A father in Brookfield Township, Ohio spent two years and about $30,000 building a "dream place" - a baseball field - for his 5-year-old son.

[Global Network Report Trainee Reporter Zhang Zeqi] Heartwarming! According to a report by CNN on the 9th, a father in the town of Brookfield, Ohio spent two years and about $30,000 to build a "dream place" for his 5-year-old son—— baseball field.

CNN report screenshot

CNN describes in detail the father's process of realizing his son's dream.

Son Suttle once asked his father, Jason Kidd, if he could build a baseball field in the backyard.

"Like other parents, Jason Kidd didn't take it seriously." CNN said.

"A few days later, I started thinking about it," Kidd told WFMJ. "I went out and measured it."

Kidd also said that he then cut down some trees and bulldozed a hill.

Jason Kidd at his home baseball field. Source: CNN

He began to build a baseball field. But the process has not been smooth sailing.

The planning department told WFMJ that a neighbor anonymously called their attention to the matter, but the town has no ordinance that prevents people from building baseball fields on their properties.

took two years and spent about 30,000 US dollars to complete the initial construction of the baseball stadium.

Although it's not the same size as a real baseball diamond, Kidd thinks it's the perfect place for his 5-year-old son to play baseball when he grows up. In addition, Kidder plans to install fencing, boundary poles and temporary lights.

The baseball stadium built by Jason Kidd Source:CNN

"If the baseball stadium is popular, maybe we can do some charity activities, organize family competitions or games, etc.," Kidd said. "(The baseball field) is really just for kids and even adults to come out and play ball."