Named after PanKoKo, which is a homophone for "fragrant" in Taiwanese, the butcher shop will have been fragrant in this deep alley for three years next January. Its reputation has already spread among the gourmet circles, and it has become a pocket list that is not shared casuall

Miss Japanese Yakiniku? Let’s go to Tainan. Opposite Chihkan Tower there is a hidden version of a roasted meat restaurant that says “the smell of meat is not afraid of deep alleys” and even Google experts can’t tell the way. This "㕩Butcher Shop" ("㕩" sounds the same as "fat") advertises "Buy Hida beef one by one". In addition to having excellent quality Japanese Wagyu beef, it also provides very meticulous grilling services, which can solve the problem of not being able to go abroad. Japanese nostalgia.

is named after PanKoKo, which is homophonic for "fragrant" in Taiwanese. The butcher shop will have been fragrant in this deep alley for three years next year (2021). Its reputation has already spread among the gourmet circles, and it has become a pocket list that is not shared casually. , because there are only 23 seats in the whole store, it is hard to find a seat, and you will not be able to get it if you are late!

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⇑ The bar area in the store.

⇑ Watching the craftsmen’s BBQ up close reminded me of the classic dining experience in Muromachi and Kyden, Kyoto.

⇑ It is said that the store can use up one Japanese Wagyu beef in an average of two months, which is quite amazing.

That night, I took a taxi from the Jingying Hotel in Tainan where I was staying, and got off at the Hanlin Tea House opposite Chihkan Tower according to the recommendations on the Internet. In the late autumn night, with the dim street lights lightly sprinkling platinum-gold rain, I searched around according to the pictures. It’s a bit of a test of your determination to eat delicious food. After all, it’s past eight o’clock and we haven’t had dinner, so it’s inevitable that people will be a little impatient. It’s all my fault that this restaurant has too few locations and good business. I’ve made a reservation many days in advance. Even though it’s a weekday, I can only make a reservation for dinner at 20:40.

⇑ A rustic restaurant door.

I finally found it. It was an old house that had been tidied up and had a good taste. However, it was only half right to say that it was an old house because it was rebuilt on the ruins. The owner of the butcher shop spent a lot of effort to rebuild it. A wall dating back about 130 years from the Qing Dynasty has been preserved, and the imitation hut seen today was built on the original site. You will know this little story because I was arranged to sit at the bar. It was such a coincidence that the person who helped me cook the meat was Brother E. Later I realized how lucky I was. Not only could I hear the story first-hand, but I also tasted it. First class roasted pork!

⇑ When I thought I had reached a dead end, the very high-quality store signage gave timely guidance.

⇑ The 130-year-old old wall has been carefully preserved.

Opening the menu, there is a dazzling array of seafood and land ingredients. Just looking at the types and parts of the meat, you can tell that they are very particular about it.

American Angus Black beef, Australian Wagyu beef, Spanish Iberian pig... These can be said to be the top meat products used in many high-end Western restaurants, but they are rare, so I decided to go straight to other places and they are not easy to eat. I bought Hida Beef from one, and the parts of this Japanese Wagyu beef fill two pages. The names that cannot be understood literally are interesting to read, such as monk head, cucumber strips, fan meat, old glutton meat, summer meat. Dobrion... decided to tell the service staff what he liked and let them make professional recommendations.

Finally, I ordered the "Carp Tube with Rich Meat Fragrance" which is rare to eat outside. It is located on the outside of the beef hind leg and is composed of semitendinosus muscles. The meat is shaped like a tube. It is characterized by tender meat. Next, it is "unforgettable". "Seeking Diaphragm" is rare in the market because each cow can only take about six kilograms. It is an offal and has a special and strong beef aroma. Finally, there is the "Excellent Thick-cut Boneless Beef Short Ribs". The three kinds of meat are arranged into a pleasing meat plate, which is not inferior to Japan's high-end restaurants.

Oil flower Japanese Wagyu beef as beautiful as marble.

⇑ The meat is beautifully presented.

For such a precious meat, you can’t be sloppy in controlling the heat. He grilled it just right. Under his guidance, I tasted the original flavor first, and then tried to combine it with kombu, fresh mustard and various precious salts. Come and feel the chemical changes in your mouth. Every bite is so fascinating. The most impressive thing is that I can also taste the caramel aroma with the texture of sugar grains on the surface. This is an experience I have never had when eating roast pork in the past.

⇑ Fortunately, brother E helped to grill the meat for this meal, and the heat was well controlled.

⇑ The surface has some sugary crunch, which is a roasted meat texture that I have never experienced before.

⇑ The winter melon and lemon used to accompany the meal also taste good.

In addition to the Japanese wagyu that takes people straight to the clouds, the " apple puree kimchi" is also recommended to be eaten with meat, which has the effect of removing greasiness. In addition, if you want to feel full, "Ho! The fragrant Japanese wagyu butter" "Bibimbap" is not to be missed. Break up the orange egg yolks sprinkled with seven-spice powder and eat them. Add chopped green onions. This bowl of bibimbap with butter is fragrant but not greasy. I use this as the end of the meal. Quite satisfying.

⇑ Japanese Wagyu butter rice may seem ordinary, but the taste is not simple.

⇑ The refreshing apple puree kimchi is perfect for eating with roasted pork.

⇑ Ordered the shelled corn shoots to balance out the meat.

This meal not only warms the stomach, but also warms the heart. Looking at this store, everyone from the boss to the partners are young. What surprised me is that the overall service is very kind, attentive and appropriate. It lacks the cold and angular personality that young people often feel when opening a store nowadays. A few weeks after purchasing

, I accidentally found the instructions on the service fee on their Facebook menu. I got goosebumps. The service fee of this store is settled every month, and a fixed 20% will be allocated to give back to the society and donate. It is given to foundations or units in need, and 30% is generously shared with colleagues. When I thought back to the service I felt in the store at that time, I suddenly understood where that warmth came from.

⇑ Every master looks very impressive.

⇑ Professional cutter on a 130 year old wall.

㕩Butcher Shop Pankoko × Roast Meat Specialty Shop

Address: No. 36, Lane 317, Section 2, Minzu Road, Central West District, Tainan City