Enrollment brochure: In order to standardize school enrollment behavior and effectively protect the rights of school-age children to receive compulsory education, in accordance with the spirit of the "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Notice of the

Campus Style

Admission Brochure:

In order to standardize school enrollment behavior and effectively protect the rights of school-age children to receive compulsory education, according to the "Compulsory Education of the People's Republic of China" Law" and "Shanxi Provincial Department of Education's Notice on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in 2020 Notice" (Jin Jiaoji [2020] No. 5) spirit and the "Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools in the Compulsory Education Stage of Datong City in 2020" and the "Enrollment of Compulsory Education Stage Schools in Pingcheng District of Datong City in the Fall of 2020" Work Plan" The spirit of Pingcheng Zhengbanfa [2020] No. 21 document is now combined with the actual situation of the school to formulate the 2020 compulsory education school enrollment work plan.

1. Enrollment targets

School-age children in the school district who are six years old or older (born before August 31, 2014) and children of migrant workers.

2. Enrollment plan: six classes

3. Enrollment scope

1. Starting from Beijing-Baotou Railway in the north, to Xingyun Bridge in the south, from Yuhe West Road in the west, to Binhe Road in the east.

(specifically included communities: Yuecuiyuan, Dadufu, Yiyayuan, Shengshimingdu, Oasis, Huacheng, Shangfu, Longyuan, Longshengyuan, Yubeiyuan, Dongxindong District, Base Company Family Courtyard, People's Bank Family Courtyard, Commissioner's Building, ICBC Family Courtyard, Life Insurance Family Courtyard, Statistics Bureau Family Courtyard, Yanbei Labor Service Company Family Courtyard, Land Bureau Family Courtyard, Buildings 21, 22, and 24 of the former Administrative Office Courtyard)

2. Yongtai Street, Wuhan in the ancient city East of Dingjie.

4. Basic requirements for admission

Accompanying parents (or immediate family members) must have the same house and household in the school district, and the deadline is before June 30, 2020; second-hand houses in the school district must have the same house and household for more than one year, and the deadline is June 30, 2019 Recently. (Note: Immediate relatives refer to grandparents or maternal grandparents)

5. Information required for registration

(original and A4 copy)

1. Children of appropriate age with household registration in this district:

① " Resident Household Registration Book "

② Formal real estate procedures

③"Vaccination Certificate"

④"2020 Pingcheng District Primary and Secondary School Enrollment Information Registration Form"

(Formal real estate procedures include: house ownership certificate; real estate registration certificate; expropriation and resettlement procedures; notarization; new communities must submit formal handover And relevant evidence of meeting the conditions for moving in: formal house purchase contract, invoice, move-in notice, maintenance fund receipt, etc.;)

2. Children of migrant workers:

① "Resident Household Registration Book"

② "Residence Permit" issued by the police station within the jurisdiction 》

(the deadline is before January 1, 2020)

③Business and work-related procedures

④"Vaccination Certificate"

⑤"2020 Pingcheng District Primary and Secondary School Admission Information Registration Form"

6. Admission Methods

(1 ) In view of the current situation of students in the school district, in order to ensure that the entire admissions process is open, fair and impartial, the school will strictly conduct admissions in the following order based on the scale of the school.

The specific enrollment sequence is:

(1) School-age children who live in the same household in the school district and fully meet the basic requirements for admission;

① Accompany their parents in the same apartment and household;

② Accompany their grandparents or maternal grandparents in the same household and actually live there.

(Those accompanying grandparents must provide proof that both parents do not have a house issued by the Municipal House Transaction Ownership Registration Center and the Municipal Real Estate Registration Center)

(2) School-age children who live in the same household in the school district but do not have enough time;

(3) School-age children with a household registration in the district who have a house in the school district;

(4) School-age children with a household registration in the school district who have a house but not in the district;

(5) School-age children with a household registration in the district who have a house but no house in the school district;

(6) Foreigners Children of migrant workers.

(2) Children of military personnel stationed in the same army must submit family certificates issued by the political department at or above the regiment level and military officer certificates of their parents, etc. in the form of a name list to the urban district government, and they will be arranged to enroll in the nearest school in accordance with the relevant dual support policy.

(3) Children of doctoral students who belong to Datong City's Phoenix Talent Development Plan and have been reviewed and confirmed by relevant departments to be introduced can go through the admission procedures based on their parents' willingness to enroll.

7. Registration time and process

(1) The school will review the information on-site. Qualified students will be registered online for the first time by the school

1. From July 18 to July 20, parents will collect the "2020 Pingcheng District Middle School" at the school security office. Primary School Admission Information Registration Form" and fill it out truthfully.

2. From July 23 to July 25, the information of school-age children in the school district will be reviewed and centralized online registration will be conducted. From July 26 to July 27, the information of the children of migrant workers will be reviewed and centralized online registration will be conducted.

Registration method: The guardian will lead the school-age children to bring the originals and copies of the required registration materials and the "2020 Pingcheng District Primary and Secondary School Admission Information Registration Form" to the school to get a registration number.

Time: 8:00 am - 11:00

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

3. On July 29, students in the area who have not participated in the registration will conduct centralized re-examination and re-reporting.

Submission location: No. 8 Primary School in Pingcheng District.

(2) Parents of students register online and complete other relevant registration information

After passing the preliminary examination, parents log in to the "Datong Basic Education Network Compulsory Education Stage School Enrollment Platform" (http://dtzkkw.czbanbantong.com:5080/index. jsp) to register online and complete the student information. The initial password is: dt12345; or you can log in using your mobile phone to complete it (the phone number you left during pre-registration will receive the system registration information), and confirm after careful review.

(3) School online review

(4) School online admission

Parents can check the admission results through the "Datong Basic Education Network Compulsory Education Stage School Enrollment Platform". After being admitted, parents are required to arrive at the school at 8:30 a.m. on August 2 and bring valid documents (household registration book or residence permit) to the school on time to receive their children's admission notice (cannot be collected on behalf of others).

(5) Registration for new students.

New students will register on September 8th. The school organizes balanced classes. Our school will carry out balanced class placement and sunny seating arrangement for all freshmen. At that time, some parents and people from all walks of life will be invited to participate in supervision. The class placement results will be announced on the spot to ensure that the process is open and transparent and the results are fair and just.

specially reminds

1. Due to the impact of the epidemic, parents and children are required to wear masks when arriving at the school for the initial inspection. Scan the health code at the school gate, check the body temperature, check the registration information, and then line up in the lobby on the first floor of the school to wait for verification.

2. Parents who have been to medium- and high-risk areas such as Beijing in the past 14 days, please contact us by phone or WeChat to postpone on-site registration. The specific registration time will be notified by phone.

3. Each child can only apply to one school, so parents please fill in carefully.

School consultation phone number: 2993290

Education Bureau consultation phone number: 5061212