Wen | Wen'er "If you continue to play with the daughter of the community cleaner, you will be forced to stand outside the door for two hours and not allowed to enter the house." As soon as I arrived at my cousin's house, I heard my cousin severely scolding my 6-and-a-half-year-ol


"If you continue to play with the daughter of the community cleaner, you will be forced to stand outside the door for two hours and not allowed to enter the house."

As soon as I arrived at my cousin's house, I heard my cousin scolding the 6 and a half year old. niece. I said: "After all, you are also a graduate of a prestigious university. Why do you still look down on the cleaners? What kind of education concept do you convey to your children?" My cousin said: "It's not that I look down on the cleaners. Those who are close to red will be red and those who are close to ink will be black. For the sake of my daughter Growing up, I can only do this. My sister, the community cleaner, has a 6-and-a-half-year-old daughter. She wanders around the community all day long before going to school. She is often dressed slovenly and looks dirty. It is said that the child's father is always there. They often quarreled on the phone even when they were away.

Once my daughter brought this little girl home. The little girl didn’t take off her shoes or wash her hands. She just lay down on the sofa and picked up the table. He ate snacks and fruits, and didn’t even say hello when he saw me. Later, he even ran to hide and seek in my daughter’s room, hiding under the bed, in the bed, and in the closet, which made me clean everything up yesterday. The security guard came to me and said that this girl was there. My daughter and I made a mess in the mess area on the first floor, and I followed the security guard to clean it up. Just now, my daughter said that I would go to the girl's house to play with her. I couldn't help it anymore, so I said harsh words to my daughter, "Don't do it again." Stop playing with this girl.”

Parents have the responsibility to help their children choose friends and select friends who are beneficial to their growth

After hearing what my cousin said about the causes and consequences, I think my cousin did the right thing. I discussed this matter with many mothers around me, and everyone supported my cousin’s approach. It's okay to be poor, after all, no one is rich, but the tutor must be good. If the tutor is not good, even if his family is rich, don’t contact him.

①  Parents’ attitude towards their children’s friends has nothing to do with their family background, but everything to do with tutoring.

The reason why my cousin doesn’t want her daughter to play with this girl anymore is not because of her mother’s status as a cleaner, but because of family education. Not for the child, but for the environment. Most parents will not use family background to judge their children's friends. Children's world is simple. Children will be happy if they have friends they can play with, and their children will not care about each other's family background. Wise parents will also protect their children's innocence and kindness, and also carefully maintain the friendship between their children and their friends, so that their children can have more spiritual wealth. Therefore, if their children’s friends have good tutoring and upright views, most parents will support their children’s tutoring, no matter what their family conditions are.

②  Parents should play a role in screening their children's friends

It is precisely because children are simple, they are still young, and their understanding of many things is not comprehensive, so they need parents to guide them. The same goes for children making friends. Good friends will make the child grow, while bad friends may make the child take more detours. It takes a lot of effort for children to learn well, but it is easy to learn bad. For children, the guidance of parents and family is often not as good as the influence of friends around them. This is why Meng's mother moved three times, just to separate her children from bad people and environments.

You must know that people of the same kind flock together, and things are divided into groups. Those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. Children are easily led by the people around them. Once they learn something bad, it will be difficult to correct it. Therefore, as parents, we have the responsibility to distinguish for our children what kind of friends they should make and what kind of friends they should stay away from, and help their children select good friends and filter out bad friends. In this way, children can grow up healthily both physically and mentally under the guidance of good teachers and friends, and will not easily go astray.

No matter what the family conditions are, parents must pay attention to their children's home education from an early age.

Children with poor family education are not only prone to having no friends, but also encounter obstacles in interpersonal communication. Moreover, it is difficult to make a breakthrough in career, and tutoring has nothing to do with family conditions. Therefore, no matter what the family conditions are, parents must pay attention to their children’s family education from an early age.

Loving parents and creating a good family environment for their children: Loving parents and a harmonious family environment are the best education.The family environment is the foundation of education, so when a couple plans to have a child, they must carefully consider whether they can create a good family environment for the child. After having children, they must manage their relationship more seriously.

parents lead by example: parents are a mirror to their children and are also the best teachers. Children learn every bit of their initial behavior from their parents. If the parents themselves do not have tutoring, then it will be difficult for the child to become a well-educated, polite and likeable child. What kind of person do you want your children to become? What kind of person do you want your children to be?

③  Parents pay attention to their children's etiquette and family education: A tutor is the business card of a child and the family, and this needs to be cultivated from an early age. If parents pay attention to their children's etiquette family education since childhood, then their children's tutoring and cultivation will not be much different.

Children's education is shaped by family, environment and school, and every aspect cannot be taken lightly.

[Topic discussion: What do you think of the mother’s behavior in the article? 】

Senior nanny, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles, welcome to follow [Little Kid], you can find the answers here for everything you want to know about family education, mental health, child development, and fashion education!