Today, according to a report brought by the authoritative American reporter Landon Buford, the famous reporter who has previously contributed to the three major sports websites in the United States, including "USA Today" revealed that the Eagles and Jazz are in serious discussion

Beijing time on June 16, NBA once again received news of a blockbuster deal. The Hawks and Jazz are expected to reach a crazy multi-player operation.

Today, according to a revelation brought by the authoritative American journalist Landon Buford, the famous journalist who has previously contributed to the three major sports websites in the United States, including "USA today" revealed that the Eagles and Jazz are in serious discussions to complete the inside line. In a big deal, the Hawks may package Collins, Capela and this year's No. 16 pick in a deal to get Gobert, each side getting what they need.

This season the Hawks entered the playoffs . They struggled to win the two play-off games, but then they were eliminated in the first round, and the third scorer in the entire team was Capela. Capela averaged 11.1 points and 11.9 rebounds per game in the regular season. The 28-year-old inside leader has a strong offensive ability and shot 61.3% from the field this season.

When Capela was with Harden in his peak season, he averaged 16.6 points, 13 rebounds and 1.5 blocks per game, and his shooting percentage was as high as 65%. When he was with the Rockets , he once scored an incredible performance of 23 points and 25 rebounds in 30 minutes of play. He also had 29 points and 21 rebounds. He was definitely the NBA's number one pie king, although he didn't have any shooting. Ability, but the ability to eat cakes is too strong.

Another Collins is a well-known insider trained by the Hawks. This person was once called the little thick eyebrow brother. He has excellent offensive ability and averaged 16.2 points and 7.8 rebounds per game this season. In his peak season, he averaged 21+10 per game and shot 40% from three-point range. This season he also hit 31+12.

Previously, Collins and the Hawks reached a five-year super contract of 125 million. Capela's contract with the team was 5 years and 90 million. The two together reached 215 million in five years. Collins is obviously more versatile than Capela and has a three-point shooting ability. The Hawks wanted to exchange these three chips for Gobert, but Gobert was exposed to be asking for a relatively high price. With these three chips, the Jazz felt a bit disadvantaged.

In terms of salary, the two sides can be perfectly balanced. Gobert has a five-year, 200 million contract, which is the largest contract in the history of a center. His advantage lies in defense. In his short career, he has been selected as the best player three times. Defensive player, and has entered the NBA All-Defensive Team first team 5 times. After 5 defenses and 3 DPOYs, Gobert's defensive ability has been recognized, so the Jazz want to increase the price of medicine. Because they feel that Gobert's ability to protect the rim is far better than Capela's, and his ability to eat cakes is no worse than Capela's. They obviously think that the Hawks' current chips are not enough to impress them, and the point is that there are not many guards in the East who can train Gobert in the military. , the defenders who can target him are all in the West. But if he really reaches the finals, even if he is targeted, he has already made a lot of money. Now that Gobert and Mitchell have broken up, if the Jazz wants to keep Mitchell, Gobert will definitely be sold. .