From yesterday's press release from Xinhua News Agency to today's detailed introduction by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin in response to reporters' questions, we can find that the topics of this call are very wide, covering bilateral, multilateral and even global chall

Direct News: The heads of state of China and France had a phone call on the afternoon of the 16th and reached a series of important consensuses. Mr. Guan, what are your observations on this?

Special commentator Guan Yao: As five permanent members of the United Nations and as global powers, the phone call between the two heads of state at the height of the Winter Olympics was not a ceremonial diplomatic call in the general sense. From yesterday's Xinhua News Agency press release to today's detailed introduction by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin in response to reporters' questions, we can find that the topics of this call are very wide, covering bilateral, multilateral and even global challenges. A series of consensus results were reached. As Wang Wenbin particularly emphasized, the phone call sent a positive signal for the development of China-France and China-EU relations. We hope that in the process of comprehensively implementing and deepening the consensus of the heads of state, these positive signals can be transformed into continued assistance in promoting China-France and China-EU relations.

Of course, the outside world is paying most attention to the direction of China-EU relations. A big background is that the world has entered a period of turbulent change under a situation that has not seen major changes in a century. The United States continues to promote the so-called alliance strategy of small courts and high walls, and regards China as its primary strategic opponent. Europe has become the target of the United States' efforts to win over. Biden made Europe the first stop on his first foreign trip after taking office, shouting "America is back" wherever he went.

During this phone call, the French and Yuan capitals agreed to promote the ratification and entry into force of the China-EU Investment Agreement . We know that it has been more than a year since the agreement was signed, and it has not yet been approved and entered into force, let alone implemented. This is quite abnormal, and of course there are internal European concerns. resistance, but in my opinion, the greater resistance comes from US intervention. When the agreement was about to be signed, and before the Biden team entered the White House, Sullivan, the president-elect's national security adviser, made a cross-ocean call to Europe to block the signing, demanding that the signing be cancelled.

In fact, a series of frictions and disputes between China and Europe in cutting-edge technological fields such as Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and even 5G are all inseparable from the behind-the-scenes intervention and promotion of the United States. The United States instigated the establishment of a transatlantic dialogue mechanism at the deputy ministerial level to specifically discuss so-called China-related issues. Therefore, in this context, as the rotating presidency of the EU , Macron has reached a consensus with the head of state of China, agreeing to fully promote the positive agenda of the EU and China, promote the success of the China-EU leaders' meeting, promote the ratification and entry into force of the China-EU Investment Agreement, etc. etc. These positive signals are of great practical significance and demonstrate that Europe, which follows the path of independent diplomacy, especially a major European country like France, attaches great importance to its own independence. The motivation and momentum for China-EU relations to overcome challenges and uncertainties and move forward are there. Basic.

Of course, this is also a wake-up call. Small countries such as Lithuania that are still obsessed with dreaming about kidnapping the entire European Union to resist China should give up as soon as possible.

Direct News: The heads of state of China and France also discussed the situation in Ukraine. The Chinese leader once again emphasized that a comprehensive solution to the Ukrainian issue should be sought through phone calls, dialogues and consultations. What do you think about this?

Special commentator Guan Yao: Xinhua News Agency's telegraph said that the two heads of state also exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine and other issues of common concern. The word "wait" is undoubtedly very imaginative. I have also noticed that the French side is worried about this. The word "etc." provides a footnote. The French presidential palace issued a statement yesterday saying that the two heads of state agreed to work together to promote a nuclear agreement with Iran .

At present, Russia and Ukraine are at war or in peace, which affects the nerves of the whole world. Observing this, the timing of the phone call between the heads of state of China and France is special. The 16th is the so-called "war day" predicted by US President Biden. Of course, this prediction is completely bankrupt. The French President also just ended his lightning attack on Moscow and Kiev last week. During the visit, the whole world was deeply impressed by the extra-long conference table where he faced Putin .

When exchanging views with the Chinese head of state, Macron will definitely inform the European powers of the progress and results of this wave of intensive diplomatic mediation.The Chinese head of state reiterated China's position, emphasized the general direction of political settlement, and urged to seek a comprehensive solution to the Ukrainian issue through dialogue and consultation. Please pay attention to the term "comprehensive". In my opinion, the essence of the Russia-Ukraine crisis includes both Ukraine's sovereignty issues and Russia's reasonable security concerns. The joint statement issued by the heads of state of China and Russia previously clarified the two global issues. The common position of the major powers is to oppose further eastward expansion of NATO.

As soon as the joint statement of more than 7,000 words between China and Russia came out, the impact and shock in the Western world was phenomenal. The editorial of the " Washington Post" even exclaimed exaggeratedly that this is how the two major countries, China and Russia, want to reconstruct the world. order. I believe that in communicating with the Chinese head of state, Markland will also strengthen his understanding of China's position.

I think it is also worthy of attention that not only the French president wants to discuss the Ukrainian issue with the Chinese head of state, but even the British Prime Minister also posted a message to President Putin on his Weibo account, and a Weibo dispute broke out between Britain and Russia over the Ukraine issue. The war of public opinion, the trend behind it, is something we should pay special attention to.

On February 16, in response to the British Prime Minister’s official Weibo post about the situation in Russia and Ukraine and calling out Putin, the Russian Embassy in China’s official Weibo posted two posts in response, saying that the so-called statement that “Russia is about to invade Ukraine” is ridiculous.

Zhi News: So in your opinion, why did the war of words between Britain and Russia over Ukraine break out on Chinese social platforms? What trend is conveyed behind this?

special commentator Guan Yao: blogger "Niu Tanqin" used a striking title today: I never dreamed that the war would actually start on Weibo. Of course, bloggers are also making fun of Biden's unreliable "war predictions." The British Prime Minister called on President Putin through his Weibo account, urging him to avoid making so-called "catastrophic mistakes" for his country. This prompted the Russian Embassy in China to follow up with a strong counterattack, and even quoted Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's remarks. A landmark accusation, accusing the UK of engaging in so-called "information terrorism".

Some Chinese netizens commented on the post and asked why the British Prime Minister went to Weibo to shout to the Russian President? Putin is not on Weibo and does not understand Chinese. Why is the British making such a fuss? I can give an answer here. The British Prime Minister's Weibo statement is a well-designed one that responds to the situation. It is a statement to Chinese netizens in the same way as a statement to the Russian head of state. It is an attempt to influence and even win over Chinese public opinion on the Ukrainian issue. The resolute counterattack of the Russian Embassy in China follows this idea. This is the real background of the Russian-British public opinion war on Weibo. It can be expected that similar confrontations will continue to be staged on Chinese online platforms in the future.

Major countries are increasingly moving to the center of the world stage. This is an unstoppable process of the times. This of course means that more and more hot and difficult issues in the world need to be solved, requiring the intervention and response of China's Voice, China's Wisdom, China's Solutions. Macron had a phone call with the Chinese head of state to discuss the Ukraine issue at a sensitive time, and a Weibo war broke out between the British Prime Minister's account and the Russian Embassy in China, which reaffirmed this general trend.

So I would also like to ask here, as citizens of a major country that is increasingly moving to the center of the world stage, are we fully mentally prepared, capable, and even intellectually prepared for this? The General Secretary is here to tell China’s stories well and spread China’s voice well. As far as the outside world is concerned, telling their stories and spreading their voices to the Chinese public and the Chinese public opinion field will probably become more and more urgent in the future. strategic needs.

Author | Guan Yao, special commentator of Shenzhen TV's "Live Broadcast of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan"