cytological findings or abnormal endometrial pathological histological findings

Hysteroscopy can detect intrauterine lesions and locate and collect materials for pathological and histological examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Physiological or special changes caused by tamoxifen or hormone supplementation therapy

Due to the estrogen effect of the drug, long-term use can lead to endometrial hyperplasia, polyps formation, and even malignant transformation in severe cases, requiring the use of hysteroscopy to evaluate.

Uterine fibroids

In addition to submucosal fibroids, sometimes intramural fibroids or multiple fibroids also require hysteroscopy to determine whether the uterine cavity is involved and to determine the surgical method.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

can be caused by certain intrauterine abnormalities, such as submucosal fibroids, endometrial polyps or intrauterine adhesions.

Staging of endometrial cancer

Hysteroscopy can observe whether the cervical mucosa has been invaded, excluding cervical dissemination of endometrial cancer.

After complex uterine cavity operations

For example, after uterine deformity correction, uterine adhesion separation, large or multiple uterine submucosal fibroidsAfter electroresection, hysteroscopy can be performed 6-8 weeks after the operation. Observe the recovery of the uterine cavity and detect and separate early membranous adhesions.

Some cases of failed uterine cavity operations

For example, those who failed to take out the intrauterine device and needed hysteroscopic positioning; those who failed early pregnancy abortion surgery and needed hysteroscopic positioning; those who had suspected uterine wall damage during uterine cavity operations, etc.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

Unexplained abnormal vaginal discharge can be performed by hysteroscopy to exclude endometrial lesions.

What is hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscope is a thin tube-shaped medical device that can enter the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, use uterine distension fluid to expand the uterine cavity, and illuminate the uterine cavity with strong light, so that the size and shape of the uterine cavity can be clearly observed. , the color and thickness of the endometrium, the presence of uterine horns and fallopian tube openings, endometrial hyperplasia, endometritis , submucosal fibroids and endometrial polyps, as well as uterine septum, intrauterine adhesions, intrauterine Foreign bodies and other lesions; after the diagnosis is clear, hysteroscopic surgery can be performed according to the condition.

What is the use of hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy can not only determine the location, size, appearance and scope of intrauterine lesions, but also carefully observe the tissue structure on the surface of the lesions, and perform biopsy and positioning under the instructions of hysteroscopy diagnosis and curettage, It improves the accuracy of diagnosis of intrauterine diseases and makes up for the shortcomings of traditional diagnostic methods. More importantly, hysteroscopy plays an important role in detecting endometrial cancer, especially when the cancer is limited to the mucosal surface.

Precautions before examination

1. Hysteroscopy is usually performed 3-7 days after menstruation is clear, but it is not absolute. For example, patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding can also choose to perform hysteroscopy at a time when the amount of bleeding is small, so that it is easier to find the cause of bleeding. It should be noted that antibiotics should be given before and after hysteroscopy to prevent infection as appropriate.

2. During this menstrual cycle, sexual intercourse is prohibited before hysteroscopy to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

3. Perform routine gynecological examination before surgery to rule out contraindications such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease and vaginal inflammation.

4. Patients with severe heart and lung diseases need to fully evaluate their cardiopulmonary function and perform hysteroscopy only if there are no contraindications.

5. According to the doctor’s guidance, hold back urine appropriately when necessary to facilitate intraoperative B-ultrasound monitoring.

6. Patients who have had a history of uterine myomectomy or uterine perforation within the past 3 months should not undergo hysteroscopy.

Precautions after hysteroscopic surgery

1. Sexual intercourse and bathing in the tub are prohibited within one month after surgery.

2. Keep the perineum clean after surgery.

3. After hysteroscopic surgery, you should follow the doctor’s instructions anti-inflammatory and follow-up treatment.

4. Vaginal bleeding may occur after hysteroscopy due to wound bleeding, exudation, endometrial shedding and other factors. Generally, the bleeding time is 3-7 days, and the bleeding volume will not be greater than the menstrual volume.

5. If there is abnormal vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain worsens after surgery, you need to follow up as soon as possible.

6. Each patient’s specific condition is different. Follow the doctor’s recommendations for follow-up consultation after surgery and take corresponding treatment measures.

With the current development of society, the requirements for the medical industry continue to increase. The city's first hospital continues to carry out new projects to alleviate the pain of patients, so that patients can receive more effective, timely and accurate examination and treatment. Under the strict, meticulous and orderly management of the outpatient hysteroscopy room of No. 1 Hospital in the city, patients can not only receive formal, safe and effective diagnosis and treatment, but also have less trauma and faster recovery. It not only facilitates patients, but also improves the utilization of medical resources.

(Editor Bai Jin Zhao Jiangfang Correspondent Wang Li Assistant Editor Zhao Ye)