Changjiang Daily - Beijing News on December 19 (He Fuli, Special Correspondent of Beijing-based Correspondent Ke Li) On the 19th, the red sun in Beijing reflected the white snow. In the solemn and elegant National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consult

Yangtze River Daily - Yangtze River Net Beijing News on December 19 (Reporter Ke Li and Special Correspondent He Fuli in Beijing) 19, the red sun reflected the white snow in Beijing, and in the solemn and elegant National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference auditorium, Wuhan's old model Wu Tianxiang was telling " The veteran cadres of Hubei Province told the story of the "China Story Propaganda Team", and the audience was full of people, and the audience burst into warm applause from time to time.

The Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a special report on the "Remain true to the original intention and keep the mission in mind - the advanced deeds of retired cadres" at the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Auditorium on the 19th. Among the 150 advanced collectives of retired cadres and 450 advanced individuals across the country, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China specially invited representatives of 2 advanced collectives (the Party branch of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Patriotic Education Base in Shanggang Xincun Street, Pudong, Shanghai, and veteran cadres from Hubei Province to give speeches Good China Story Promotion Group), 86-year-old retired cadre Ma Xu of the Second Retired Cadre Retreat Center in Wuhan, Hubei Province Military Region, 87-year-old retired professor Lin Tai from the Marx Chair School of Tsinghua University, 85-year-old Cui Daozhi, a famous bullet mark identification expert, Four advanced individual representatives, including retired principal Chen Liqun of Hangzhou, who went to the poverty-stricken areas in southeastern Guizhou to provide voluntary teaching, gave reports on their advanced deeds. Among the

6 speakers of advanced deeds, two are from Wuhan: one is the old model Wu Tianxiang, who took the stage to speak as a key member of the Hubei Province veteran cadres telling the story of China; the other donated tens of millions of his life savings to support education in impoverished hometowns Ma Xu, who has a great career, three days ago, as an advanced model among retired cadres across the country, also made a speech at the awards ceremony at the Great Hall of the People.

(The picture shows Wu Tianxiang’s file photo by reporter Qiu Yan)

Wu Tianxiang mentioned in the report that he has been donating blood for free for many years, jumped into the Yangtze River four times to save people, and helped needy sanitation workers sweep the streets for more than ten years; The house was sold for more than 2 million yuan, all of which was used to take care of orphans. The widow of a veteran of the Chinese Volunteer Army was also brought into the home to be raised as a godmother. The company wanted to give him a re-employment fee, but he said, "I want a penny, but I'm not worth a penny!" There was warm applause.

(The picture shows Ma Xu at the National Retired Cadres Advanced Collective and Advanced Individual Commendation Conference)

"Being able to repay the kindness of the party is the greatest happiness in my life." 86-year-old Ma Xu stood on the podium, his voice was clear and full of enthusiasm. The audience burst into warm applause. After donating 10 million yuan of her life savings to support education in impoverished hometowns last year, she has been invited to give more than 50 lectures across the country in the past year, with an audience of more than 70,000 people. "The more I speak, the more energetic I become!"

Yangtze River Daily - Yangtze River Online reporters made rough statistics at the scene: Wu Tianxiang and Ma Xu received a total of 25 rounds of applause for their reports.

[Editor: Huang Yating]