Generally speaking, there are many upsets every year. For example, last year, Sun Yat-sen University was suspended in many provinces, and the ultra-low admission lines of Xiamen University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology made many candidates regretful.

After the college entrance examination ends every year, candidates are most concerned about the admissions process of various colleges and universities. Generally speaking, there are many upsets every year. For example, last year, Sun Yat-sen University was discontinued in many provinces. Xiamen University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology had ultra-low admission lines, which made many candidates regret. But when it comes to the most eye-catching ones, I am afraid they are two schools that are not well-known. Beibu Gulf University in Guangxi and Shanxi Datong University in Shanxi. Beibu Gulf University's four majors are enrolled in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and they are recruiting both arts and sciences. The enrollment plan is 423 people, but no one applied! In my memory, this should be the only one since the college entrance examination was resumed in 1978! Shanxi Datong University enrolled 600 students according to the first-line plan, but only 57 students were recruited, which is also surprising.

Regarding the enrollment situation of Shanxi Datong University, some people think that the school does not do enough publicity, while others think that the candidates are too stupid to recognize Datong University. Let’s analyze this school today.

In Shanxi Province, the total number of students taking the college entrance examination in 2021 is close to 320,000, which is average in the country. But when it comes to colleges and universities in Shanxi, there doesn’t seem to be much to offer. Except for Shanxi University and 211 Taiyuan University of Technology , which were just selected as double first-class this year, the other schools are not very famous. As a famous historical and cultural city, Datong also has a home-grown undergraduate institution---Shanxi Datong University. In terms of fame, it is not as famous as the city where it is located, Datong.

Shanxi Datong University was established in 2006 by the merger of Yanbei Normal College, Datong Medical College, Shanxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College, and Datong Vocational and Technical College. The history of the school can be traced back to the founding of Datong Coal Industry School in 1950. Even now, the school has a history of more than 70 years.

The school now has 23 colleges including the School of Mathematics and Computer Science, the School of Business, the School of Engineering, and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and an affiliated hospital, including 11 disciplines such as economics, education, and law. It is a provincial comprehensive university. University.

From the national rankings, the school ranks 338th in 2021 and eighth in Shanxi Province. From 2013 to 2022, the school's overall ranking has remained stable outside 300.

From 2019 to 2021, the Ministry of Education launched a double-thousand plan to build about 10,000 national-level first-class undergraduate majors and about 10,000 provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors. This plan is for all types of universities across the country to build first-class undergraduate majors in different types of ordinary undergraduate universities and encourage classified development. The essential difference between this plan and double first-class is that it targets ordinary undergraduate colleges and involves more professional points.

In the Double Ten Thousand Plan list announced in 2020, Datong University has a total of 3 majors selected as provincial first-class undergraduate majors, namely physical education, Chinese language and literature, and mining engineering. These majors will enroll students in the first line in some provinces in 2021, and plan to enroll about 600 people. As a result, the number of candidates who filled out the application was less than 60, and they almost had their heads shaved, which was shocking.

Datong University’s enrollment surge is mainly attributed to three reasons:

1 The school has made rapid progress in recent years, and the enrollment scale has continued to expand, but the school’s foundation is not enough.

Before the merger in 2006, several schools were junior colleges, and later became undergraduates. The institution has not been in operation for a long time at the undergraduate level, has no remarkable achievements, and has insufficient foundation. Everyone’s understanding of this institution has not completely changed. Especially Shanxi locals do not have high recognition of this school.

2 The majors recruited according to the first line are basically unpopular majors.

At present, Datong University is also working hard to promote the construction of "key disciplines", "provincial first-class majors" and "characteristic majors". The three majors of physical education, Chinese language and literature, and mining engineering are relatively unpopular. It is not easy to find a job in these three majors in some 985 and 211 colleges, let alone Datong University.Therefore, candidates have to consider their future jobs before applying for the exam. If they will be unemployed after graduation, who would be willing to apply for the exam?

3 The teaching staff has not yet caught up.

The school has 1,597 full-time teachers, 782 teachers with senior professional titles, and 301 doctoral teachers. The teaching staff has not yet caught up. Compared with other undergraduate colleges that have been established for a long time, There is still a big gap.


The core of a school is its strength. The construction of disciplines has not kept up. With the aura of "provincial first-class majors", rushing to recruit students according to one book is counterproductive. In the information society, parents and candidates are not fools. How can they be so easy to fool? If you don't have enough strength, what's the use of having a name? Therefore, it is not surprising that there are serious enrollment shortages in some universities in some provinces, or that the admission line is basically the first line in the province!

Our colleges and universities can calm down and practice their internal skills well. If you improve the teaching quality of students, improve the employment quality of graduates, the enrollment rate and other related work, they will naturally be recognized by candidates and parents.

To be fair, Shanxi Datong University still has some strength, but there is still a big gap between it and the first university. If we can face up to the gap, work hard to improve discipline construction, and pay close attention to the quality of students, the future is promising.

If your score reaches or exceeds the first-class score, are you willing to apply to Shanxi Datong University?