Yellow River News Network Datong News According to the decision-making and deployment of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee that "the third grade of high schools in the province shall prepare for the start of school on March 25", in recent days, all middle schools in Datong Ci

Huanghe News Network Datong News (Reporter Mu Shuai, intern reporter Zhao Ying) According to the decision-making and deployment of the Shanxi Provincial Committee that "the third grade of high schools in the province shall prepare for the start of school on March 25," in the past few days, all middle schools in Datong City have strictly followed The Shanxi Provincial Party Committee's "Ten In Place" requirements require a number of measures to be taken, including fully closed management, disinfection and cleaning, staggered meals, small class teaching, dispersed accommodation, epidemic prevention material reserves, health management and other aspects, to ensure the opening of the third grade of high school. .

On the morning of March 25, Senior students of Datong No. 3 Middle School returned to school one after another. It is understood that in order to avoid crowding of students, the school adopts a staggered return method for students, starting at 6:30 in the morning, and entering the school in five batches. When entering the school, students must enter the temperature measurement channel specified in advance to have their temperature measured. Only when the temperature measurement is normal can they enter the school. After arriving at school, students will have their temperatures taken in batches at the door of the apartment under the leadership of their class teacher. Those with normal body temperatures will enter the apartment, claim their beds, and learn about the apartment management system. During the interview, the reporter learned that after entering the school, teachers and students will be under fully closed management. Except for health, epidemic prevention and other staff who can enter and exit with certificates approved by the school’s epidemic prevention leading group, other personnel are not allowed to enter or leave.

The relevant person in charge of Datong No. 3 Middle School said that during the epidemic prevention and control period, the school specially established an inspection team for the resumption of senior high school grade, with the grade director as the leader of the inspection team and the deputy director as a member. Full supervision and inspection of food, accommodation, disinfection and protection will be carried out. In addition, an in-school inspection team for the return of senior high school students during the epidemic prevention and control period has been established, with the principal as the leader of the inspection team and other school-level leaders and middle-level managers as members to manage and supervise on-campus teaching activities and daily life matters during the closure period. .

During the interview, the reporter found that students and parents have given a high degree of cooperation and support to various measures during the epidemic prevention and control period. "Today is the first day of school resumption. I wasn't worried at first, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect the school to be so meticulous and notify parents of the precautions for admission and the regulations after class resumption. Now we feel at ease. We will do our best to cooperate in the future,” said the student’s parent, Ms. Wang.

Today’s official resumption of classes also relieved the long-awaited senior high school students. Student Wang Yuheng said: "School finally started today, and my anxiety has been relieved to a great extent. In the last 80 days or so, I will study hard and work hard to meet the college entrance examination in the best condition."