When visiting Chongqing, you must visit a teahouse. Use a tureen to make tea, brew a bowl, and two or three friends lie on bamboo chairs and chat. Since ancient times, Chongqing has been said to have "many city gates, many temples and many teahouses". Old Chongqing people like to

When visiting Chongqing, you must visit a teahouse. Use the lidded bowl to make tea, brew a bowl, and chat with two or three friends while lying on bamboo chairs. Since ancient times, Chongqing has been said to have "many city gates, many temples and many teahouses".

Old Chongqing people like to drink covered bowls of tea.

The tea cover can also be used to hold the tea, which is convenient for cooling;

Everyone is climbing uphill,

sweating profusely, and mouth is dry.

Looking for a place to rest, drinking a bowl of tea is naturally the first choice.

As for the humidity and coldness in Chongqing in winter, a cup of warm tea is needed to ward off the cold.

This weekend coincides with the rare sunshine.

The tea culture of old Chongqing is still continuing.

Good weather, old teahouses, slow life,

everything is just right, waiting for you to come.

The most "flavorful" old teahouse: Jiaotong Teahouse

Jiaotong Teahouse is located on Huangjueping Main Street. It is the only teahouse in Chongqing that maintains the style of the 1970s and 1980s. The teahouse is small, with an old-fashioned wooden frame structure, uneven beams, gray-black bricks and mottled walls, giving it a unique sense of age. I have been to the Traffic Teahouse many times on the weekend, taking different friends there, and the unified conclusion is: full marks.

Business hours: 6:30 am - 11:00 pm

Tea types: ordinary green tea, chrysanthemum tea, jasmine tea, Tuocha , Biluochun .

price: Ordinary tea (green tea, Tuocha, etc.) is generally 2 yuan per cup, and flower tea (chrysanthemum, jasmine) is 3 yuan per cup, with a cap of 3 yuan and unlimited refills.

Features: The best-preserved old teahouse in Chongqing, it can be called "the oldest teahouse in Chongqing". It is a popular place for literary and artistic young people and is favored by film directors.

Weekend Jun Tip: If you only take photos without drinking tea, pay the boss 5 yuan and take any photos yourself.

The cleanest Hanlin Old Teahouse: Ciqikou Teahouse

The old teahouse in Ciqikou, with its old tile-roofed houses, old courtyards, mottled wooden stigmas, weathered stones, and old store banners, all reveal the eternity of time. Go 20 meters from the Ciqikou gate and turn left, you can see the four characters "Hanlin Tea Garden". The owner's surname is Cao, and it is said that he is a descendant of Hanlin. While drinking tea here, you can enjoy flowers, recite poems and paint, and listen to the boss tell the story of "paoge" and the "secret code" contained in the tea bowl. Don't get distracted, I will talk about the secret code later on.

Business hours: 9 a.m. --- 8 p.m.

Tea types: Ordinary green tea, black tea, Tuocha, Bamboo Leaf Green, Biluochun, and various scented teas.

Price: Ordinary tea (green tea, Tuocha, etc.) is generally 10 yuan a cup, scented tea (chrysanthemum, jasmine) is 10 yuan a cup, and fine tea ranges from 15 yuan to 25 yuan. Features of

: When drinking tea, you can enjoy flowers, recite poems and paint, and listen to the story of "Brother Pao" told by the boss.

The most unusual old teahouse: People's Park Baba Tea

Baba Tea at the entrance of Jiefangbei People's Park was opened as early as the 1980s. It is one of the few unusual old teahouses. There is a flower and bird market nearby. , old people often come here to walk birds; in the afternoon, children after school often come here to do homework and play. I believe that on weekends, if you have nothing to do, you can sit here for a long time in the warm winter sun, and you can feel the most Chongqing and purest leisure life.

Business hours: 8 in the morning - 9:00 in the evening

Tea types: Tuocha, various scented teas, ordinary green tea, black tea, Tieguanyin , etc.

price: brings its own tea for 3 yuan; a cup of Tuocha tea costs 5 yuan; scented tea and green tea 8-10 yuan. Features of

: is an open-air teahouse with green trees, constant singing of birds, and pleasant environment.

The most literary old teahouse: Changting Tea Garden

The "Changting Tea Garden" in Jiefangbei is one of the few old teahouses that has been preserved since before liberation. It was first built in the 1920s, and since then, this tea garden has always been a popular place for Chongqing people to drink tea and chat.If you want to have a more interesting weekend, you must come and sit.

Business hours: 8 am - 9 pm

Tea types: Tuocha, ordinary green tea, black tea. Features of

: has one of the longest histories. Drinking tea and enjoying the scenery is unique.

The most popular old teahouse: Shenxian Teahouse

"Shenxian Teahouse" at No. 83 Houci Street, a small store, old wooden tables, several sets of bowls, a few old people passing the time, chatting about ancient and modern times, with long beards story. The teahouse is small. There are only four small tables in one room and two are placed in the dam outside the shop. There are not many teagoers and they all know each other. Even those who have moved away still miss the taste here and come back every day. Drink tea and chat, sit there for three or two hours before leaving, why not try to blend in with the old neighbors and listen to their family stories.

Business hours: 9 in the morning - 5 pm in the evening. Tea types: Tuocha, all kinds of scented tea, ordinary green tea, and black tea.

price: Tuocha 1.5 yuan a cup; green tea, scented tea, etc. 2 yuan a cup.

Features: The most traditional tea bowl, following the traditional teahouse style, only drinking tea and chatting, not drinking and playing cards.

There is a saying

"Appreciate the style of Paris in a cafe, and appreciate the style of Chongqing in a teahouse."

If you are a true fan of old teahouses,

you must understand these routines!

Teahouse code

The lid of the cup is turned upside down and tilted on the edge of the cup, indicating that water needs to be added.

(I said silently, "Boss, add some water.")

There was a small thing placed on the tea lid, indicating that you should not close the table if you leave temporarily.

(Don’t put valuables on it)

Turn over the tea lid and put it into the tea bowl, which means you want to pay and leave.

(Don’t slide your hands to put the tea lid in, it will be embarrassing)

The tea lid standing on the edge of the cup means that you have forgotten the money and you have to pay it on credit next time.

(Just ask you whether the rules of our old teahouse are upright?)

Let’s go,

The weather is nice on the big weekend

Have a dip in the authentic old teahouse,

Lie on the bamboo chair and brag and complain,

I will ask you on the weekend ,

What is Bashi? What is comfort?


Article source: Where to go in Chongqing on weekends

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