"This may be the most commonly said sentence among friends when shopping. According to Taiwanese media, Taiwanese pearl milk tea shop "Sunrise Tea" has even become the third catering brand to enter the Louvre after Starbucks and McDonald's.

"Would you like a cup of milk tea?"

This may be the most common sentence

said when friends go shopping.

Small, crystal-clear black pink circles are dancing in the tea drink that exudes a strong milk fragrance. Nowadays, traces of it can be found in every corner of the world.

According to Taiwanese media, Taiwanese pearl milk tea shop "Sunrise Tea" has even become the third catering brand to enter the Louvre after Starbucks and McDonald's.

The island's tea brand "Sunrise Chatime" is like a whirlwind sweeping across 6 continents and 41 countries and regions around the world. It can be said that Taiwan's tea brand spans the most regions. In July 2018, it entered the boutique store counter under the glass pyramid in the Louvre Square in Paris. On the left is Prada, opposite is Apple, and only Sunrise Tea is an Asian brand.

At the same time, another major pearl milk tea brand in Taiwan, "Chun Shui Tang", is also developing rapidly in Japan.

Regarding the origin of pearl milk tea, Chun Shui Tang and Hanlin Teahouse each hold different opinions. generally believes that there are two necessary conditions for the emergence of pearl milk tea: first, changing tea from a traditional hot drink to an iced drink; second, bringing snacks into tea, breaking the restriction of drinking tea without adding ingredients. In 1987, Chun Shui Tang added powdered rice balls to milk tea for the first time. Since then, pearl milk tea has become popular on the island, and has entered mainland China and Hong Kong, as well as the United States, Germany, Australia, Japan, Southeast Asia, and even Dubai in the Middle East.

Branding has become the key to the global marketing of bubble milk tea, and these beverage stores maintain a Taiwanese flavor. Take Sunrise Cha Tai in Paris as an example. The bright purple design of the store and the Chinese menu hanging on the wall include choices of sweetness and ice cubes, which makes the strong "Taiwanese flavor" come to your senses. Although the majority of customers are international students and local Chinese, for many foreigners, they maintain a sense of freshness about Asian culture and are willing to try it.

In Taiwan, the previous bubble tea shops have long been replaced by pearl milk tea shops, which have become synonymous with the general name of tea refreshing beverage shops. Pearl milk tea has also become one of Taiwan's tourist attractions, with an average of about 4,000 visitors a day., Every visitor to Taiwan must drink a cup of bubble milk tea. In 2004, the Taiwanese government even launched a propaganda campaign, shouting the slogan “Drink one less cup of bubble milk tea a week”!

It can be seen that pearl milk tea has a unique position in Taiwan.

★ Recommended reading ★

source | Global Times

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