In the 2020 "Jinpingguo" comprehensive competitiveness ranking of China's higher vocational colleges released some time ago, Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College of Jinneng Holdings Coal Industry Group ranked first in the country in coal technology majors, and ranked firs

In the 2020 "Jinpingguo" comprehensive competitiveness ranking of China's higher vocational colleges released some time ago, Jinneng Holding Coal Group Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College ranked first in the country in coal technology majors, and mine surveying The major ranks third in the country.

The predecessor of Datong Coal Vocational and Technical CollegeDatong Mining Bureau Staff College was founded in 1975. At that time, Datong Mining Bureau began to implement the talent training model of "work-study, work-study alternation". After the establishment of Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College in 1999, it has improved quality and added value, and has made significant progress in professional construction, teaching reform, and skill improvement.

Keep up with the pace of transformation to achieve multi-professional development

Sponsored by coal enterprises, it is named after Coal Vocational and Technical College. Over the past 46 years, Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College has closely followed the development of the coal industry, highlighted industry characteristics, focused on industry needs, and found the correct positioning of the school. It has trained a large number of skilled talents for the development of the coal industry, and has been rated as "National Coal Mine Safety Training Demonstration Base", "Excellent Teaching Unit of the Whole Coal System", "Shanxi Province's First Batch of Coal Mines to Transform Recruitment into Enrollment of Professional Oriented Training" and "Shanxi Provincial Coal Enterprise Staff Education Base".

In recent years, with the strong support of enterprises, Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College has taken professional construction as the starting point to optimize the professional layout and achieve effective docking of professional settings with the needs of economic and social development and industry transformation and upgrading. From 2019 to 2020, the college has added 5 new majors, including industrial robots, drone technology, and traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation technology.

Currently, the college offers a total of 38 higher vocational majors in 12 categories, covering multiple professional fields such as coal, electric power, finance, coal chemical industry, construction, and medicine, realizing the integration of coal and non-coal majors.

The college adheres to the common development of multiple majors, enhances the capabilities of the professional service industry, and comprehensively improves the level of education and teaching and the quality of talent training. To "strengthen" resource development majors such as coal mining technology and coal chemical technology, to develop "fine" mechatronics technology, computer application technology and other manufacturing electronics majors, and to "live" power plant thermal power devices, photovoltaic power generation technology and applications and other construction energy Professional, doing "fine" accounting, e-commerce, tourism English and other financial service majors.

Deepen the modern apprenticeship system Achieve "entry into school immediately after joining the company"

At the training base of Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College, Yu Zhonghou, a "big man" from the Mechanical and Electrical Management Department of Jinneng Holdings Coal Group, is standing on the podium to express his sentiments Bingmao teaches a coal mine power supply course, with 82 students from the 2018 apprenticeship class of the mechanical and electrical engineering department of the college sitting below. Ren Ti and his companions were sitting in the audience, listening to the explanation and trying out the operations. "It's very interesting and practical!" Ren Ti said.

Unlike traditional technical college students, Ren Ti is an employee of Jinneng Holdings Coal Group.

In May 2019, the pre-integration Tongmei Group was included in the list of "Industrial-education Integrated Enterprises to be Cultivated by Priority Key Construction". As the only company selected in the coal industry, the group actively promotes the modern apprenticeship system and continuously deepens school-enterprise cooperation. Using Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College as a carrier, it systematically summarizes the successful experience of implementing the "transforming recruitment into enrollment" system and continuously promotes the integration of enrollment and recruitment. system, draw lessons from the traditional coal "master-apprentice" talent training model, and establish a new pattern of vocational education talent training with the characteristics of the coal industry in which enrollment is recruitment, class is on the job, and graduation is employment, and explores the creation of a "student The four-in-one talent training model - apprentice - quasi-employee - employee.

"Skilled craftsmen and industry masters with rich experience in the production line of the enterprise come to the class to teach the practical operation of coal cutting machines and tunnel boring machines in the form of small class teaching. The content students learn is more down-to-earth." Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College said Yuan Huijuan, director of the Mechatronics Teaching and Research Section of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Yuan Huijuan introduced that after passing the assessment, students with excellent results can also receive material rewards from the company. The company's assessment of each student's performance also provides a reference for school teachers' evaluation of students, realizing dual management of students by the company and the school.

Yuan Huijuan believes that the new apprenticeship pilot is very different from the traditional school-enterprise cooperation. Setting teaching tasks based on the company's work content, designing teaching content based on job requirements, cultivating and cultivating talents based on corporate culture, and building a new apprenticeship system with the "teacher + master" dual mentoring system as the core to achieve school talent training and corporate needs seamless connection.

Continuously improve professional settings and expand the training market

In the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition held on November 7, 2020, Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College once again made the list. Two teams from the college tied for the first prize in the junior college group, and all six students who participated were eligible to advance to bachelor's degree without taking exams. This isn't the first time the college has excelled in the competition. In the 14th Vocational College Skills Competition in Shanxi Province, students from this college won the second prize for the embedded technology application development and software testing technology project groups, and the third prize for the construction engineering drawing recognition and mine disaster emergency rescue projects; in the country In the Coal College Skills Competition, students from this college won the third prize in the digital mine monitoring technology project.

In recent years, Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College has adhered to the concept of "promoting teaching through competition, promoting learning through competition, promoting construction through competition, and integrating competition and teaching", continuously strengthening the cultivation of students' practical abilities and vocational skills, and encouraging students to actively participate in various national Level and provincial skills competitions to improve professional practice levels. The impressive results achieved by

in major competitions have also attracted more companies to join forces with Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College to deepen the integration of industry and education. At present, the college has cooperated with many companies in order training, internship and research and development, production and operation, and school-enterprise cooperation in the development of teaching materials.

"The college follows the one-enterprise-one-one-customization model to integrate majors into industrial development and schools into corporate development. Currently, we have piloted with to promote school-enterprise cooperation in the fields of supply chain, e-commerce operations, electrical and automation. Cooperated with Zhongxing Education to build the 'Zhongxing Xinsi' training base, co-organized MB special classes with Foxconn (Taiyuan) Company, co-organized Shangkun classes with Beijing Shangkun Education Holding Group , and co-organized with Beijing Century Wanan "Testing talent technical class." Yang Mingming, director of the Academic Affairs Office of Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College, said, "Integrate job capabilities into the talent training process so that students can master the core professional knowledge necessary to perform their duties and become proficient in the core operations necessary for the job. skills, which will bring a win-win situation to students and schools.”

In the next five years, Jinneng Holdings Coal Group will take advantage of the vocational education reform to continue to improve professional settings, deepen the “education + industry” school pattern, and improve students. Through echelon training, we strive to build Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College into a leading vocational school in the national coal industry, contributing to the cultivation of highly skilled craftsman talents for the country and enterprises. (Text/Wu Ling Hu Xiaojing Editor/Kong Xiannan)

(Reprinted from: China Coal News)